MacRumors claims to have found some screenshots from the upcoming OSX Tiger showing some new features and the ability to “disable” the UI of the parent window if a focused/modal window is on top. They also include a PDF file with installation instructions, in which OSX requires a DVD drive to get installed. Please note that the MacRumors information is unconfirmed and not official by any means. Update: This is most probably fake, read the comments for more opinions on this.
From the end of the MacRumors post:
Thanks to Gary Niger and Ron Delsner of GNAA for providing the information in this article.
Now do a google search for “Gary Niger GNAA” and click the first result. Form your own conclusions about the validity of the screenshots. I mean, it’s possible that these are real, but the source is hardly credible.
Considering the fact that it is credited to the most prolific group of slashdot trolls in recent times.
I hope they didn’t remove the ability to drag common control panel items to the top of the control panel. Search is lame, I’d rather put my common controls at the top.
You are right. Hadn’t really read that part at the very end of the article. It is most possibly fake.
those look really fake, look some words are fully capitalised others arent, hu’s this guy trying to kid?
Looks fake to me. Besides, I’m more interested in the G5 iMac rumor. Hope that one comes true!
Well, if you gonna go fake, then fake it good.
Look for the spelling error in this one:…
Probably those screenshots are fake. Many of the screenshot-described features looks really similar to what you can get with third party applications.
Look at other Mac sites to see the comments.
if they were real, Apple Legal would be all over it in a blink. Since their still up…I call fake.
From the version history for Konfabulator 1.7:
“Version 1.7 – 06/25/04
* Added Konsposé – press F8 to reveal all your Widgets, move them about and press it again to return to where you were (or hold it down and release for a quick head’s up of your Widgets).”
…now does this remind you of the so called “Dashboard” (see ) screenshot?
BR//Karl -> qwilk
“so called “Dashboard””
I agree with what you said, I just thought I’d add that the term Dashboard is from the new Motion application. Watch the videos about it and they go over it. It’s like a properties panel that’s transparent and floats.
Well, I guess I have to give the GNAA some credit on that one. YHBT YHL HAND
I can’t believe the amount of people who have fallen for this one. I see the GNAA is expanding beyond trolling Slashdot.
where’s the spelling error?? =
well, that most certainly will not come until November so that they can sell some units for the holidays.
…is also found in Gnome!
whats that mean?
“…is also found in Gnome!“
Close but not the same thing. This type of dashboard is more like a properties panel/inspector, used to alter objects.
“Rebuild Classic Dekstop”
This isn’t the same functionality that was depicted in the quite likely fake Tiger screenshots. What those demonstrated is the ability to clear your desktop in a similar manner to Expose and have quick access to desktop widgets similar to those found in Konfabulator. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Apple take yet another third party app and bundle it in OSX like they did with Watson and dozens of other good ideas developed by others.
On a side note, when Microsoft builds systems to aid users like Gnome’s Dashboard, Clippy for example (you do know you could change the character to something more palatable right? I liked Links myself), everyone jumps on them and says they hate the computer thinking for them. Why is it OK for Gnome to do something like this, essentially copying Microsoft once again by the way (Evolution look a bit like Outlook? Perhaps too much), and not OK for Microsoft? Just a little food for thought.
You Have Been Trolled. You Have Lost. Have A Nice Day.
Man, I could be wrong … but these screenshots don’t look like anything Steve Jobs would let out the door. What, for instance, justifies the different colors on the Dashboard appliances? Seems too much of a departure from the current UI.
And, yeah, the iTunes gadget looks suspiciously like Konfabulator’s mini iTunes remote.
If there is _any_ question of the validity of an article: WHY POST IT?
– j
“On a side note, when Microsoft builds systems to aid users like Gnome’s Dashboard, Clippy for example (you do know you could change the character to something more palatable right? I liked Links myself), everyone jumps on them and says they hate the computer thinking for them. Why is it OK for Gnome to do something like this, essentially copying Microsoft once again by the way (Evolution look a bit like Outlook? Perhaps too much), and not OK for Microsoft? Just a little food for thought.”
It’s not about who did it first or who copied who, or that it’s Microsoft doing it, or that it’s gnome doing it. It’s about how well it’s implemented. Windows gives the impression that it’s all about what a computer can do for the user, when in fact it’s about what the user can do with the computer. Technology is around to simplify our lives, and making us think like a computer doesn’t make anything easier, but making a computer think like us does. It’s all in the approach and implementation.
Oh come now, the source is MacRumors… the validity of the screen shots should be determined from the screen shots themselves rather than the source.
