Microsoft is alerting customers that it will soon start delivering Windows XP Service Pack 2 to all customers using Automatic Update, whether they want it or not.
Microsoft is alerting customers that it will soon start delivering Windows XP Service Pack 2 to all customers using Automatic Update, whether they want it or not.
With the high percentage of XP installs that were trashed how much bad press might this create? Hopefully thanks to increasing numbers of people keeping their computers away from spyware the official MS line that spyware is the cause of bad SP2 installs shouldn’t be as big of a problem as it was earlier. We can hope… Maybe not.
SP2 wouldn’t install on my system. Didn’t crash it just wouldn’t install. I’m seriously considering discontinuing all MS products that I use. I always liked how FreeBSD worked. . . .
On a related note, when trying to re-setup win98 for a coworker, Windows seems to be starting to require validation for even DirectX. However, ATI graphic drivers require DirectX to run. It seems people with ATI cards and the purported false software licenses could be left with a system with 16 colors!!. Hey, that means that ATI cards are better supported in Linux now than Windows!
Of course I’m one of those people that actually finds a *nix system more fun and productive to use than a windows machine. Cygwin is on every windows (more than window is not proper noun) machine that I use regularly. I’ll hardly miss it.
Heck all the games I play are at least 3 years old, and will probably work on linux. Hell, I prefer bzflag to Quake anyways. Scorched3d rocks as well!!
Hey, that means that ATI cards are better supported in Linux now than Windows!
No way! That’s just not possible!
Anyway, does it seem to anyone else like Microsoft is deliberatly trying to annoy it’s own customers/users?
Still setting up this blasted win98 machine (again, the install flaked the first time (old via 4in1s me thinks)). I’d probably be done by now if I had put Ubuntu or Debian on this guys machine. Ahh, but people don’t like change even if it is more stable change.
Why do you Windows users keep putting up with all this?
Half joking there. My awesome Radeon 32MB card worked without a hitch with Debian and Suse, full 3d acceleration with little to no tweaking on my part. Never could get DRI to work with FreeBSD, however that was a while ago. Maybe I’ll try again when I have some free time.
I wouldn’t call myself a windows (don’t encourage them with capitilazation people) user. More of a, I get paid money sometimes by using windows which I can spend on non windows related items and I can infect employers with the ohh so useful linux and bsd machine every chance I get, kind of user.
People need to install this service pack. The people
that haven’t are most likely using a pirated version or
a corp. key. People complain about MS and all that blah
blah-blah ….stuff.
Bottom line they still use MS products…. STOP USING
THERE PRODUCT …. goto Linux …..
The big companies that us WinXP … have switched over
due to they layed off their IT staff. Due to some fast
talking VP or Director to save is job….
The bottom line is that, now they are paying the price
for being stupid …..
Microsoft is doing the right think …. They should
make all OEM keys invalid …. and issue new product
keys… They need to stop using OEM keys and issue keys
like they do for the general public. Companies need to
be accountiable for stolen keys. If they need 5000 cals,
microsoft needs to issue 5000 keys, an its up to the
company to make sure its given out properly.
If you don’t like what Microsoft is doing … DON”T
Why do I use Windows because it never gives me any trouble. I can play all the new games that come out without any problems. Don’t have broadband in my area so I have to use a modem which is an external modem that has a controller on it and yet I can’t dial out with Lycoris or Linspire, I can dial out using Xandros but it keeps disconnecting on me less than two minutes. The same modem I can stay connected all day using Windows XP. I can download and surf at the same time and never get disconnected wish I could say the same thing with Linux.
Updating windows. The most painful part of the process. Ugghhh.
where you using kppp to make the connection ?
who is your isp ?
Yes I was using Kppp and my ISP is Earthlink.
Restarting again (I count 12 times so far, but i’m not done.). Then I’ll have to start update again and confirm about a billion idiot questions for each update. Why can’t this be a one command process like debian?
Yes, linux is not great for some modems. An external one should be fine, however. You actually may have better luck with FreeBSD, I found that hardware that was supported in FreeBSD tended to work a little more reliably then Linux at times.
