Apple has released Xcode 1.5, an update to its set of developer tools for Mac OS X. According to the release notes, the update includes “an enhanced version of the Xcode IDE with enhanced features and improvements to the user experience, speed, and the build system“.
why don’t you use Xcode? do you even have a Mac?
I haven’t used eclipse, but I don’t understand why you think it’s their job to contribute with C++ since Xcode is principally geared towards Cocoa (ObjectiveC), Java and Carbon.
Isn’t that so, boys?
I’m registered ADC member (free membership), and I saw xcode 1.5, but I cannot open the ftp site?!?!? Does anyone else have the same problem?
I’m registered ADC member (free membership), and I saw xcode 1.5, but I cannot open the ftp site?!?!? Does anyone else have the same problem?
I’m downloading it, but it is very slow. Try another mirror.
It’s weird that they don’t use decent servers for this.. Or just use “software update”, instead of the adc site.
I finally got it through their USA2 listed server, USA1 and Europe are rejecting me with … invalid password?!?! Might be that they don’t have much network bandwidth power as Microsoft for example… Then again, they have
Anyway the download is 372mb, and I think that’s huge
XCode is _way_ ahead of eclipse in terms of usability, programming efficiency and power. At least for the Mac platform.
There is no reason that Apple should drop this tools in favor of something more bloated and slow (don’t get me wrong ; eclipse is great, but there are still better tools out there).
To all those having problems with the ftp site I share your pain – I had problems the last time I tried to download XCode. This is my two step guide on how to do it:
1. Don’t use Finder for the ftp session. Get the user/name password for the session and feed it to a non broken ftp client. The command line one works just fine.
2. Regardless of where in the world you live use the USA servers. The European one must me some SE/30s they had lying around in a cupboard.
I was excited about eclipse, since it came out in version 2.00. Downloaded lots of papers and read them. I’ve proposed even to the guys (they are making debuggers, and gcc-based compilers for the game consoles) to use it as a environment, but the platform is COMPLEX. Or at least different than the usual MSVC (I’m sorry, but I feel that’s the most used C/C++ platform (not Java, i dunno about Java)).
Eclipse is also slow to load (it’s getting better), and hard to start and write simple hello, and then debug it (lots of steps, screens, setups, etc.).
I’m still not giving hope, but I’m mostly finding myself using MSDEV (right now using the Express Beta C/C++ and C#), but I’m also interrested how the stuff goes into the Mac world, so that’s why I’m giving XCode everymonth about day-or two to spend with it.
As I’m doing mostly audio stuff, and the designers in our company use Apple machines, then one day I might be able to do directly software for them using the Mac Framework, but for now I’m sticking with Win32 and whatever there is.
One really nice thing about XCode: It’s free
. No seriously… When my Express beta expires on March 2005, I’ll just have to stop use it (at home).
BTW; Downloading XCODE right now is pain. Safari -> Finder and then copy to directory may fail. I’ve pressed the “DOWNLOAD” button, then quickly pressed ESCAPE, copied the URL and passed it to wget (wget -m http://.…) and now I’m happily downloading it. It was getting disconnected for some reason after each file…
if its anything like Xcode2-preview then it should rock people out of their pants.
Eclipse is … I’m sorry say it as I like the idea of open source and open source development tools that don’t involve vim or emacs not a match for Xcode. Xcode is simply a better code editer and a much nicer IDE to work with.
Hmm… well given that both Eclipse & Xcode will use one and same compiler (the system gcc installed) I don’t see how XCode will produce better code… Might be better options for it? Even then they can be copied… Sorry for nitpicking about that, but I think it’s important… For example CodeWarrior is totally different compiler, which has nothing to do with gcc.
If you subscribe to the Cocoa way of doing things then there is no real substitute.
With XCode you get Interface Builder, which I find is unsurpassed for the ease and speed at which GUIs can be churned out.
Now I wish there was portability of said GUI, i.e be able to read .nib files in java/c++/objC on all platforms.
I’ve seen GNUStep example, but do not know how far the compatibility goes.
For the task of writing code, nothing beats Intellij
Yes downloading XCode is harder than it should be.
When I get to the point where I actually download, I copy&paste the URL into a terminal (xterm, whatever), and use curl or wget so as to mirror and can get all segments in one go, without suffering those pesky timeouts.
