> Anyone think this one could be implemented in Slackware 10.1?
compile kernel 2.6.10 on Slackware 10.0/9.x/8.x whatever and it’s good. make sure you’ve the right versions of dependencies installed (module tools..) for example slack 10.0 runs out of the box with this kernel if you don’t do heavy ip routing (then you must install latest iproute)
on slackware it’s really easy to compile your own kernel
Well with Pat being sick for a bit this could possibly done but I don’t see that as likely. In the long run you can deploy it yourself easily as was said before so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
Installed 2.6.10 last night and didn’t have a single problem. First time I used gconfig too. Not too sure about that configuration utility quite yet, but it definitely works.
Pat Volkerding, as Anonymous posted, still feels the 2.6 series kernels as not ready, so Slack 10.1 will have 2.4.28.
Does anyone know if they improved the acpi support (especially the support of the differant power states). It looks like plenty of acpi patches, but to be honest I didn’t read the changelog…
With 2.6.10, I can finally get working sound out of RealPlayer, etc on PPC – any OSS apps. OSS-ALSA emulation seemed to be buggered in 2.6.x until now for PowerPC.
running right now and seems beautifull, just one bit i dont get why after patching it the uname version doesnt get right?
build from the full 2.6.10 sources or tweaking the version numbers will get it right but
its my impression or if you patch sources with 2.6.9 and 2.6.10 afterwards, the makefile doesnt get right, and shows as the version, despite you made the right kernel
it was something i never got, if a kindly sould could explain, it would be appreciate
what does Linux have that makes it better? i can name just one item that makes me prefer it over windows – IPTables firewall, a kernel level firewall is as good as any software firewall can get…
what does Microsoft do? Microsoft compiles a vulnerable web browser that can never be adequately patched or made to be secure in to their kernel (Internet Explorer) that is about the stupidest mistake ever made in all of computing history!!!
Just compiled the 2.6.10 kernel.It has the FreeBSD secure level (0,1,2,3) option build in.It runs as stable so far as the distro kernel as k7.I haven’t checked system performance yet.
If you get an unresolved symbol loading the nvidia.ko module you’ll have to apply a simple patch. (I’m talking about version 6111, dunno about the newest, it doesn’t work on my old tnt2) They dropped support for ‘pci_find_class’ int the 2.6.10 kernel. Solution: change all occurences of ‘pci_find_class’ in ‘pci_get_class’ in nv.c (after manually unpacking the official nvidia driver package) and run the nvidia installer.
It works for me. (again, linux 2.6.10, nVidia driver 6111)
The latest nvidia driver for Linux is:http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-6629.html.This one installs smoothly on Mandrake 10.1,even after changing some settings in os-registry.c such as agp fastwrite,sideband addressing,agp rate etc.Nothing to panic,at least i didn’t face any obstacles on my box.
The patch was relevant for the 2.6.9 kernel when installing the 6111 version nvidia driver.Since the latest nvidia driver from http://www.nvidia.com is :6629
The chmod 755 NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1.run is most of the times not necessary.Instead of ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1.run -x you could also type: sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1.run in the same directory where you saved the packed driver file.If you want to enable agp fastwrite or sideband addressing,you can change the settings in the following file: ~/<the unpacked file>/usr/src/nv/os-registry.c
Be carefull when installing non-official patches!!!!
Every kernel release includes a bug where after watching DVB tv with xine for a while, the kernel either panics completely, or “oopses” such that I can’t list processes or shut down properly any more.
I don’t really know who to submit this bug to as I can’t exactly get any debugging info because the system is locked up!
It’s the only stability problem I seem to have with 2.6.
I waited patiently for the release of this kernel as i do with every 2.6 release. So far each release has gone flawlessly for me, and i was antcipating this christmas day release fo 2.6.10.
