Microsoft said Monday that the long-awaited update of Windows XP will be sent to manufacturing in August, a month later than expected. The product should be in customers’ hands later that month. Also, according to the Redmond software giant, the Windows market is nowhere near saturated. The growth will come from new segments and a vertical push by OEMs, executives predict.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had monopolies and could ship whenever we wanted, never mind the customer or the market?
has there been a month in the last 6 that sp2 hasn’t been pushed back? or for that matter longhorn? or virtual pc for mac? does microsoft even publish new software anymore or are these release dates just a scam to keep marketshare even though they don’t have any products?
Obviously it is not ready so they dont ship it. You guys always bitch about how buggy Microsoft software and now you bitch about shipping it late. Make up your mind.
Besides this is more than an update so everything should work close to perfect.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had monopolies and could ship whenever we wanted, never mind the customer or the market?
Like, say, most open source projects ?
>Like, say, most open source projects ?
Oh, if most open source projects were charging like Microsoft does and were making greater than a billion dollars a month in profit… you might have a point.
But considering most open source projects are free or low cost and run break even or at a loss, there is no comparison.
For all the money that Microsoft charges and their several de-facto monopolies, they should deliver quality product on time. But they don’t. Because as a giant multi-monopoly… THEY DON’T HAVE TO.
>The growth will come from… a vertical push by OEMs
Does this mean more “forced” packaging with new PCs?
“shopping and download site that will let partner buy software and hardware that works with Windows.”
Microsoft is going to make it possible to buy hardware and software that works with windows? I wonder what kind of hit these people are taking to sell software/hardware that works with windows on a sponsored Microsoft website.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had monopolies and could ship whenever we wanted, never mind the customer or the market?
If they honestly didn’t care about the customer or the market sp2 would have shipped long ago, full of bugs and issues.
It goes RTM a month later than planned, omg the sky must surely be falling right ?
Oh, if most open source projects were charging like Microsoft does and were making greater than a billion dollars a month in profit… you might have a point.
But considering most open source projects are free or low cost and run break even or at a loss, there is no comparison.
Ok. I get it now. So basically what you are saying is that its *OK* for OSS to take eons to reach a 1.0 release on damn near anything because they don’t get paid ? LOL. Umm isn’t this the model half you guys like to brag about being the future ?
What are you telling us ? That instead of a profit driven company pushing release dates back we are entering an era where no one gets paid and software gets developed *when they have time* ? Gee that sounds like a great direction for the software industry. w00t!
For all the money that Microsoft charges and their several de-facto monopolies, they should deliver quality product on time. But they don’t. Because as a giant multi-monopoly… THEY DON’T HAVE TO.
According to who’s schedule ? If the stuff is released in time to keep the monopoly intact I’d say they are hitting it right on the head.
Does this mean more “forced” packaging with new PCs?
No because its not forced right now. Most manufacturers just don’t see enough of a return to warrent pushing Linux on desktop machines. If they did, then they would be doing it obviously as companies are profit driven.
It does mean that we will see more “built for Windows” stickers on new systems though.
Yes, in the future of computing, software will take the same time as the monopoly but it will cost many orders of magnitude less.
You said it yourself.
Microsoft taking extra time to release something? If they’re making sure it works correctly and tetsing for bugs (and fixing them) then why is this so bad?
I’m an OSS advocate, but you have to give credit where credit is due. If they shipped on time and it was full of new bugs and security holes everyone would be in an uproar over how they should have delayed and got it right.
As long as the delay isn’t so they can stuff in some more features that really arn’t needed, what’s the harm?
Really, microsoft getting something right only benefits people. Even non-windows users (remember how viruses impact the internet).
it’s taking Microsoft an extra long time to write all the new backdoors in XP SP2.
heaven forbid you actually thought all those holes in IE/XP/etc were merely ‘bugs’…
and don’t forget microsoft is in the ‘security’ business now… so there will always be ‘security problems’ to make the ‘security’ business profitable…
follow the money, people… microsoft creates problems so they can offer solutions… same old dialectic bullshit they’ve always used…
Hey I just downloaded 28MB of updates to my Mandrake system. This is about 1-2 months of updates. Get real people….