I recently began using Eclipse (3.0)at work. I develop “embedded” code. Which means cross compilers, debugging on custom hardware targets, primarily using In-Circuit Emulators (ICE’s). I’m setup with Eclipse on my Windoze box, but I found a way to execte a remote make on our Linux machine, where all the cross tools are. Haven’t figured out about remote debugging yet on a live target.
When the weather is bad here in PA and I can’t get to work, I do work from home on my MAC. XCode is definitly a very slick, well integrated environment. I’ll agree with others, it’s WAY ahead of Eclipse. However, the one part lacking for me is the ability to hook in the cross tools I need. I was able to setup a “standard” project that just used a plain makefile. But then you loose some of the nifty features of Xcode.
Do any of you MAC developers who use XCode know of any way to do this? I don’t think it would be that difficult, since everthing under the hood is “unix”, and we use GDB also. It’s just a compiled version for PPC (specific 603e based for our MPC8260’s).
Looks like Downloading time again this weekend!
Cheers to All!
Stephen is the InterfaceBuilder for the portable GNUstep. Very similiar to Xcode’s original InterfaceBuilder for NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP.
I tried dowloading and had the same problem. The ‘Safari’ reported error says ‘invalid password’, however when I tried the ftp site using the Terminal the error comes back as ‘too many users’.
Guess it’s better to wait until the hype dies down a little before trying again.
XCode is nice, but not quite as nice in the code optimization department. We’ve been considering going back to Codewarrior for our Mac development and are probably going to do so. It’s sort of a bummer because we had high hopes for XCode. But, at the end of the day, Powerplant is very nice and the ability to optimize the code to use Altivec automatically is a nice feature of Codewarrior.
The only outstanding thing we’re looking into before the slow switch back is whether Codewarrior targets the G5…anyone know the answer to this?
I’m a recent OS X convert from Windows and Linux. Up until recently I’ve been using Kdevelop to do all my programming in. I tried Eclipse and have really been enjoying it. I’ve tried using Xcode, but I find for Java that Eclipse has just been easier.
Is there any reason as a Java developer on OS X that I’d want to use Xcode over Eclipse?
Oh, and I didn’t have any problems downloading Xcode 1.5 either. Quick as a rabbit last night. The install sure took a while though!
That’s because the original Project Builder/Interface Builder were NeXT tools inherited by Apple during the buyout. Apple updated the interfaces to Aqua (in fact, if you remember the Rhapsody releases pre OS-X PB/IB look almost identical to their NeXT counterparts.
I don’t think they do; at least I haven’t been able to find anything on their site about it. Have you tried IBM’s XLC compiler? It doesn’t do autovectorization yet, but it’s supposed to be a lot faster than gcc, and you can get a 30-day trial for free.
I think it’s great, but I’ve been using Apple’s dev tools since january 2003, with PB. This release is evolutionary — Xcode has a phenomenal amount of potential, but it’s felt like a beta for quite a while. My first impressions of 1.5 are that a lot of rough edges have been adressed, and it *seems* less crashy. By and large, it’s the same as before, just more polished. Fine by me.
What impresses me about this release is the java support and particularly Ant support. I’m not a java developer ( not recently, at least, I haven’t written a line of java in 5 years ) — I’m all C/C++ but I’m interested nontheless. My GF’s sister talked me into giving her a game I wrote for myself in C++/Objective-C — but she’s a windows person, so if I’m going to do it I’m going to have to rewrite it in Java. So, the better the development environment the easier it will be. I gave a stab at Eclipse, but the fact is my fingers “know” Xcode by now, and learning a new build system and keyboard bindings would be a pain.
Anyway, the one thing that BREAKS MY HEART is that Docoa Browser can’t parse the new documentation. That’s really a bummer.
Fortunately, Docoa is open source and if it’s not updated soon, I’ll give a shot at it myself. The learning curve is steep, however, since Docoa is a non-trivial program…
for using .nib files with java check out:
Eclipse is good, I use it all the time; however, I have some paid modules installed. I use the iSeries (IBM) plug-in for doing RPGLE-IV, CLP, DDS, & SQL programming. I use the Turnover (Softlanding) plug-in to support source management.
At home I just use xCode for doing Objective-C++ programming.
I’ve said this in a number of forums but no-one seemed to respond so I hope this is an Xcode forum you guys can offer your perspectives.
If you look at FCP today it is far ahead of where it was when apple bought it – in fact, the HD stuff, Motion, Cinema Tools, etc. one could argue its a whole new app.
Xcode, the way I see it, is in the pre-FCP-3.0 stage. Right now, they will be focussing on bugs, standards compliance and feature completion and such.
They may surprise us iN 2.0 with one or two “teaser” killer features but I bet the real stuff (modified or totally new innovations that have not been done by others before or were poor implementations) will begin to emerge around 3.0.
Xcode will become the standard that everyone compares (against as opposed to VStudio) and the place people will look for innovative ideas.
Just like FCP trully came into being post-3.0, awards and all, we will see Apple begin to experiment with new concepts.
I think this is the right strategy (seek-out full standards compliance for c/c++/java/perl/etc. && and maybe even form some kind of Ob-C group that can add webservices feartures to it – not sure of importance, Apple should research this).
What do you all think? Xcode 3.5 HD…
FCP still costs some money, while XCode is free. We don’t know how many people (as a team) are standing neither behind FCP, neither behind XCode. We don’t know their plans, tasks, etc. I think that makes difference.
XCode, I believe, is mainly to get people easy to work on the platform. Mac is still a bit niche, so it needs boost from the developers to start coding for it. Also XCode might be a plus for the universities or schools (or they can try Eclipse or DevCpp32/Win32).
XCode is Apple’s internal development environmnet; thus, Apple’s programmers have to deal with it day in and day out. If they have problems, then yes it’ll get fixed by the XCode team. Another thing to remember is that XCode is just and code development environment and build platform, it’s not an IDE like Visual Studio.
Apple’s currently investing in:
1) GCC: along with IBM to make it generate better code for the PPC.
2) GCC: they have a GCC team adding features to the base line and interal versions. Recently, some Objective-C extentions (post Next) were ported back into the base line. Also, they ported the Fix & Continue, and Zero-Link features back to base line. Thus, they’re slowly improving the GCC project.
3) Java: they’ve submitted several impovements back to Sun for inclusion in the base platform. An example is the shared run-time environment that was planned for general release in 1.5. It’s been in Apples version since 1.3.
4) KHTML: They’ve made major speed improvements and compatability changes to the code. All these changes have been sent back to the KDE team to be merged into the base line.
5) FreeBSD: They’ve made improvements to several drivers and subsystems. The FreeBSD team is still working on merging thsee changes back into base.
Over all, I’d give Apple good marks for working with the FOSS world. They still like to keep as much closed as posible. I’m not sure if they’ve made any changes to Apache, MySQL, or SAMBA; I’ve never read about anything being submitted to these teams from Apple.
FCP still costs some money, while XCode is free. We don’t know how many people (as a team) are standing neither behind FCP, neither behind XCode. We don’t know their plans, tasks, etc. I think that makes difference.
XCode, I believe, is mainly to get people easy to work on the platform. Mac is still a bit niche, so it needs boost from the developers to start coding for it. Also XCode might be a plus for the universities or schools (or they can try Eclipse or DevCpp32/Win32).
In the post world, FCP is no niche for that matter DVD Studio Pro, ether is Apple. Apple dominated NAB with FCP HD(yep hd over firewire, not add-on card)and Motion.
Apple is starting to use this API technology, now is XCode able to write Core Image/Core Video even though Tiger hasn’t been finished? I even read of Core Audio. Just interest me because Motion plays in realtime in HD. I’m also wondering if Adobe will ever pick on this technology, they should. Seems to me that it would make a better product for people like me in Motion Graphics.
“Today Apple previewed the next generation of OS. Tiger 10.4 what is interesting is a new API called Core Image and Core Video. Apple has stated that Motion was developed using Core Video. This means that now all developers have access to the same technology that makes Motion “tick”. This is really cool as now guys like Graeme Nattress will have access to the same core tech that Motion has. Applications can be kept small yet easily tap into quality video manipulation using the GPU. Plus there is a new plugin like format called Video Unit or Image Unit. So expect a Big Bang of these “units” to appear quickly upon Tiger’s release. Fellas video on the Mac is going to go realtime in many new ways next year. Like Motion the faster your GPU gets the faster your app gets.”
Name: dion(One of the Developers)
Date: Jul 2, 2004 at 21:17 gmt
Subject: Re: core image core video core motion
I hope this clears things up:
Motion uses 32-bit float internal processing for filters. However, the input/output is always 8-bit.
Motion does not use Core Image because Core Image/Core Video does not come out until Tiger is released. But the filters in Motion are based on the same technology used in Core Image.
Obviously Motion is an application with much more functionality and Core Image is a technology that all video and graphics applications will be able to take advantage of in “Tiger”.