“The shareholders and directors of NaN Holding BV, owners of Blender, have decided to terminate all activities of NaN Technologies BV and apply for its bankruptcy at the Amsterdam court. It means that effective today, all technology development and website activities around Blender will be frozen.” Exactly one year ago NaN had exactly the same problem, but they managed to find venture capitals who believed in the company. A year later, NaN is on the same situation again, and this time it seems they are going down for good.
That’s really a shame, Blender was a great piece of software. I hope that some other group will be able to continue developement.
Newtek, please port Lightwave to Linux, or at least the render farm engine. Imagine how much faster rendering could be without Windows sucking up half of the processor. And release Inspire 3d 2.0! Or have they?
Blender, like many things associated with Linux, requires too much work to get results.
I havn’t tried it yet but on the cd there seemed to be a linux render farm capability. Hmm, should try it out
I’d like to have a period of mourning, but it is time to find something else. I suggest all those who cannot use Blender, in its current state, forever check out K3D.
It is GPL and is starting to rock.
Maybe it will appear again.
… that open “free beer” source doesn’t work for a company that has employees that insist on eating, living, having a family.
A shame really. Though I couldn’t come to grips with its interface it was really…um… unique. More so, as it was the only app resembling a 3D package under BeOS.
NaN made money from their design work – they used Blender in-house and decided to give it away for free only because they didn’t need to rely on it for extra revenue. This is not the same as Mandrake who rely on income from their Linux product but still give it away free as well.
Blender was only a “geek” tool. It had one of the worst interface I ever experienced for a 3D package. True, the list of features was becomming quite impressive. But for an everyday usage, it was not appropriate. It has the merit of being the first real 3D application for Linux and BeOS. With the source being in the Open world, we may see a more intuitive UI developed.
Blender shouldn’t even be considered the first real 3D app for BeOS. I have never gotten it to run with better than “redraw one inch of screen per second” refresh rate or without crashing.
Besides… with that interface, I doubt I would have spent much time trying to learn how to use it… I’m having far more productive a time with Lightwave, despite it being on Windows.
Una lastima el cierre de NaN, espero encuentren una solucion economica y puedan volver al mercado… Amantes del 3D, no hay nada mejor que Blender Creator!!!