Jeff Bogdan explores Avalon’s control content model, a concept that can be nearly missed by the developer on first encounter, but one that provides extreme flexibility when meeting the demands of richer scenarios.
Jeff Bogdan explores Avalon’s control content model, a concept that can be nearly missed by the developer on first encounter, but one that provides extreme flexibility when meeting the demands of richer scenarios.
what is avalon?
Avalon is the new graphics system for the next version of windows (longhorn). It will replace the current software based system (GDI+) with a hardware based interface kinda like OSX. You can get more info here:…
I’m a professional .NET programmer, but in my spare time I’m a Cocoa programmer as well. I like both development platforms about equally, but I believe the UI component of Cocoa is much better than Windows Forms.
XAML, built atop Avalon, may change my mind.
So now I can control my text? Superb! And THIS is why Apple will loose.
1) Did you read the article at all?
2) Is Apple winning?
1) You mean you are supposed to read articles?
2) Depends on how you define “winning”.