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Slackware, Slax Archive

Get to Know Slackware 9.1

For almost a week now, I've been using Slackware 9.1 (RC-1 released today), and I am having a blast. Slackware doesn't have more than 6-8% of the Linux market these days, but it used to be one of the most-used distros back in the day. Today, many think of Slackware as a true classic, a thought that is often accompanied by a feeling that Slackware is not a user-friendly or an uber-modern Linux distribution. There is some truth in that statement, but there is always the big "But". Read on for our very positive experience with Slackware 9.1-pre. Update: In less than 24 hours since the RC-1, Slackware 9.1 RC-2 is out.

Happy 10th Birthday to all Slackware Fans

One of the oldest GNU/Linux distibutions, Slackware, is ten years away from it's v1.00. You could read the announcement here. Slackware has proven to be one of the most stable distros in these 10 years. It has clean design, and by rule avoids unnecessary changes to the prepackaged software. It's package management is elegant and fault tolerant. Slackware is also known to be the closest cousin to UNIX from all the Linuxes. We wish bright future and tons of new users to Slack!

Slackware Package Management, Part I: Anatomy of Slack Packages

If you ask a Slackware fan why she likes Slackware, she will probably mention Slackware package management as one of the features she likes. In what way does the Slackware package system differ from most other package managers? In one word: simplicity. In three articles I am going to cover some important aspects of Slackware package management. In this article I am going to show the anatomy of a Slackware packages. In part 2 and 3 I will cover the package tools and the process of creating a Slackware package.

Using Slackware Linux as a Live CD Toolbox

Linux Live CD's are very popular these days, especially since the inception of Knoppix. Live CD's are very useful as a plug and play Linux systems for schools who want to use Linux beside their normal operating system, but Live CD's are also useful for demo-ing Linux or to try if Linux works well on some machine. Another advantage of Live CD's is that it is more difficult to break things, after rebooting the Live CD you will have a completely fresh system.

Review: Slackware 9.0 at

"Seldom in life do you find things that are stable. That is especially true in the world of Linux, where software is ever changing (spend a day reading the kernel development lists if you don't think so). Slackware's commitment to releasing a stable operating system though, is one that has stayed true. Last week we saw the release of Slackware 9.0 and in true slack fashion, things are good, things are very good." Full Review.

Slackware Linux 9.0 RC-3 Available

Slackware Linux 9.0 RC-3 is now available: Changelog, mirror list, direct download dir. Updates include automake 1.7.3, Nautilus 2.2.2 and Mozilla 1.3, but the qt library was kept at 3.1.1: "This was recommended by several people as an important fix for Opera, but installing it causes all kinds of display problems with KDE (particularly with fixed fonts such as the one used by Konsole). If you care more about Opera than KDE, you might want to install this, otherwise it's probably a bad idea." Update: ISO download (nightly builds) can be found here or here or here.