True to the internet fashion these days, we believe it’s time for an operating system “planet” site. We are happy to announce OS Galaxy, a site fed by blog posts of popular OS-related industry figures, mostly developers. At this time we have subscribed only 10 bloggers, but we welcome developers to let us know if they wish to join in if they fit in one of our categories. OSNews members will automatically see OS Galaxy with the same ad-free, fast-loading format that they enjoy for OSNews.
The RSS link of returns a 404
I haven’t written the code for it as yet. Will do sometime next week…
Nice work ppls, but my first impression is that I need some sort of top level menu perhaps divided into the blog authors.
Otherwise it a neat innovation for OSNews
Click on “Topics” and then click on the individual Logos. For example, for Novell, you will see the Novell subscribed developers’ blog entries on that page.
The posts on the OS Galaxy main page really need to be sorted by date, not by author.
They are sorted by date in reality, it’s just that I need to add a check on our admin page to recreate the right date. Later…
Congratulartions for such great idea, I visit planet.gnome blogs daily, but now I can see more than on that site.
This is a very good idea eug, don’t be too intimidated by people claiming you are biased.
You have a pretty good idea there and you should execute it to the fullest.
More power to you !
– Kevin
I like the interface comments.
I am not designer, but hey check this:
Nice, but please create a version with a size that fits in our designated table sizes: 116 pixels wide. thx!
>When is Eugenia going to write reviews again?
Not any time soon I think… I am really busy with other things these days.
The idea is good. Let’s hope it won’t become a 1:1 copy of, though.
We have 90 more positions to fill up with devs. If you have any favorites, email them and point them to the “join us” link so they can send in their details, and we will add them.
Great idea this, I’ll ask Robert Szeleney if he is interested in this initiative.
Congrats on a new member of the OSNews family
interesting, i wish it good success…
> Nice, but please create a version with a size that fits in our designated table sizes: 116 pixels wide. thx!
Here it is:
Eugenia, you’re writing extra code to do RSS output? Why aren’t you just using Planet itself?
I tried but I couldn’t make the python stuff work on our server IIRC. Additionally, I wanted to have categories and also comments a’la osnews style, so I thought it would be faster to write the thing. It only took me 3 days back in November, so I can’t complain (we didn’t go live earlier mostly because I left for vacations in December and I was also too lazy to enter the blogger’s info in our db — I only put myself together and did some data entry this morning, so we went live today ).
The browse by topic is ok, perhaps you can submenu the topic selector into the categories you have – which then takes you to a subject summary page rather than having all the summaries on the one page (which involves scrolling and a lot of empty spaces)
my 2c
Most blogs have nothing to say, and this includes well known figures in the industry (aka. developers). I and millions of others could care less what you did last night, or the night before, or the night before that. Also, we don’t care what your mood is for that day. If you have news, post it on a site and you call it *gasp* an announcement.
Which is exactly why I developed a special backend to only publish blog entries that are on topic. The *current* blog entries on are not screened because I needed some quantity to fill up the db this morning for the final testing, but from now on all blog entries that are going to be fetched to our backend admin page are going to be screened and only the relevant ones will be published.
I am a regular reader of OSNews, and after a quick glance, I like Galaxy. One of the things I find cool about open source is the community/social aspect. Now I feel just a little bit closer to those people whose tools and products I use. Thanks Eugenia.
Nice logo.“>Cute Why not praise Adolf Hitler while you’re at it? If these are the kinds of awe-inspiring blogs that OS Galaxy is going to have, forget it.
Yeah, and that’s from Richard Dale who posts here sometimes. Wacky stuff or maybe he’s joking around because of Castro tripping and breaking his arm.
I love it. My new favorite site. Rock on.
The site is a great idea. Thanks for putting it together. I’ll probably check it even more often than I do OSNews.
I like the idea a lot, I find myself messing around on OSNews a lot more during the day (on my laptop) since class started up again.
Thanks, Eugenia, glad you don’t like the whiners get the best of you.
