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Rumors Archive

Microsoft Versus Java: The Next Frontier

"The struggle between Microsoft and Java advocates for the hearts and minds of application developers is moving to its next battlefield--and this is a phase in which the number of installed licenses could eventually outnumber everything else to date by an order or magnitude. In the rounds fought so far, Microsoft comfortably repulsed Java's aspirations to displace it on the desktop (at least for now). The struggle for the server looks likely to be an uneasy standoff between entrenched .Net and Java 2 Enterprise Edition camps. But on mobile devices, everything is still in play. The battle to be the platform of choice across this wide range of devices has barely begun, but it already looks like the primary candidates to cover a large portion of the space will be Microsoft .Net Compact Framework and Java 2 Micro Edition." Read more at InformationWeek.

Usability Shootout: MacOSX vs. WindowsXP

"Let's take an in depth look at the basic usability of these 2 OSes. Is it no longer true Macs are easier than PCs? Has Windows XP finally caught up with (and maybe even surpassed) Mac OS X? To get a little more clarity on this topic, I decided to look at the 2 OSes—Mac OS X 10.2 and Windows XP— in depth, and cover usability issues such as networking, windows and keyboard controls, voice feedback and voice recognition, the Dock vs. the Taskbar, Find/Search, Help, and much more." OSX scores 23 points against XP which scores only... 10. Read the article at WebMaster Mac.

Obsolete Microkernel Dooms MacOSX to Lag Linux in Performance

"Apple's quaint choice of a microkernel for Mac OS X means Linux will lead in performance on Mac hardware. BeOS implements its TCP stack in a user process, microkernel-style, and so does QNX. Both have notoriously slow TCP stacks." Read the article at LinuxJournal. Our Take: Oh, yeah, this is why Be rewrote the whole networking stack with many of its parts living in the kernel space and named the project "BONE". As for MacOSX lagging behind Linux, we should not be forgetting that Apple announced that MacOSX will sync with FreeBSD 4.x for MacOSX 10.2 while it will also sync with the next generation FreeBSD, 5.x, next year. Technically-speaking, FreeBSD 5.x is one of the most advanced operating systems one can find today (or tomorrow :).

Ask OSNews: What About Nemesis?

Klint Finley writes: "I have a question for the OS news community: There's been a lot of talk about "BeOS refugees" and analysis of various alternatives but one that I haven't read much discussion of is Nemesis. There was some brief commentary when OSNews ran a story on it, but that's about it. Nemesis already has Java and GTK support , which means it should be capable of running a lot of programs. Seems like the GIMP and Kino should run on it. And it has an Amiga/BeOS-ish UI and a slim microkernal. So why isn't anyone developing this? It needs more hardware support and stuff, but it's already much further along than BlueOS and OpenBeOS."

21st Century Tech Strategy War: Apple vs. Microsoft

"Who will rule the multimedia universe? Will it be Microsoft's Bill Gates, with his .NET strategy to turn the PC into the nerve center of every home, with tendrils reaching out to encompass everything from music to Web connections to digital video? Or will it be Apple's Steve Jobs, who intends for the Mac to serve as the digital hub for a variety of new and complicated consumer digital devices like cameras, scanners and MP3 players, to name but a few." Read the rest of the intersting analysis at Yahoo!

Lineo, LynuxWorks Respond to Microsoft Attack on Embedded Linux

At the end of November Microsoft posted a document on its Web site comparing the Windows XP Embedded and embedded Linux operating systems, with the emphasis on the technical and business inferiority of Linux. Embedded Linux distributors argue that the document not only distorts the value of Linux, but contains inaccuracies. Lineo, the embedded Linux company and one of the companies of which Microsoft is most critical, wrote a reply which is a point-by-point response to Microsoft's attack. Embedded Linux vendor LynuxWorks joined the growing chorus of responses to Microsoft's recent efforts to portray Embedded Linux as inferior to Windows XP Embedded from both technical and business perspectives. Read their reply at

Her Majesty Rocks No More With Penguins

In the latest NetCraft survey, the Queen of England has switched from Linux to IIS. Two years ago the Queen of England became an unlikely icon for the Linux revolution when her webmaster replaced Solaris as the platform for the Royal Family's site, with the Dell/Linux platform when the previous incumbent, Sun/Solaris, had reached the end of their life cycle. The open source community celebrated and speculated on when the Apache web server might receive the "By Royal Appointment" moniker. This week the site has changed platforms again, this time to Microsoft-IIS.