Tigger – who is the chief architecht of SOHO had to take break due to personal reasons; Lets hope his issues are resolved with a happy ending. Mean while Kocil , Pastored and UKBill have done a lot to bring a very useful distro.
If some one is interested theya re always welcome at the forums. I can attest to the fact that this a very helpful and friendly community. Instead of looking at it like ” Yet another linux distro” please consider thinking about it as a community some of ” in fact very few” of whom are the actual developers, and most of the others are just helping each other.
There will be no SOHO 4.x as we have had some casualties in the lead developer status due to various personal reasons as all open source projects experience. We are looking for developers for our 5.0 release. We are committed to the slackware ethic, simple is best. If you would like to help check in with the message board.
I like Vector Linux. I’m using it right now. Actually, I’m JUST finishing finalizing and tweaking my install of 4.3, and now here comes 5! Bah! Seriously, though, this is good. It’s a small enough ISO that it only takes me 3 days to download over dialup instead of 6. Heh… It works great with Dropline Gnome, which is also really good. Maybe we’ll see Dropline do their release for Gnome 2.8 at about the same time Vector hits the 5.0 final realease.
Thank you to the Vector devels for making it so simple, and yet decently featured. It’s nice having a clean install of everything I need without a whole lot of fuss in about 15 minutes.
if all you can get is text mode, just run xorgconfig from a rootshell, and answer all the questions exactly according to your hardware specifications, pay particular attention to your video card adapter and horiziontal & vertical sync of your monitor, good luck…
just another flavor of Slack running on this eval x86
SOHO 5? I must have missed SOHO 4…
Actually this is the standalone 5.0, the Soho for 4 isn’t done yet AFAIK
but looking in the directory of the FTP, there is a directory set for the 4.0 SoHo so its just a matter of time…
I like Vector, it does good work for older computers…
first one with xorg 6.8.1 ? btw i like icewm – clean and fast
Tigger – who is the chief architecht of SOHO had to take break due to personal reasons; Lets hope his issues are resolved with a happy ending. Mean while Kocil , Pastored and UKBill have done a lot to bring a very useful distro.
If some one is interested theya re always welcome at the forums. I can attest to the fact that this a very helpful and friendly community. Instead of looking at it like ” Yet another linux distro” please consider thinking about it as a community some of ” in fact very few” of whom are the actual developers, and most of the others are just helping each other.
There will be no SOHO 4.x as we have had some casualties in the lead developer status due to various personal reasons as all open source projects experience. We are looking for developers for our 5.0 release. We are committed to the slackware ethic, simple is best. If you would like to help check in with the message board.
I like Vector Linux. I’m using it right now. Actually, I’m JUST finishing finalizing and tweaking my install of 4.3, and now here comes 5! Bah! Seriously, though, this is good. It’s a small enough ISO that it only takes me 3 days to download over dialup instead of 6. Heh… It works great with Dropline Gnome, which is also really good. Maybe we’ll see Dropline do their release for Gnome 2.8 at about the same time Vector hits the 5.0 final realease.
Thank you to the Vector devels for making it so simple, and yet decently featured. It’s nice having a clean install of everything I need without a whole lot of fuss in about 15 minutes.
on a intel 810 board the display totally corrupted
the display totally corrupted???
if all you can get is text mode, just run xorgconfig from a rootshell, and answer all the questions exactly according to your hardware specifications, pay particular attention to your video card adapter and horiziontal & vertical sync of your monitor, good luck…