It took forever for this kernel to be released and i fell that it was rushed. The kernel complied and installed fine. Hoever, doing a make oldconfig and booting into the 2.6.10 kernel was a joke at best. upon booting into the new kernel the first thing i noticed was that the Fb support i had for boot messages in 2.6.9 was hosed as my text during boot messages is now huge and ugly instead of small and neat. The next thing i noticed was that eth0 failed. great no networking support. Upon starting X my mouse is completely unresponsive, so i’d assume the mouse module got borked too. Oh yeah the sound daemon for alsa fails too. needless to say I was only in kernel 2.6.10 long enough to rebbot into 2.6.9.
shame on whoever thought releasing this kernel would be a good idea
shame on whoever thought releasing this kernel would be a good idea
Here’s an idea, since the kernel developers probably tested this kernel. Since you seem to be one of the few with major problems…let’s all get together with a couple other million people, send the kernel developers a couple thousand each so they have billions of dollars so they can buy as many machine configs as they can think of, and then use some more money to hire a lot of people. Then, they can test each kernel on every machine for flaws!!!
If you don’t know how to investigate and/or resolve such issues then compiling your own kernel might not be your piece of cake. Wait for a binary release for your distribution and use that instead, use what works right now, or wait for a patch for your current Linux kernel version.
Personally, i’m glad .10 is out because it has security-related fixes. The sooner the better, nevermind new features, although i admit i haven’t looked much into the changelog.
I ran make oldconfig against my 2.6.9 kernel .config. In 2.6.9 I have BLK_DEV_IDE=y but make oldconfig chose BLK_DEV_IDE=n for me. Of course I could not boot the resulting kernel and it took a little while to figure out what happend. Anyone know why it did this? How would I know if make oldconfig changed anything else without me knowing?
Regardless of how good or bad Internet Explorer is, and how integrated it is, the fact is that it isn’t built into the kernel: it runs in user mode. It is vital to know which is which: if Internet Explorer ran in kernel mode and crashed, it would be almost certain to take down the entire system.
Using make oldconfig to jump between kernel version is generally a *bad* idea.
Use the old config file and review (using menuconfig/xconfig/gconfig/etc) the resulting configuration before building the new kernel.
If you blindly upgrade a kernel using oldconfig, don’t go around blaming the kernel devs for having a botched kernel.
Oh… and unless you know what you’re doing, stick to the distro kernels; most of them do a pretty decent job in getting the best performance out of their kernels.
Nope, kernel development as usual. Linux kernel releases are “release early, release often” – the adventurous and the developers then procede to run them.
> C’mon make it stable and lets forget.
Use 2.2 or 2.4 for stability, or a vendor 2.6 kernel. If you’re looking for stability, as an end user, there is absolutely no way you should be tracking the latest releases of 2.6.
> I cannot change kernel all the time.
Then… don’t. Kernel vulnerabilities are rare, 2.6.10 isn’t due to one, and there’s no compelling reason for a universal upgrade otherwise.
> Every time I take the site off I lose 15 users.
Given that, you absolutely don’t want to upgrade to 2.6.10. Stick with a vendor kernel, and change it little and as rarely as possible.
> How to “hot-change” kernel?
Under Linux, you can’t; if that feature’s an absolute necessity for you, that would be a problem. The Hurd provides it, but is low on other features. That said, you may need to change kernels twice every two years or so; if you have the kinds of uptime requirements that that’s a problem, you’ll want to have multiple servers anyhow.
> What’s load balancer?
How’s that relevant?
Ihbt, probably; but if not, hopefully this answers your questions.
I’m having some trouble (which I didn’t have previously under 2.6.9-ac12) while running 2.6.10-ac1 + latest NVIDIA driver and VMWare 4.5, I’m getting some ‘graphical garbage’ in my screen (not meaning inside VMWare), I’ll see what can I do.
Anyone think this one could be implemented in Slackware 10.1?
> Anyone think this one could be implemented in Slackware 10.1?
compile kernel 2.6.10 on Slackware 10.0/9.x/8.x whatever and it’s good. make sure you’ve the right versions of dependencies installed (module tools..) for example slack 10.0 runs out of the box with this kernel if you don’t do heavy ip routing (then you must install latest iproute)
on slackware it’s really easy to compile your own kernel
I think he was asking if it would be in the 10.1 release of Slackware.
Well with Pat being sick for a bit this could possibly done but I don’t see that as likely. In the long run you can deploy it yourself easily as was said before so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
Good to know that Pat is back and a lot better!! Slack is my favourite linux distro.
