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Mandriva, Mandrake, Lycoris Archive

Mandriva SA cedes control to Mandriva community

"Just days after the Mandriva community started its own plans for the next release of the French Linux distribution, its commercial sponsor has formally announced that the community will take the lead on all Mandriva Linux development moving forward. In a blog post on the Mandriva SA site, CEO Jean-Manuel Croset ceded control of the Mandriva Linux distribution back to the community at large." Take 'r 'round the shed and put a bullet 'tween 'r eyes already.

Mandriva Faces Bankruptcy – Again

Somewhere in 2001, I bought a computer magazine which came with a Linux CD. I had heard of Linux before, but while we did have broadband back then and was technically capable of downloading a Linux distribution, this method was far easier. This was my first foray into Linux - it was Mandrake. Now, though, it seems the curtain has really dropped for the French Linux company.

Mandriva 2011 Linux Release Finally Comes

"While the Mandriva Linux distribution lost most of its charm when many of the developers left to form Mageia Linux and the remaining stakeholders switched to just doing one official release per year, the 2011 final release was published on Sunday. While Mandriva no longer carries the popularity it did in its early days or back in the Mandrake days, the 2011.0 release is an improvement. Mandriva 2011.0 provides the mandriva Package Manager (a new package manager under heavy development), MandrivaSync (a cloud service for Mandriva that's similar to DropBox, iCloud, and Ubuntu One), LibreOffice 3.4, and adopts the system service manager."

Mandriva To Start Distributing Flash Player

Unlike Apple and Microsoft, and despite numerous demands from their users, Linux distributions have been traditionally unable to directly ship the popular Adobe Flash Player with their packages, due to the closed source nature of the software and the restrictive license chosen by Adobe. While it does seems shorter than a regular EULA made by Microsoft with all the legalese that goes with it, it does still restrict redistribution in most cases, and the FAQ seemed to be clear about that point.

Community Asking Mandriva More Directions

Following the previous article on the Mandriva situation, the various users communities, notably the French and German ones ( among others, as there is more and more people who express their support with the initiative ) have issued an open letter to Mandriva SA about the future of the distribution, asking for clarification about the possible deal, and their impact on the community.

Mandriva in the Storm

It seems that the previous news about Mandriva SA being for sale have been more than simple rumors. Frederic Cuif* (incorrectly unaccented due to limitations in our CMS), active member of the French-speaking Mandriva User Group has summed up the various outcomes and proposed projects he found after contacting several key members of the company in order to gather information. The result of his investigation can be found on his blog, along with a detailed analysis of the Mandriva business model and the proposed outcomes, from a renewed interest in the distribution and the community from Linagora, potential buyer, to what could be the end of the Mandriva adventure if nothing is done. (Thanks to everybody who submitted this)

Mandriva S.A. For Sale

If there's one Linux company that has seen lots of ups and downs it's the Paris-based Mandriva S.A. They have a great distribution, but as a company, they've always been on shaky grounds. First a rumour, now confirmed: the company has put itself up for sale - which, as the community points out, isn't necessarily a bad thing.

First Glance at Mandriva Enterprise Server 5.1

Mandriva recently released an update to their Enterprise Server product line. This new version, 5.1, is focused on improving virtualization and providing easy-to-use administrative tools. According to Mandriva's website, the new Enterprise Server is compliant with Linux Standard Base 4.0 and comes with five years of support. The company has provided trial versions in the form of installation discs and VirtualBox images. For my journey into the Enterprise side of Mandriva, I downloaded an image for VirtualBox.

‘Mandriva Linux 2010 Alpha 1 Available for Download’

"Mandriva Linux 2010 Alpha 1 is now available on public mirrors. This first alpha is available only through Free version, 32 and 64 bits DVDs. This development release is the first one realized without mkcd, our historical build tool, but using bcd available also on Mandriva svn. This new tool should improve global quality of our release and make tests much easier and efficient... Final release of 2010 version is due the 21st of October."

Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring RC2 Released

The RC2 release of Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring (code name Estephe) is now available. This RC2 version provides some updates on major desktop components of the distribution, including KDE 4.2.2, GNOME 2.26, server 1.6, and kernel 2.6.29. This RC2 version proposes also nearly all of the 2009 Spring design. This version will allow you also to dump in a very easy way All available One hybrid isos on a USB key and then install Mandriva Linux on netbooks.

Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring Beta Released

The beta release of Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring (code name Margaux) is now available. This beta version provides some updates on major desktop components of the distribution, including KDE 4.2.0, GNOME 2.25.90, Xfce 4.6 RC1, server 1.5, OpenOffice.Org 3.0.1, qt 4.5.0 (RC1). This Beta version proposes step 1 of Speedboot. This should improve your boot time. It's not enabled by default. To test it, enter speedboot keyword at boot time. You can use Bootchart to test precisely effects on your boot time.

Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring Alpha 2 Released

The second pre-release of Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring is now available. This alpha 2 version concentrates on updating the major desktop components of the distribution, including KDE 4.2 RC 1, GNOME 2.25.4, Xfce 4.6 Beta 4, server 1.5, Python 2.6.1.The technical specifications are available. Alpha 2 also includes a complete rewrite of msec, the security framework of Mandriva Linux. This release also supports ext4.

Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring Alpha 1 Released

The first pre-release of Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring is now available. This alpha concentrates on updating to the major desktop components of the distribution, including KDE 4.2 Beta 2, GNOME 2.25.2, Xfce 4.6 Beta 2, server 1.5, and kernel 2.6.28 rc8. It is also the first distribution to introduce the major new Tcl/Tk release, 8.6. The alpha is available only in the DVD Free edition with a traditional installer and no proprietary applications; future pre-releases will add the live CD One edition with proprietary drivers. Please help test this first pre-release and report bugs to Mandriva.

A Sad/Happy Tale of Mandriva Community Decline/Growth

Controversy in the Mandriva world this afternoon. Vincent Danen is all doom and gloom, citing declining numbers of posts to mailing lists as evidence of a shrinking community. However, Javier Villacampa points out in the comments that the community is spreading out to different places, and Adam Williamson responds to Vincent, citing fast-growing numbers of users and posts on the official forums.