Wow, this is really cool! I love it, but there are a lot of people that I really don’t know who they are. Would it be hard to put a link on their names that would bring you to a quick “about this person” page to give you a little background on who you are reading about?? Keep up the good work!!!
Looks like a good idea. Hope it gets off theground and goes well.
So how is this different than the feeds on Most ofthe people posting on Galaxy seem to be the same ones posting on say , and
Just curious at what *extra* has to offer over those other blog aggregation sites?
Ah, so a positive attitude towards Castro is another point of view we are to dismiss as ‘wack’ without serious consideration? Thanks! Will add that to the database. I don’t know what I’d do without your moral guidance.
Since I’m not able to edit previous comments, here’s a followup:
Hmm, I just looked at the posts on Galaxy and they’re just aggregated from the devs own blogs. Which makes me wonder: why view the galaxy site with ads, when you can use the feeds without them?
I find your choice of who’s blog is relevant quite interesting.
Far more interesting than the blogs themselves.
Are the authors somehow informed that people have added comments to their blog? They shouldn’t have to check osnews just in case someone has made a comment.
and keep up with it. I like reading rants about windowing systems and sorta. can learn from it for my own OS. *gg*
You know I was thinking about that. Eugenia says there are 90 slots tof fill up. I wonder if she’s asking the bloggers if it’s alright to put them up. It’s one thing for a RSS feed, and another thing to add comments to it. I guess at the end of the day the bloggers don’t have much say in the matter though, but it might be nice to ask.
Yeah, not much positive to say about murdering thugs. You can add that to your database.
I welcome the new addition os.galaxy, however there is a minor thing that is strong enough to make me not want to read it, would you please remove the small portrait photos of each blogger, maybe move them off to another profile page where one can choose to view it. Why you ask? Well i want to read news written by geeks, but I don’t want to look at photos of geeks!
Please insert in OSGalaxy all bloggers of
Thats the two blogger-planets, where steady looking for.
Would be nice, to find both blogger-planets under the roof of a bigger blogger-planet.
but getting Moral Guidance from Castro is a fine with you?
Encoding is incorrect.
Keith Packard posts seems to be in UTF-8 but OS Galaxy is in ISO-8859-1 and no conversion has been done.
It would be better to have OS Galaxy only in UTF-8 and convert posts in other encodings (such as iso-8859-1) to UTF-8.
A article with the subject Fidel is a hero??. This is garbageee.
What about that RSS? Currently returns “The requested URL /galaxy.rss was not found on this server.”
Is there any plans to fix this?
no, I’m not partial to getting moral Guidance from anyone.
lumbergh: here’s an exercise for you – compare the confirmed executions under Castro’s regime to all confirmed ‘collateral damage’ that has taken place in US military campaigns over the same period.
“lumbergh: here’s an exercise for you – compare the confirmed executions under Castro’s regime to all confirmed ‘collateral damage’ that has taken place in US military campaigns over the same period.”
Or you could compare the standard of living between the U.S. and Cuba or the extent of the democratic process between the U.S. and Cuba. It would be foolish to compare deathtolls when Cuba lacks the capability for much in the way of war. Instead you’d be better off comparing the old Soviet Union and the U.S.
Also, confirmed executions under Castro? Where would one even begin to look for those figures when the Press is controlled by the Communist Party, ie Castro himself?
Sleepbathing…sounds like a winner!
“Or you could compare the standard of living between the U.S. and Cuba”
or go and compare it against South America. Or, to be entirely fair, compare it against the standard of living *before* Castro was in power.
“Instead you’d be better off comparing the old Soviet Union and the U.S.”
Why? Because the U.S.S.R. and Cuba both consider(ed) themselves communist? In that case, I suppose you’d be happy if I substituted some other nation that considers itself democratic instead of the U.S.? How about South Africa under apartheid? Or the ‘Democratic’ Republic of Congo? Zimbabwe?
Well, it seems that only well known developers can publish their blog in OSGalaxy, I still cannot see my blog.
Check your mail. We don’t support ATOM feeds. It has nothing to do with censoring, it has to do with the fact that you supplied us with a non-supported feed.