Colors are another form of data, and in light of the fact that the human eye can perceive more than ten million different colors, that’s a potentially huge amount of data. Color theory helps you organize this data into manageable chunks. This chapter outlines color theory, both pigment-based theory and light-based theory.
I love java as a language, SWT, Swing .. maybe, but why dont java programmers see so many studies as this, or so many component suites as for .net but for java ?
netadvantage like, infragistics like ? Where are those for java ? Whats SUN doing ? Are they sleeping, is there only serverside for them ?
No rich clients, no gui ? ( dont flame about java is dead on the gui part and also about the various xul swing implementations, none is official, most of them are bad )
No multimedia for the masses ?
“You might expect that mixing the three primary colors would result in white.”
Actually, I’d expect black. You’d get white if you mixed light beams of the three primary colours.
However, the colour of physical objects is determined by what they reflect. Crimson things absorb everything other than crimson and reflect crimson. The same applies to any other colour.
Ergo, if you mix crimson, cyan, and yellow, you ought to get black. You don’t because artists have picked muted shades to represent the colours instead of the harsh and pure ones.