A number of new OpenZaurus users are having problems getting up and running with OZ. Here is my basic Getting Started guide for OpenZaurus 3.5.2.
A number of new OpenZaurus users are having problems getting up and running with OZ. Here is my basic Getting Started guide for OpenZaurus 3.5.2.
Is OZ working on the SL-5600 yet?
Has OZ died? Releases are so few and far between… what’s going on?
It seems interest in Zaurus has died down a lot these days.. I got a SL5500 when they first came out, but OZ seems too buggy for it to be really useful, and SharpROM is just icky…
Hentges from the openzaurus forums released a great rom that has tons of stuff preinstalled. I have a 5500 and while I’m still having some difficulty with my netgear 801 wireless cf card (because the cards faulty) the hentges flavour of 3.52 is excellent.
He has a huge package list that installed to a SD card, tons of apps preinstalled. Sure makes OZ a much better fun release than the stock one which has no developer feed which unless you know how, makes the 3.5.2 release insanely difficult and frustrating to use.
An outstanding project, truly heroic, can’t wait for sl-c3000 support. Kudos on another great new release!
I’ve had far better luck with Cacko’s ROM. OZ had compatibility problems and lot’s of weird quirks. Cacko’s works great and keeps getting better.
Despite his problems getting xmms running, I’m happy to say that I managed to get it to work. The key was making sure I was using the xmms config file that came with the xmms-e package.
Where are the openzaurus forums you speak of??? (google doesn’t know!)
http://www.oesf.org/forums/ – Openzaurus forums
the latest hentges rom for the 5500 is here
and as for the cacko rom afaik it isn’t for the 5500 is it ?
Onetrack: I believe it is, however I find it a pain to install with having to format an SD card, set up async (optional), etc
I just bought a 5500 for AU$300 (about US$220), and I’m just waiting for teh 5500 release of Pdaxrom –
The next OpenZaurus release is meant to be out in March, although I tend to find the OZ community very closed – not much helpful documentation, and seeminly no way to easily build development code.
Thanks for the head’s up on the PDAxrom upcoming release! (..tired of waiting for OZ to correct the wireless problems with Linksys WCF12 cards….)
I work on OpenZaurus myself (the GPE image) and I have to heartily disagree with your opinion that the OZ community is closed!
Now that OpenZaurus has fully transitioned (and has for quite a while) to using OpenEmbedded/BitBake as its build platform, its never been easier to contribute to the development. Just have a look at the wiki (http://openembedded.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/ and http://openembedded.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/) – It’s full of information related to getting started with these tools, and we have a channel on IRC (FreeNode, #oe) full of people willing to help (although bear in mind, there isn’t much tolerance for people who don’t rtfm before asking simple questions).
There is plenty of work for people who are less experienced to get on with – Just have a look at my contributions http://cia.navi.cx/stats/author/cwiiis . I suggest that rather than the OZ community being closed, you’re not willing to put the effort to contribute – Not necessarily a bad thing, but not something that you should be accusing others of being responsible for.
Wiki links: