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Gifts, Contests Archive

Win a Free Copy of Beatware’s e-Picture PRO 3.0

e-Picture Pro 3.0 is the complete web graphics design application for users that want to jazz up their sites with refined graphics, animations and rollovers, including built-in text effects. With e-Picture Pro, you get a powerful still image and animation tool that can take your web graphics to the next level. Now, you can win a free copy of e-Picture Pro 3.0 (valued at $130) for Windows by entering the competition.

Win a Free Xandros Desktop 1.0 Copy

Xandros Desktop sets a new standard for Linux based desktop operating systems by delivering an environment and set of applications that allow you to install the system and get back to work. It is based on the pioneering direction of Corel LINUX OS which was recognized by both mainstream and Linux publications as a leader in making Linux accessible to desktop users. And today, it can be yours for free (a value of $99 USD)! Read more to enter the competition.

Win Three Free Copies of Moho 4.0.1

Moho is a 2D vector-based cartoon animation application for Windows and Macs, created by Lost Marble. It is not an ink & paint tool that requires you to draw and scan each frame of your animation - Moho provides the complete set of tools you need to create an animated cartoon, from drawing and coloring to keyframe animation, multi-layer compositing and final rendering of QuickTime and AVI movie files. Moho can be used to create animation for video, film, or streaming over the web and you can now be one of the three lucky OSNews readers to win a free, full copy of Moho 4.0.1.

Competition: Win a Free Copy of TheKompany’s Rekall

Rekall is a database front-end. It is not itself a database -- data is stored somewhere else, in an SQL server, and Rekall is fundamentally just a tool to extract, display and update that data (of course, it does lots more than that, it does forms and reports and scripting and so on). It is database agnostic, and does not have any preferred database in the sense that Access uses the Jet database engine. TheKompany is giving away a free copy of the packaged version of Rekall (normally costs $80 USD) to a lucky winner. Read more to participate to the competition!

Win a Free Copy of TuneTracker 2

The second big version of the professional radio automation system TuneTracker was just released June 1st and goes where no other has gone before, in more ways than one. For one thing, the TuneTracker System doesn't run under Windows. It uses the media-friendly Be Operating System. For another, it shatters all kinds of price-performance barriers for professional radio broadcasting software. "This rivals my (other station's) $15,000 system," says Mike Chandler of WOBS, Florida of the $149.95 TuneTracker System, who has been using the Beta version for months. "As a matter of fact, it has less hiccups." And now it can be yours! Read more on how you can win a free copy of TuneTracker 2! Update: The lucky winner is Daniel Mark! Congratulations Daniel!

Win a Free Copy of Pepper 4 for MacOS/Windows/Unix/Linux

Pepper is a great text editor for programmers whose main principle is to help its user be as productive as possible. A typical example of Pepper's innovations is the invention of the "Accelerator". The Accelerator allows you to enter text or code quickly with a simple keystroke. Hekkelman Programmatuur, the company behind Pepper, will give away for free a copy of Pepper 4 to a lucky OSNews reader. Pepper currently runs on MacOS/X, Windows2k/XP, while a release for Linux and FreeBSD (and possibly IRIX and Solaris) will be ready in the next few months. The winner will receive a "keycode" unlocking the software for all platforms. Read more to see how you can enter the competition. Update: Competition is now closed! Thanks everyone who participated!

Big Gobe Competition – Win a Free gobeProductive 3

Gobe Software recently announced the release of version 3.0.3 of gobeProductive, a free update for all 3.0.x versions. If you are a user of gobeProductive, you may upgrade by selecting "Check for Updates" from the 'Help' menu within gobeProductive. gobeProductive 3 is a great office suite for Windows and Gobe is so generous that is giving away 10 copies to 10 lucky OSNews readers, one copy every day for the next 10 business days! Total value of $1250 USD. Enter the competition now, read more how you can win.

GUI Olympics 2002 Officially Begins

The major skin sites and several tech news sites (including OSNews) have gotten together with Stardock to create the first GUI Olympics. It is the ultimate user interface design contest in which users from around the world can submit their WindowBlinds skins and represent the website of their choice. Stardock is putting up $10,000 in cash and prizes that will be distributed to 75 different award categories (which means that just submitting a skin gives you a reasonable chance of winning something). Half of the cash award goes to the website a user represents. In this way, users can support the websites they enjoy using as well as win for themselves and have a lot of fun.

Winners of the Trumpet Competition Announced

Last week OSNews held a competition for Trumpet Software's promotional items. We received 83 entries in 20 hours that the competition was open. OSNews would like to thank Trumpet Software for their kind give-away to OSNews readers. Are you one of the winners though? Read inside who are the 10 lucky readers (picked randomly with the help of... rand()) who will be sent, for free, the prizes this Christmas.

Geek Toys to Pick Up for the Holidays

It is always tough to find nice gifts for the holidays that your geek friends will appreciate. Even if you would like to buy something special this Christmas, just for yourself, we will help you choose. Jon Campbell has put together a list of... geek-oriented devices and softare to make your life easier when choosing gifts. Inside you will find which PC game, gaming console, software, mp3 player etc you could buy for the holidays.

Win Trumpet Software’s Promotional Items

Trumpet Software, makers of the well known Trumpet Winsock and the PetrOS, to celebrate 10 years of the release of their first product, sent us promotional items: caps for women and men, mousepads etc, items which we will send to ten OSNews readers. There is nothing particular we ask you to do, just email us on this email address with the subject line 'Trumpet Software Give Away' and we will randomly pick ten people to be sent the goods. The offer ends on Thursday 6th of December 2001 at 09:00 AM Pacific Time, so hurry up. Update: The offer is over! Please do not email us anymore. The winners will be announced on this web site very soon.