Wish Pat create a board or something like that for Slackware development, this could guarantee its continuity on even the worst scenario.
Anyway, I had good gifts this Xmas (Pat back and new stable kernel).
Happy Xmas to everyone (special ones to the people involved on these amazing achievements).
in a post he said that it will not be in the next version because he felt it still is not ready.
Thanks for the info guys (I’m still a n00b to Linux, so bear with me). The Man being back to full health is the most important thing.
2005 is going to be amazing!
Installed 2.6.10 last night and didn’t have a single problem. First time I used gconfig too. Not too sure about that configuration utility quite yet, but it definitely works.
Pat Volkerding, as Anonymous posted, still feels the 2.6 series kernels as not ready, so Slack 10.1 will have 2.4.28.
Does anyone know if they improved the acpi support (especially the support of the differant power states). It looks like plenty of acpi patches, but to be honest I didn’t read the changelog…
No reiser4?
I saw it in 2.6.10 rc mm releases. I am hoping there is some special thing you have to do to enable it in the menuconfig?
Nope, reiser4 isn’t included yet. But it’s in the mm patchset, so feel free to use that.
With 2.6.10, I can finally get working sound out of RealPlayer, etc on PPC – any OSS apps. OSS-ALSA emulation seemed to be buggered in 2.6.x until now for PowerPC.
running right now and seems beautifull, just one bit i dont get why after patching it the uname version doesnt get right?
build from the full 2.6.10 sources or tweaking the version numbers will get it right but
its my impression or if you patch sources with 2.6.9 and 2.6.10 afterwards, the makefile doesnt get right, and shows as the version, despite you made the right kernel
it was something i never got, if a kindly sould could explain, it would be appreciate
ty and merry christmas!!
A bit OT (and risking to sound stupid), but what is exactly this MM branch of the kernel? What’s more than in the vanilla kernel?
Hey Kien, my TiBookG4 works quite well with OSS-sound-emu.. (through alsa)
Why? 2.6.10?
Is something wrong? Some bad bug again?
C’mon make it stable and lets forget.
I cannot change kernel all the time.
Every time I take the site off I lose 15 users.
How to “hot-change” kernel?
What’s load balancer?
Use 2.4.x for ultimate stability. There are bound to be bugs with new stuff.
what does Linux have that makes it better? i can name just one item that makes me prefer it over windows – IPTables firewall, a kernel level firewall is as good as any software firewall can get…
what does Microsoft do? Microsoft compiles a vulnerable web browser that can never be adequately patched or made to be secure in to their kernel (Internet Explorer) that is about the stupidest mistake ever made in all of computing history!!!
Why? 2.6.10?
Is something wrong? Some bad bug again?
C’mon make it stable and lets forget.
I cannot change kernel all the time.
Every time I take the site off I lose 15 users.
So….don’t use it? stick with your distro’s kernel?
Just compiled the 2.6.10 kernel.It has the FreeBSD secure level (0,1,2,3) option build in.It runs as stable so far as the distro kernel as k7.I haven’t checked system performance yet.
and it runs smooth. good work Kernel devs! and thanks for the awesome xmas present =P
does k3b/cdrecord work as it did in linux-2.6.7? can’t figure this out in the Changelog..
K3b works like in 2.6.7 (you might need to take off suid root from cdrecord)
Upgrade your k3b, the new version doesn’t suffer from this bug anymore.
If you use NVidias drivers then dont upgrade.
They are incompatable with 2.6.10- just use 2.6.9 for now.
I have read about this from others too, so itsnot just me.
If you use NVidias drivers then dont upgrade.
They are incompatable with 2.6.10- just use 2.6.9 for now.
I have read about this from others too, so itsnot just me.
No problems,even after tweaking os-registry.c the driver installs smoothly with kernel 2.6.10 on Mandrake 10.1.
If you get an unresolved symbol loading the nvidia.ko module you’ll have to apply a simple patch. (I’m talking about version 6111, dunno about the newest, it doesn’t work on my old tnt2) They dropped support for ‘pci_find_class’ int the 2.6.10 kernel. Solution: change all occurences of ‘pci_find_class’ in ‘pci_get_class’ in nv.c (after manually unpacking the official nvidia driver package) and run the nvidia installer.
