Mono, which released version 1.0 last month, is significant in several ways: it offers the potential to unite the open source communities for Windows, Linux, and other platforms; it fulfills the niche for a powerful migration tool; it builds upon existing open source technologies such as Mozilla and Apache; and — most importantly — it illustrates the resolve of the open source community to rise to MS’ challenge.
more people make a living with java then mono, .net, and python combined.
You can do it in the IDE and it’s called Anchor.
Try it! An anchor maintains the space between a control and the side of the form, not between two controls. There is no way to make a Windows.Form share the horizontal space equally between two controls without writing code.
What is Visual Stuido 2004, and why are you using it if you are not a .Net programmer?
What year are we in? Visual Studio 2004, also known as Visual Studio v7.1. And there’s these other wacky languages called C and C++ that the Visual Studio IDE will compile. Yeah, they’re pretty new but I hear they’re taking off
The combination of anchoring, docking, splitting, and grouping solves a large majority of common layout problems. However, it won’t solve them all. For example, automatically spreading controls proportionally across a client area in a table or grid-like manner, as shown in Figure 11, can’t be accomplished using these techniques.
From this URL:…
It specifically says you need to write code for the Layout event to do even spacing of controls across a client area. This is elementary layout. Maybe I’ll make myself a hbox/vbox custom control.
Dude, great, you found something you enjoy doing on Glade or whatever and that SWF can’t do, but what’s your point? Does your app depends desperately on it? Will you have to quit a 30k project because of that? There are lots of alternative ways to make your beloved GUI look good, apart from that.
Good news is that, with the time you’ll save by using a decent, _integrated_ environment like VS.Net, you’ll probably find yourself with a lot of time at the end of the day to play with your combos. You’ll end up with something cute sooner or later, believe me.
HBOX –….
VBOX –….
GRID –….
Tell me when you need more
So there is absolutely no dependency on the desktop and Windows.Forms so my argument in that direction is not applicable to your project at all.
However ASP.NET and ADO.NET (which I assume you use as well as it is very nice)isn’t in the ECMA release either, so the same aurguments apply, but probably with a lesser force as the number of features that Mono’s ASP.NET will ever have to play catch up with is likely to be small and quickly overcome compared to reverse engineering the most of the Windows display layer. But they are still going to have to play catch up.
<cite>Try it! An anchor maintains the space between a control and the side of the form, not between two controls. There is no way to make a Windows.Form share the horizontal space equally between two controls without writing code.</cite>
Ok fair enough, but you didn’t even mention Anchor as being a half solution to the problem. you were talking about Dock which is as useful for this problem as border style.
I agree with Rod, would that one detail stop an entire project ? IMO I’ve never needed to worry about Controls that meet in the middle.
<cite>What year are we in? Visual Studio 2004, also known as Visual Studio v7.1. And there’s these other wacky languages called C and C++ that the Visual Studio IDE will compile. Yeah, they’re pretty new but I hear they’re taking off </cite>
Surely you mean Visual Studio 2003?
But still, it sounds like you hate the Software and the environment … why did you buy it ?
ok so Cite doesn’t work but it previews