Technology Insider has a skeptical review of the new Mac Mini. It gives a good overview of a Windows user’s impression of the Mini and Macs in general. Note: read the whole review before rushing to judgement. If you read it carefully, you might be able to discern the author’s hidden adgenda. Also check out the same site’s article on setting grandma up with a Linux box.
Hooray !!
Those guys are geniuses !!
“Think of it more as a first computer for your daughter or niece than as a machine to get any serious work done and you’ll get the point of the Mini and its target market. It might also be the perfect computer for grandmothers or autistic children, for example.”
It’s pretty darn obvious that Billy Ray’s comment is trolling in exactly the same vein as the main article.
Read it again. Do you really think someone that clueless would read OSnews? Then again, after reading some of the comments here I’m beginning to wonder.
That fell for this article – hahaha
I would do it right now if I wasn’t so late for work!!
They deserve to be ridiculed in public.
Thick Thick Thickos.
Anyway, here is my favourite article from Division2:
(No its not real ok?)
The article I found to be mediocre at best, the comments made me smile, but to see people fall for it again with billy ray’s post has me laughing out loud.
I’m blown away! Seriously…can’t stop laughing! What’s wrong with these people??? Are they really so closed-minded in their little heads? Really, they can’t even stand to *think* something negative about apple! Why can’t they see that the article is not meant to be serious???
The greatest quality of a human is to be able to make fun of things he likes, and himself, too. For example, I don’t like MS, I can make jokes about it, I like Linux, but I can still make fun of it, so I just can’t understand…what makes these people so religious about apple and its god, Steve?
As Einstein said: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”
Man, this guy claims he is a MCSE and if I am not wrong it is a Microsoft certification.
If guys like these are getting MCSEs, MS is problably giving it away for little more than free.
Dont forget to write your protest mail to the site and the author
That was hilarious! You moaners suck!
“Hold a Mini in one hand and four quarters in the other and tell me which one feels heavier”
Soon he will discover his grandma late in the night, hidden in a dark room lighted just with the shining of the computer’s screen hackin’ into big corporate networks and coding viruses for windows. lol.
By the way, I am running Debian and XFCE in a P166MMX, 96MB with a 40Gb HD. For waht his mother wants this would be more than enugh, isn’t it? … A dual Athlon XP 1800+???
Matt, I am not a grandmother. For your information I have an MCSE, just like the reviewer, so the review is genuine. I know a friend who also graduated from Devry, and I’m sure if you want she can verify about him too someway.
Besides, I have even helped fix other people computers too, so stop talking when you don’t have the slihgtest idea of who you are talking about. I meet poeple like you all the time, just thinking that evrybody besides you is just white trash. Pahtetic.
To the other person, my registration information was already sent to Microsoft and they already said there was no problem with me because I was not pirating.
There is a person in the neighborhood (I won’t say his name) which listens to pirate music, and I sometimes feel a little bit sorry for him because I know eventually he will get caught.
It gets all fishy nowadays, like you said, with RISC is just not safe. I will better stay with the safe one instead. The other part you said I confess I didn’t do too well in that part of the exam where it said that, but to what you said, I think yes.
To be honest, I have not tried the FreeBSD before, but I do get FreeForwards, and they are pretty good. They sometimes send Christian cards with very nice messages, and sometimes give you discount coupons too! If you send me your e-mail I can add you too. It’s very easy.
Finally, as I said, i cancelled my freeimacmini suscription.
Ben, was it you that sent that email about viagra? How many times do I have to tell you, we are not interseted! I will not tell you any instructions of the trick if you just keep doing that, it’s not funny anymore.
For all the others.
If you were checking the EMACHINES.COM website, there’s a deal on TV right now on Home Shopping Network right now! there is a computer showing there right now, and if you call right now they will include a lot of additional promotions. I cant figure if its emachines or what brand, but its defenitely better than the minimac, hrry up because the ad has been showing for a little while already and it will probably end very soon!
The phone is 1-800-284-3100
There is also a camera that you can take for golfing too there.
-Billy Ray
is jorge lopez
how can the author not come back to wind-up the apple fans even further?
Linux/Windows users are better at taking jokes than Apple fans:
Now Apple users tells me their system crash (full system lock) at least once a day – is that true? That, and Steve Jobs megalomaniac politics makes me *very* weary Apple.
I love this woman!
So is the mini a maxi value? For me, clearly, no. When I consider that a good deal of my time is spent running applications like Disk Defragmenter, Scandisk, Norton AV, Windows Update and Ad-Aware–none of which are available for the Mac platform–it doesn’t make sense for me to “switch” to a Mac at this time.
How biased can an article be?
I’m quite sure the author hasn’t worked with his MCSE yet,or where he works they have never seen any UNIX (alike) system.
Think about it, a Mac mini for $299.