It works for me. (again, linux 2.6.10, nVidia driver 6111)
… How much time it would require to compile on my P1MMx233 which I am using now?
Maybe I’ll change it on my Gentoo on the other box…
The latest nvidia driver for Linux is:http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-6629.html.This one installs smoothly on Mandrake 10.1,even after changing some settings in os-registry.c such as agp fastwrite,sideband addressing,agp rate etc.Nothing to panic,at least i didn’t face any obstacles on my box.
so where can we get this patch that you mentioned?
So, the patch you need to apply is http://users.skynet.be/SwSh/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1-jp1-pk1…. here” rel=”nofollow”>http://ngc891.blogdns.net/index.php?2004/10/19/19-linux-269″>her… , but it seems blank :-S) and my adjustments to make it work on 2.6.10
Procedure: Get ‘NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1.run’ from nVidia, get the above patch ‘NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1-jp1-pk1.diff’.
Unpack the nVidia driver:
# chmod 755 NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1.run
# ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1.run -x
apply patch:
# patch -p0 < NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1-jp1-pk1.diff
install driver:
# cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1
# ./nvidia-installer
Let me know if it works/doesn’t work.
The patch was relevant for the 2.6.9 kernel when installing the 6111 version nvidia driver.Since the latest nvidia driver from http://www.nvidia.com is :6629
The chmod 755 NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1.run is most of the times not necessary.Instead of ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1.run -x you could also type: sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1.run in the same directory where you saved the packed driver file.If you want to enable agp fastwrite or sideband addressing,you can change the settings in the following file: ~/<the unpacked file>/usr/src/nv/os-registry.c
Be carefull when installing non-official patches!!!!
Every kernel release includes a bug where after watching DVB tv with xine for a while, the kernel either panics completely, or “oopses” such that I can’t list processes or shut down properly any more.
I don’t really know who to submit this bug to as I can’t exactly get any debugging info because the system is locked up!
It’s the only stability problem I seem to have with 2.6.
Anyone else have this problem too?
I waited patiently for the release of this kernel as i do with every 2.6 release. So far each release has gone flawlessly for me, and i was antcipating this christmas day release fo 2.6.10.
It took forever for this kernel to be released and i fell that it was rushed. The kernel complied and installed fine. Hoever, doing a make oldconfig and booting into the 2.6.10 kernel was a joke at best. upon booting into the new kernel the first thing i noticed was that the Fb support i had for boot messages in 2.6.9 was hosed as my text during boot messages is now huge and ugly instead of small and neat. The next thing i noticed was that eth0 failed. great no networking support. Upon starting X my mouse is completely unresponsive, so i’d assume the mouse module got borked too. Oh yeah the sound daemon for alsa fails too. needless to say I was only in kernel 2.6.10 long enough to rebbot into 2.6.9.
shame on whoever thought releasing this kernel would be a good idea
Try to reconfigure manually and recompile. IMHO.
shame on whoever thought releasing this kernel would be a good idea
Here’s an idea, since the kernel developers probably tested this kernel. Since you seem to be one of the few with major problems…let’s all get together with a couple other million people, send the kernel developers a couple thousand each so they have billions of dollars so they can buy as many machine configs as they can think of, and then use some more money to hire a lot of people. Then, they can test each kernel on every machine for flaws!!!
(I’m being sarcastic by the way)
If you don’t know how to investigate and/or resolve such issues then compiling your own kernel might not be your piece of cake. Wait for a binary release for your distribution and use that instead, use what works right now, or wait for a patch for your current Linux kernel version.
Personally, i’m glad .10 is out because it has security-related fixes. The sooner the better, nevermind new features, although i admit i haven’t looked much into the changelog.
* my framebuffer (radeon) works as it used to work before
* my network cards (two cards, Realtek RTL-8139 and VIA Rhine-III), work as they used to work before
* my mouse works as it used to work before, either directly connected to a usb port or connected to ps/2 port with an adapter
* alsa works as it used to work before
assuming you didn’t forget “make modules_install”, did you consider calling in an exorcist?