Why not install an older DirectX with no activation? You can surely find some game CD which includes 8.0 or 9.0 or something.
Bottom line they still use MS products…. STOP USING
THERE PRODUCT …. goto Linux …..
If you don’t like what Microsoft is doing … DON”T
Sorry there sport. I prefer various OSS OS and Applications, however, sometimes there is no choice.
1) My company time sheet (web based) only works in IE which is made by a 3rd party company. Not filled out, no pay.
2) Human Resource Depts only accept resumes in Word. Most OSS word processor do a damn good job on most files, but not all. Its been my luck that I get the most hideous malformed *.doc files on the planet. One issue is that cells cross pages, most progies don’t allow that Owriter.
3) I would switch if I could but tis unfortunate that I am spending more time on w2k boxen than (Linux, *BSD).
Here is a thought:
Preach Open Standards and the use of Open Source will follow.
Instead of:
Preaching Open Source. What follows?
People, companies, schools et. al will not follow if they do not understand the logic. Open Standards give you a choice: Commercial vs OSS.
Just a few humble words.
..I can dial out using Xandros but it keeps disconnecting on me less than two minutes. The same modem I can stay connected all day using Windows XP. I can download and surf at the same time and never get disconnected wish I could say the same thing with Linux.
Man.. you’re really pushing BS over the edge. What you describe is comon knowledgde and is caused by poor line quality (you can actually improve your line quality). The problem is exactly the same no matter wich OS you use since is depending of modem-line-dialup_pool. So you’re just making this up – as anyone that has done any tech-support will tell you. If you really have a problem then just add “,,,,” after the phonenumber or lock connect speed.
Please stop making stuff up – or at least understand what you lie about first ๐
A seperate key for all corp installs? Do you know the administrative overdead of that? I still dont get why everyone is lagging on the SP2 deployment anyways. It doesnt cause that many issues (and as of now, barely any with 3rd party, big company software). Actually, I dont know if I have ran into any problems that stem from SP2 yet.
SP2 sure has made things alot easier for me. Less people getting stupid worms (since i locked everyones firewall)
I have gone out of my way to NOT install SP2. I’ve installed it on other people’s machines, and my machine at work has it…it’s just simply too “in your face” about stuff…too many message boxes about security related things, etc (security by obscurity…it doesn’t work). I think MS’s intentions are good, but the end result of forcing an upgrade like this has no place outside of a corporate IT dept. Oh well.
I wasn’t making it up. I’m not a tech geek like you. That’s the first time I have ever heard about putting commas after phone number. So how’s putting commas after the phone number make it work?
I think part of the problem, possibly even most of it is Earthlink. I live in a rural area and use Earthlink, and I am always getting disconnected, and often it freezes up whereas when I used MSN or AOL, I had much better connections. I’m only using Earthlink now because I dual boot Linux.
I get a stable connection with Linux when I use my external modem, which is a Best Data… much, much better than the Winmodem (an Agere).
All this is taking into account that allegedly the phone lines in our area haven’t been changed since World War II.
Josel, I like Linux from what I saw. I want to use it because I like both Windows and Linux so I don’t know why you assume I was spreading lies. To me you’re attitude needs to change. Don’t assume everybody is highly talent as you are.
Okay.. i was a bit harsh .. sorry for that. Its nothing to do with tech geekness its just that the modem will behave exactly the same way independent of its on Windows, Linux, *BSD, Palm, Nokia phone or whatever because the conditions it operates under are the same – it just delivers data over comport/USB-port/* . The commas are just a dirty trick – works less than optimal but it works – where you by adding commas keep the modem from hearing K56Flex/V.90/V.92 tones and thus the modem connects with the “lower protocol” V.34. Max speed for V.34 is 33600 and in 8 of 10 tries this solves the problem. Ideally you look at connect speed and “freese”it or lower to previous level. Example connect speed 44000bps and you have problems… lock speed to previous level – 42667bps (44000-1333)- by issuing +MS command… look it up in your modem manual- its easyer than it sounds. Probably something like AT&F+MS=V90,1,,,42667 – but take a look at manual for correct syntax. Write the previous command in Extra settings box or something simalar and it works like a charm.
Always Winter, I have the same modem Best Data and when I try to connect using Lycoris or Linspire it tries to dial out and than it time out saying it can’t bring up KPPP. I also used MSN and still I get disconnected using Xandros. Btw, I have the Xandros 3 Deluxe. Which is a nice distro. I can see people who uses Windows would have no problems using Xandros.
Hmmm, guess there’s no rhyme or reason to it. Those of us without broadband will continue to languish in Hell…
Is there a way to download security updates if you have an illegal copy?
Thanks Josel for that information. I’m going to try it out tonight. I really liked all three distros. I’m always looking for new challenges which I probably be looking into Gentoo next.
Just like some of the comments above, is it me or MS has decided on strong arm tactics lately?
First updates requires non-pirated version, next activation by phone, now shoving down the users throats SP2. Was the response by users to SP2 not flowers and hugs like MS thought? Maybe because it was a SHITTY(!!!) service pack, people did not want to update.
I’ve disabled automatic updating in XP a long time ago, since SP2 came out, for the exact same reason MS is doing now. I run Microsoft base line security analyzer, pick and choose the updates I want/need, and download them manually. (Until they stop that as well…)
THE ONLY REASON I have duel boot with Linux is because I run lots of games. If it wasn’t for that I would not even run XP. (Don’t tell me about emulation please, I already run that).
You go MS! Prove the world who is the bully.
Speaking of Linux, has anybody use Win4lin? I have the Win4lin v5. They have the new version which you can use Windows 2000 or XP I wonder if you can use DirectX with the new version. If you can than you can get rid of Windows for good, because you can play games than. Lots of people have Windows just for gaming if you can play games on Linux via Win4lin than say goodbye to the Windows partition.
Josel and raver31, I am curious which distro you use. I know it has nothing to do with the topic but josel got me excited about my modem problem.
1) My company time sheet (web based) only works in IE which is made by a 3rd party company. Not filled out, no pay.
2) Human Resource Depts only accept resumes in Word.
You know, you could just install Wine and use IE and MS Office.
I do agree with you that open standards are the key. Promoting them isn’t enough, however – we need legislation.
If you buy the Xandros Deluxe or Business edition it comes with Codeweavers Crossover Office which is very good.
Ready or not ?
LOL. The update push was delayed some 240 days. If you aren’t ready then I’m guessing you need automatic updates more than you realize.
Are there any specific reasons you people dont want to install SP2? I cant really think of a single reason not too.
xp sp2 breaks lots of apps, limits half open connections, installs shitty firewall and overall adds lots of bloat to my system without providing any benifits from my point if view. I use external (much better firewall)and opera for web browsing. So… are there any specific reasons you people want to install SP2? I cant really think of a single reason not too.
sp2 CAN upgrade pirated copies, am not advocating it or anything, but it can be done.
here’s a start…,00.html
Microsoft provides a free CD containing SP2.
We havent had any major problems with xpsp2. we only had 3 computers using a digital sender that wouldnt work with sp2
I bet it was something to do with firewall altho it wasnt running.
I think by now the applications that where broken by the SP2 already have a patch for this. I never had any applications that where broken by the service pack 2. I made a slipstream and reformat my hard drive and reinstall and so far in the last six months no problems.
sounds to me like you need to go to linux and forget SP2 if you dont see any advantages to it.
I had a problem similar to Brian’s. KPPP saying “Unable to start PPP, exiting on signal 15”. But was working fine with windows
Found that the error occurs only with that ISP, things were working smooth with a different ISP even with the same KPPP setting. The former ISP’s call center said they only support windows. Immediately ditched them and switched to the other one. No problems now,,, with any distro (Mandrake, Redhat, Ubuntu and Knoppix.
It probably didn’t install because you have spyware preventing said installtion.
Usually the spyware watches the installer, and then deletes the directory that the install files were extracted to.
Don’t blame Microsoft because YOU can’t keep your system spyware free.