Think about it, MS XP professional for $25 because it’s so old and doesn’t had any upgrade since they introduced it.Yes i like to install motherboard drivers,sound card drivers,printer drivers,graphics drivers,anti(virus,adware,spyware) whatnot software , ,setting some crucial reg-entries read-only for the limited user account,install and configure a proper firewall before even starting to go online for the updates,still i haven’t started using the damn box,for which i bought it.
I would buy an mac anytime if i had the money for at least a mini with 256 MD DDR update.Instead i will buy myself a ASUS socket 754 mobo and a AMD3000+ newcastle and install FreeBSD on it(< $200).Oh well someday when i’am not so mini anymore i will buy a mac to.
Division Two is clearly a joke site (my favourite is certainly ) – go to the main page and see, but its surprising how many OSNews’ers took it to be real. Given that surprise its even more worrying how many people less familiar with technology would take an article like this. It is worrying that they would have no experience to know that it isn’t serious.
You could very well produce a reverse-parody review of a Windows XP PC perhaps done by a RHCE holder, or a Mac enthusiast trying to run their familiar software and tools. That would be a great laugh too!
I love this woman! ”
Read this one too! – I’d just like to point out, right at the end of that one, ‘foreign tyranny’ links to Hyundai Motor, and ‘those who frighten and terrorize us’ links to US Environmental Protection Agency!
I didn’t care for that article at all. He even complains that Safari doesn’t render correctly. Like who cares?? How many Mac users hang out there? Anyways… seems to render exactly the same in Mozilla. Perhaps it’s which isn’t standards compliant? lol
As for the Linux article. Who’s grandmother needs a dual Athlon 1800+?? LOL!!! That’s like major overkill! The woman is never going to use that kind of processor power. Once I read that part, I didn’t take the rest of the article seriously. It seems that all of the articles on that site are nothing but crap.
Unless you are using a very subtle form of humour, allow me to explain something:
As many others have mentioned, the Mac Mini article is an example of an often used form of humour called satire. The article (and many of the spoof comments posted here) is supposed to be humourous because it parodies the sort of person with the belief that they possess a large amount of knowledge about computers but really are almost totally ignorant. This results in this stereotypical person assessing the mac mini in a totally incorrect way. So, this article is supposed to remind you of the boastful ignorance of other actual people you have met. You are supposed to find this amusing.
The second article concerning Grandma’s computer is intended to be amusing because it parodies the enthusiasm of a nerdy teenager setting up granny with a new computer. Importantly, you are supposed to laugh at the way he has presumed that granny has the same computing needs as himself. He has massively over-estimated Grandma’s computing needs. The woman can probably barely manage System 7, and he has set her up with a multiple-partition, multi-OS customised Linux box!
Seriously, can you imagine poor-old senile grandma having to cope with a semi-transparent Xfce desktop or having to deal with multiple boot-loaders and multiple OSes? It would most probably kill her!
Do you understand now?
Bloody hell; some people!
I wasn’t even going to read all the replies.. but when I realized that apparently there are people who take this review for real..
..I couldn’t help myself
He / She is not a Mac user, I’m not also, but, come on, it’s a complete stupid person… MAC OS X is a reduced version similar to Windows CE?
Completely stupid.
Now, its kind of funny that OSNews keeps deleting posts. Not even mod’ng them down.
The best Nazi Journalists, hands down.
So it’s a joke. But I understand why people didn’t see that, since it’s not really that funny.
OSNews is really slipping. Do they think before they post an article?
To everyone saying the article isn’t funny: the fun is in the responses it provokes. It succeeded brilliantly at eliciting humourous responses from hordes of idiots. For the record, I thought the article itself was funny too though.
To everyone who took it seriously: maybe you should just leave the internet.
the article make the people replying to it
look stupid and funny
that is the beauty of it.
divisiontwo articles are not be read alone but to be seen discussed in forums – but then again i guess its too subtle for some.
I went and sent him a long email refuting the article, posted it on my blog, , and then read the article again. The bottom paragraph has me convinced that he’s joking or, he’s and idiot. I’m leaning towards joking now myself.
first, that I know people who WOULD write that stupid of an article completely seriously and second, some of those people actually do have MCSEs or MC??s.
btw, just because someone doesn’t have your sense of humor or your knowledge about trolling doesn’t make them idiots or stupid.
And what I love the most is that so many of the repliers seemed to miss Davis Adam’s lead in warning: “If you read it carefully, you might be able to discern the author’s hidden adgenda (sic).” A warning to be careful to not step in the ‘doggy doodo.’
I don’t always understand what he is saying, but he speaks the Truth.
Ajay isn’t far behind; we all should write protest feedback. Maybe Divisiontwo will print it and see the error of its ways.
