Novell Inc.’s SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, which began shipping last month, is the first version of SuSE’s enterprise-oriented distribution that has shipped since Novell acquired SuSE Linux AG earlier this year. Read the review at eWEEK.
Novell Inc.’s SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, which began shipping last month, is the first version of SuSE’s enterprise-oriented distribution that has shipped since Novell acquired SuSE Linux AG earlier this year. Read the review at eWEEK.
Have they done anything about the fonts, or does one still have to download M$ fonts? As one individual using Linux products, I must say that I am not always anxious about when the next virus will hit. On one of my boxes, I still have the 2.2.x kernel doing its work! SuSE is good.
I know that whenever I’m choosing an operating system for an enterprise server, fonts are my number one concern.
Got it running on one HP ML330 only for testing Novell’s Nterprise Services.
I must admite its a very strong product for Enterprises’ enviroments. IMHO much more mature than RHEL3.
Who ever cares about fonts in an Enterprise Server OS??? Sometimes OSNews readers are so silly!!!
They sure mention Windows in there a lot, thought I don’t expect enterprise linux (any distro) to take a significant chunk of that market.
I’d be really interested in hearing about shop problems with 2.6 kernel issues if any. I thought they were pushing 2.6 out a bit too early for enterprise, but apparently I was wrong and 2.6 got stable pretty fast?
Also I’ve seen nothing on OSnews about Red Hat enterprises update #3 that has exec-shield and NX (no execute) ported to it. This should definitely, definitely be something SuSe looks into.
People care because enterprise doesn’t just mean IBM zseries, it also means Workstations where people do presentation software for their company and stuff like that.
i’d migrate all of our rhel servers to suse at the drop of a hat if only they’d implement some sort of decent web-based managemtn utility like rhn. yast2 is nice and all but, really, “graphical”? my servers are 6000 km away! and the ncurses implementation of yast is *still* wonked when you use it over ssh.
please, suse, give me an rhn clone and i’ll buy 20 seats!
When I see “SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9” , I tend to think of a server OS, not a workstation OS.
OpenOffice and Gimp on the server? Maybe some games too?
“professional quality” review of server from desktop user standpoint. Installed samba, and? What about mail server, DNS and so on. Security? Not worth to read.