xCAT (Extreme Cluster Administration Toolkit) is a tool kit that can be used for the deployment and administration of complex Linux clusters. It makes simple clusters easy and complex clusters possible. The new release of XCAT v1.2.0-pre6 includes support for Kernel 2.6, JS20 (PPC64), RH Fedora Core 1 and 2, SuSE 9 and 9.1, SystemImager updates and alternative Java support for MPCLI.
I always love reading about these types of technologies. I have lots of computers to play with, and wish I had a real use for a cluster, just so I would have an excuse to try it out.
whats with ‘extreme’ being in EVERYTHING nearly? its like it has to have an x in it to sell….
You may be on to something, I would’ve said that Mac OS X started the trend but the again people might be trying to copy the tech saavyness of UniX, and LinuX.. hrm
I think you are on to something with this whole X business.
Off-topic: eXtreme 11?
On-topic: Looks neat, maybe I should try it on a rainy day or something..
They have been working on GridEngine support in xCAT, but it is not available yet!
means you cant play with the most advanced grid enviroment we have today.
<sarcasm>Thanks IBM for the brainwashing!</sarcasm>
just for fun heheh