On a more serious note, the last time I saw such clueless comments was from scores of earnest Evangelicals protesting that God and Jesus really aren’t like that to
I used to wonder whether such outfits made up the clueless posts, but now I see the very same reactions on OSNews, an independent site. Of course, it could be a fiendish plot by Linux users to boost the readership of Divisiontwo, prior to taking over the world.
on a slightly more serious note:
“wow that is a small box!”
“i guess its just an old wives tale that fantasy about how only macs get used for a really long time and mac owners save by not having to upgrade as often”
Very subtle and entertaining. Good sarcasm
OK, is it Exxon or Mobile that is selling Emachines these day?
Yeah, both the author and Billy Ray have valid points. I mean, my brother got a Powerbook when he went off to college… If I ever got one I’d definitely need another mouse so I could use a second button, and some way to stick a fan on the back of it. I’m not sure how, since my Dell is made of plastic that I can crack with my hands and that Powerbook is made of metal.
As for that OS… There’s no start menu! How am I supposed to use it without a start menu? And they have that wierd background, rather than a hill… Maybe it’s so you don’t notice that the screen is upside down. I dunno, it’s way too hard to figure out how to launch programs that aren’t in your dock… I’m going back to my trusty Gentoo laptop, thank you very much.
Must … maintain … bladder control. Ooohh … ahhh. Damn!
I loved this article. The humour is very British: a satire which makes you cringe with knowing embarrasment, whilst at the same time laughing out loud…
This is a terribly conducted review. It’s full of biased tangents of irrelevancy.
I don’t think this person even knows much about the platform. Then, I don’t blame them – I prefer Windows too.
When I consider that a good deal of my time is spent running applications like Disk Defragmenter, Scandisk, Norton AV, Windows Update and Ad-Aware–none of which are available for the Mac platform–it doesn’t make sense for me to “switch” to a Mac at this time.
The article is proof of the man not knowing his things.
– Defragmenter: is not necessary, since OSX defragments disks automatically, without bothering the user with this time consuming activity
– Scandisk: Ever checked out the OSX disk tools?
– Norton AV: might not exist, but recently, I de-installed my Virex program, because I considered it a waste of time to check my system on non-existent virusses.
– Windows Update: not even bothered to look at Software Update!
– Ad-Aware: what kind of non-sense is this??
It is the typical comment of a typical Windows user, who is talking more about installing and maintaining his system in a working condition than about things in which the computer really can contribute to his life:
– free iTunes: unvincible in its price/quality ratio
– free iPhoto, which supports most camera’s without the nasty installation of drivers
– free iMovie: tell me which other operating system can run DVDs straight from the box..
– free mail/browser/text editor/ etc. etc.
Or is the checking on virusses, disk errors, fragmentation really the most important thing in life?
“The article is proof of the man not knowing his things”
Trust me, he knows his things.
Now that was funny. I can just see the Apple faithful steaming about this “review”.
it didn’t really bring the funny, but the one about setting up a linux system for his grandmother was good.
@ fvdveen
I think you didn’t get it.
Perhaps you should read Ephraim Kishon books, and learn
Then go back, read the article again and understand
I don’t know why I bothered, but there you go…
“Your article about the Mac Mini is really funny mate :-))).
Sorry for being impolite, but you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to Mac OS X and Apple Inc.
Viruses for OS X are almost inexistent. If you have any knowledge of *nix architectures, you most probably have come across the term of “permissions”. Well, OS X takes it a bit further since it partly relies on BSD, a pure security freak. The bit that not many know about is the Mach part of the kernel. If you pick up a good book on OS X, you will find out more about this aspect and others.
Defragmenting a Mac? It’s just as ridiculous as calling Internet Explorer secure. When you think of OS X, take a clean sheet and forget about the things that you know from Windows. I am sure you have heard about the concept of apples and oranges (they simply can’t be mixed) ;-).
Macs and OS X itself are far from being perfect. There is no such thing as perfect when it comes to hardware or software. However, OS X does a better job than the current XP. With Longhorn things might change, but until then, all tests give OS X the crown.
I personally wouldn’t go for a Mac Mini, but would recommend it to anyone willing to make the switch. Yes, Mac Mini is for those people that don’t need lots of processing power, but that are desperate for security (I wonder why…). For browsing the net, reading e-mails, textprocessing (Office X 2004 is more advanced and stable for OS X than for Windows – read the reviews mate) and other “usual” stuff, Mac Mini is ideal. For someone that is willing to pay the pricetag, iMac (PowerMac?) is always there.
Ah, and there is 1 more thing… Are you really telling me that you couldn’t find a decent keyboard, mouse & monitor for that Mac Mini for under $1,000? You sure you in the right job mate?”
Hey, you can get these mini macs for free.
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Oh and heres where I found out about these offers.
go to the forums section then “free stuff”
Theres lots of discussions on these offers and pictures proving they work.
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as well.