Many interesting articles at O’Reilly’s .NET corner, more than twenty articles, most published the last month. Among the very recent ones, you will find “Uncovering Rotor — A Shared Source CLI”, four parts of Web Services essentials, “An Architectural Tour of Rotor”, “Get Your Rotor Running” (which includes some compiler speed differenes between FreeBSD and Windows) and many more.
…as McNealy says. ;>)
Well as now one is posting, I guess that because there was no way to post, I’ll post something I read the other day that gave me a smile thinking of Microsoft’s Hailstorm.
February 1996, Wired Magazine interviews Steve Jobs:
The most exciting things happening today are objects and the Web. The Web is exciting for two reasons. One, it’s ubiquitous. There will be Web dial tone everywhere. And anything that’s ubiquitous gets interesting. Two, I DON’T THINK MICROSOFT WILL FIGURE OUT A WAY TO OWN IT. There’s going to be a lot more innovation, and that will create a place where there isn’t this dark cloud of dominance.
H _ _ _ _ _ _ R M
Objects are the same way. Once you understand objects, it’s clear that all software will eventually be written using objects. Again, you can argue about how many years it will take, and who the winners and losers will be during this transition, but you can’t argue about the inevitability of this transition.
The number of applications that need to be written is growing exponentially. Unless we can find a way to write them in a tenth of the time, we’re toast.
The end result of objects – this repackaging of software – is that we can develop applications with only about 10 to 20 percent of the software development required any other way.
/Earlier, you seemed to say there’s a natural affinity between the Web and objects. That these two things are going to come together and make something very new, right?/
Let’s try this another way. What might you want to do on a Web server? We can think of four things:
One is simple publishing. That’s what 99 percent of the people do today. If that’s all you want to do, you can get one of a hundred free Web-server software packages off the Net and just use it. No problem. It works fine. Security’s not a giant issue because you’re not doing credit card transactions over the Web.
The next thing you can do is complex publishing. People are starting to do complex publishing on the Web – very simple forms of it. This will absolutely explode in the next 12 to 18 months. It’s the next big phase of the Web. Have you seen the Federal Express Web site where you can track a package? It took Federal Express about four months to write that program – and it’s extremely simple. Four months. It would be nice to do that in four days, or two days, or one day.
The third thing is commerce, which is even harder than complex publishing because you have to tie the Web into your order- management system, your collection system, things like that. I think we’re still two years away. But that’s also going to be huge.
Last is internal Web sites. Rather than the Internet, it’s intranet. Rather than write several different versions of an application for internal consumption – one for Mac, one for PC, one for Unix – people can write a single version and have a cross-platform product. Everybody uses the Web. We’re going to see companies have dozens – if not hundreds – of Web servers internally as a means to communicate with themselves.
/That’s very interesting. Java pushes the technology toward the client side. Do you find that wrong?/
In my opinion? In the next two years? It’s dead wrong. Because it may slow down getting to ubiquity. And anything that slows down the Web reaching ubiquity allows Microsoft to catch up. If Microsoft catches up, it’s far worse than the fact the Web can’t do word processing. Those things can be fixed later.
There’s a window now that will close. If you don’t cross the finish line in the next two years, Microsoft will own the Web. And that will be the end of it.
Well not there yet, way to go with Hailstorm’s Passport, but looks like Microsoft already owns the“>Web . Quote:
“The organization works across the industry and standards organizations to respond to customer needs by providing guidance, best practices, and resources for developing Web services solutions.”
Their Introduction Presentation <a href=”“>here (Power Point).
And Profiles <a href=”“>here (DOC). There is also a PDF somewhere.
The real one, <a href=”“>here.
You know, C# would be the most ideal high level language for the BeOS. Considering it’s current C++ interface and the similarity of C# and C++.
A C# implementation on BeOS would be awsome!
Hello BeUnited! Anybody home?