I get black font in my terminals outside X. I had this problem in 2.6.8 but not in 2.6.9. X wouldnt even start so I am back to 2.6.9
2.6.9 feels pretty stable for me. 2.6.10 feels buggy.
Nothing wrong with kernel 2.6.10 sofar.Soundchip,TV-card,NVIDIA-driver,scanner,printer,mass storage device,all work in fact quite normal.
I ran make oldconfig against my 2.6.9 kernel .config. In 2.6.9 I have BLK_DEV_IDE=y but make oldconfig chose BLK_DEV_IDE=n for me. Of course I could not boot the resulting kernel and it took a little while to figure out what happend. Anyone know why it did this? How would I know if make oldconfig changed anything else without me knowing?
Regardless of how good or bad Internet Explorer is, and how integrated it is, the fact is that it isn’t built into the kernel: it runs in user mode. It is vital to know which is which: if Internet Explorer ran in kernel mode and crashed, it would be almost certain to take down the entire system.
It is vital to know which is which: if Internet Explorer ran in kernel mode and crashed, it would be almost certain to take down the entire system.
Elevating privileges is bad enough,like in gaining root remotely.Much worse then a system crash or DOS.
Thanks a lot, it works like a charm.
Using make oldconfig to jump between kernel version is generally a *bad* idea.
Use the old config file and review (using menuconfig/xconfig/gconfig/etc) the resulting configuration before building the new kernel.
If you blindly upgrade a kernel using oldconfig, don’t go around blaming the kernel devs for having a botched kernel.
Oh… and unless you know what you’re doing, stick to the distro kernels; most of them do a pretty decent job in getting the best performance out of their kernels.
Many different machines here. All worked perfectly.
I have custom kernels on each machines.
> Why? 2.6.10?
> Is something wrong? Some bad bug again?
Nope, kernel development as usual. Linux kernel releases are “release early, release often” – the adventurous and the developers then procede to run them.
> C’mon make it stable and lets forget.
Use 2.2 or 2.4 for stability, or a vendor 2.6 kernel. If you’re looking for stability, as an end user, there is absolutely no way you should be tracking the latest releases of 2.6.
> I cannot change kernel all the time.
Then… don’t. Kernel vulnerabilities are rare, 2.6.10 isn’t due to one, and there’s no compelling reason for a universal upgrade otherwise.
> Every time I take the site off I lose 15 users.
Given that, you absolutely don’t want to upgrade to 2.6.10. Stick with a vendor kernel, and change it little and as rarely as possible.
> How to “hot-change” kernel?
Under Linux, you can’t; if that feature’s an absolute necessity for you, that would be a problem. The Hurd provides it, but is low on other features. That said, you may need to change kernels twice every two years or so; if you have the kinds of uptime requirements that that’s a problem, you’ll want to have multiple servers anyhow.
> What’s load balancer?
How’s that relevant?
Ihbt, probably; but if not, hopefully this answers your questions.
I’m having some trouble (which I didn’t have previously under 2.6.9-ac12) while running 2.6.10-ac1 + latest NVIDIA driver and VMWare 4.5, I’m getting some ‘graphical garbage’ in my screen (not meaning inside VMWare), I’ll see what can I do.
No problems at all.
Running Slackware 10, With scsi/raid box & home pc.
Installed Nvidia’s 6629 driver.
I just used make menuconfig & loaded my old .config file.
Went through it & made sure everything was setup right.
Very little effort & I’m impressed with it so far.
There’re some known issues related to the NVidia driver and kernel 2.6.10, check this: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=42964
Will I be able switching to securelevel 1 and run X-Window ?
Have they fixed USB controllers HID in this release? Been crap for quite a few revisiins ever since they re-implemented the USB stack.
has Linus got an obsession with obscure marsupials? Quokkas and numbats – what next?
Hello: Dec, 31, 2004
I have compiled (with patch ac2) the kernel 2.6.10.
It works fine and so far appears very stable without the 3D nvidia” driver.
But it does not work (cannot load nvidia.ko) with the 3D driver.
1) I use Fedora Core 3, and I compiled the kernel using the available (default) gcc: gcc-3.4.2-6.fc3
2) I am aware that the prefered gcc compiler is 2.95.
3) I modified only one option from the default build: CPU is now Atlon/Duron.