In the newly released 0.77 of MenuetOS you will find Dosbox, ScummVM and Doom I ports; 3Com and Sis900 ethernet drivers; Improved protection, hd and floppy support. Additionally, 0.78-pre versions were also released.
In the newly released 0.77 of MenuetOS you will find Dosbox, ScummVM and Doom I ports; 3Com and Sis900 ethernet drivers; Improved protection, hd and floppy support. Additionally, 0.78-pre versions were also released.
…or so it appears anyway. The download page shows a release date of July 20.
Was the release just not brought to OSNews’s attention until now?
Nah, I think it was just a slow week.
The official website claims:
“Dec 2004 Version 0.78 pre5 released”
0.77 release date was 20 July 2004.
The last “release” is the 0.78-pre5 one. Pre5 is a correction of pre4 that was published one day earlier. Normally MenuetOS gets published in a 60..90 days period.
OSNews should take more care of their info sources.
lol, 0.77 was released ages ago, 0.78-p4 and 0.78-p5 were released this weekend, as someone said p5 was a correction of p4 and even now some kernel problems are making some p5 apps buggy.
yup, pre5 is even buggy. Probably we’ll get a pre6 or pre5.5 or so.
It’s hard time for MenuetOS since the project leader can’t take care of the project.
Hi All,
Floppy disk maker @
iso @
This starts up w FAT32 enabled.
use EXITHD from desktop to auto-update HD (msetup.exe) use as first line of autoexec.bat to have dual boot system.
see README for autoserver instructions.
more soon, Mark & Matt