Episode 20.x: How Did We Do?

Back in August of 2009, the OSnews team spent 3 full hours discussing Apple. In the course of discussion, we spent some time talking about the then-mythical “Apple Tablet.” So, 5 months later, how did we do? Were we accurate in our predictions? How did you envision the Tablet, long before the nonsensically named “iPad” became a reality? This clip, which I’ve called “Episode 20.x” and inserted into cannon retroactively, is pulled, unaltered, from the original podcast.

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  1. 2010-02-01 9:44 pm
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  3. 2010-02-02 1:05 am
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  4. 2010-02-02 1:16 am
    • 2010-02-02 4:26 am