“Like almost all things in life, good security costs good money. It has to be that way, because there are simply not enough skilled security specialists to look after all of the networks that need their attention. An unfortunate result of low supply and high demand is the migration of highly skilled personnel to clients who can meet their salary requirements. This leaves a lot of small and underfunded networks in the hands of less experienced administrators, who might not know how to design, configure, and monitor these networks’ safety mechanisms.” Read the second part of the article at OReillyNet. First part, here.
It’s like the security of a system can be told by the mascot.
windows window: throw a stone at it
linux tux: looks cute and harmless but it probably hiding a .45 on its person someplace
freebsd chuck: More mean looking, might want to go near
openbsd “some spiky blow fish”: Don’t want to get near
I don’t know if others have a mascot but it seams like there is some effort in this department. Why does beos not have one, or OSX, I guess OSX mascot would violate some sort of styling. Maybe it would be chuck in aqua themed suit. Also what is the openbsd mascots name? anyways just an obersvation that i’m sure someone has had before.
Well Darwin does anyways. You can find it here:
Its a cute little platypus named Hexley 🙂