I havent used a modem myself for 3 years, not since i switched to ADSL. My current distro is ubuntulinux but used to use Mandrake. Dialers used have been kppp at the beginning but i prefered wvdial by far. Wvdial is very very flexible and very nice for doing modem-command tricks when needed ๐ There is a KDE frontend for wvdial and probably a gnome frontend too. If you can then use wvdial. I can see that ubuntu has wvdial so any other distro probably has it also.
Just remember that its more effective to improve line quality than to lock modem speeds. Modems usually have a “phone” and “line” thing in the back – do your self a favor and put your phones – if possible – behind the modems “phone” jack. Dramatic speed improvements might be possible this way – just remenber to remove or readapt +MS command to current line condition.
@ cc: Ok, it’s not that hard to turn off the firewall (heck, there is a firewall already built into XP, it’s just off by default).
Bloat? What bloat? It adds the security center, and that’s about it.
The biggest reasons to upgrade is that the code was recompiled with newer compilers, support for NX, as well as DEP. All in all, SP2 just makes Windows better.
> Why do you Windows users keep putting up with all this?
– As a Win2k user I haven’t been bugged yet
– Linux won’t work on my machine
– Haven’t tried BSD yet, will soon follow
– I’m not gonna buy new hardware soon
When things get really so bad that I cannot stay with Win2k I’ll probably give the Mac a shot. What I want is a system that either “just works”, or when it doesn’t then I expect good documentation for those who don’t know the system details yet. Windows falls in the former, Linux in neither category. Mac seems to fall in the former too, and for BSD I don’t know.
Don’t blame Microsoft because YOU can’t keep your system spyware free.
Bullshit, if you acquire any spyware as an ordinary user, it should never be able to block a system upgrade.
I know a couple of people at work with Dell recent desktop boxes who have had shutdown issues with SP2 (the PC spontaneously shuts off) – Dell’s response has been to have them uninstall SP2. This does “fix” the shutdowns in their case. So, what happens when SP2 is pushed out? Should be fun.
If two users in a 300 person office are having the same issue, and if that is a representative sample, then there will be holy heck to pay.
Heh… this is why I’m using Win2k instead, though it has it’s own couple of squirks.
My primary system is linux, where I’m in control instead of ms being in control
The SP2 for XP has proven to be rather problematic for some users (but not for all). This is to be expected. However, the ms approach of stuffing things down your throat no matter what you like is obviously a very bad thing. Don’t EVER force the user!
Anyway, I’ll go back to reading my LFS-book ๐
.o O ( well… I’m actually cooking right now, gotta head for the kitchen :p )
I’m also running linux, naturally (and Beos with some Haiku-components :-D)
Right now it’s a slightly broken FC3-distro, but I’m in the process of switching to Gentoo. Just haven’t come around to replace the “old” motherboard and CPU.. have to do that first ๐
. o O ( Firefox rules )
I got it after a lot of hesitation and frankly my machine has not had any hiccups after that. I think it works a bit faster too…definitely boots up a bit quicker…anyway as for security center and the darn windows firewall there is a way to get rid of it. Just go into the services.msc and shut it down. No probs there. In fact there are programs that even have options of getting rid of the bloody security center and firewall completely I think XPLite does that. So it kind of works out. And a tip…dont leave Automatic Updates set as Automatic. Disable it. Turn it on Automatic when you need to update. I am going to have a very compact XP install…so far with SP1a slipstreamed by new XP install (as soon as I graduate in less than a month) is only 220 mb in a CD which left room for SP2 and DirectX 9.0c and WM 10…and some other little software. So just like in Linux, I think you gotta know what you are doing to get the max eXPerience haha. My 2 cents. Take it easy fellas.
Ha! SP2 comes with WinUpd! I never installed any updates of any version of mswin. WinUpd is totally disabled on my machine (using gpedit.msc and regedit.exe), I can’t even visit the WinUpd-site due to the changes I’ve made. WinXP still runs properly nowadays.
BTW: letting mswin know your system is registered is just a way of finding the right key in the registry and change it from a ‘0’ to a ‘1’.
Get Linux, Hack (your) Windoze