From the looks of it, these screen shots could certainly be valid. Only time will tell…
Also, additional ones have been posted:
I can confirm that Dashboard IS a feature of Tiger… at least some of this is real boys and girls.
Enough said. They are trollers. Oh well, I knew the Slate theme and “Dashboard” are something Apple would not even think about.
You missed the entire point of my post. Ignore the source and please look at the screen shots and determine if you believe they are fakes. For example, do you think something like this is fake:
I certainly don’t think so…
Yes they are fake! Any idiot with a basic graso of PhotoShop and a little luck and talent can make mock up’s that look real.
Looking at this screenshot :…
It should only display items with letter “d”.
Where is the “d” in “Recent items” ?
Well.. heard they weren’t that fake from an apple dev…
despite i though it was fake at first ..
we will soon see (at the WWDC, in a few days)
the entries are the search entries which the program remembers, just like in safari google field etc
the typos in desktop are made by the user testing out
ok, i have been viewing macrumors for some time, and although a lot of their stories are legitimate, this hoax is unforgiveable–macrumors, you are here by banned, I will never, never ever go to your site again!
These screenshots are real, their build is slightly lower than mine so some of the typos are gone. THEY ARE REAL
The validity of every comment here should be in question..
Since the GNAA probably are aware that someone didn’t think before posting this story, they’re going to come and tell everyone that the pics are real.
For example, do you think something like this is fake:
I certainly don’t think so…
Its an HTML page ! Look at the font in the Safari title bar.. someone’s changed the text there to make it look like Safari reading an RSS feed.
also look at the rss logo at the right hand side, if you look at its background, it looks like what wever was behind it was quite messely rubbed out, cant, might just be me eyes decieving me im not sure.
quantis, that’s jpeg compression.
However, certainly fake…
Ok, you guys say teh screen shots are fake. I’ll take your word for it since I never used a mac. But I just have to ask about that session of AIM in the background on systempreferences_search.gif (search 1) link. Is that a real AIM session? I’ve never seen AIM have the little yellow guys speak with bubbles.
It’s called iChat and it’s been out for a long time.
if you think that the source does not matter when considering credibility then I think you need a lesson in critical thinking.
Thanks, never saw iChat before. Like I said, I never used a mac.
just watch wwdc tomorrow and see if that’s so fake.. cse they are not
They’re all removed. Stupid lawyers.
It’s so funny, I don’t think apple asked to remove, however they should because they were such a crap. I mean the concepts may be true but the implementation was terrible photoshop konfabulator, bad photoshop work on a Mac! sure Apple they might sue them
Update 2: Images removed at request of Apple Legal.
Funny that “Apple Legal” asked MacRumors to take their images down but not ThinkSecret or other well known Mac rumor sites posting the very same images. MacRumors is just trying to save some face in their choice to post some poorly executed fabrications of what tomorrow will bring. In my opinion, it is easy enough to see the complete lack of Apple flair and ingenuity in each and every one of those images. Tomorrow will be the ultimate truth in the matter however.…
If these are fake, they were created by a rather creative individual…
Are you guys taking the piss or what. None of these screenshot links work. Unless the Applestapo have had them silenced. I feel like a dog that’s been blooded. I have the taste but no meat. Anyone care to mail me a couple of grabs if they have any…
OMG it’s all real…
The GNAA were right…
What can I say, I told you so? WWDC proves a bunch of /. trolls can get their hands on a prerelease of an upcoming Apple operating system. To all the naysayers, shame on you… apprently you are unable to tell Apple’s graphic design from what some douche can put together in Photoshop. Is it any wonder the UI of so many open source operating systems is lacking when people are unable to make this distinction?
Its an HTML page ! Look at the font in the Safari title bar.. someone’s changed the text there to make it look like Safari reading an RSS feed.
Look a little harder, what about the slider on the side? Also, JPEG compression as has been mentioned. There’s absolutely nothing unbelievable there.
if you think that the source does not matter when considering credibility then I think you need a lesson in critical thinking.
The source does not matter because the graphic and application design speaks for itself… these are clearly Apple tools (made blatently clear after the WWDC keynote, BTW *nice* new Cinema Displays).
So, what else can I say? I told you so… the same thing happened when early Panther screen shots were posted and everyone claimed they were Photoshop. Adding iTunes-like search functionality to other applications is clearly the direction Apple is moving in, and Workflow looks like a bit more polished an idea than some apparently incredible /. troll is capible of putting together himself.
Everyone, please learn to recognized polished UI design when you see it… some troll can’t slap that together in 10 minutes in Photoshop.
I mean, what? Really?
What a waste of life…
I actually came here right now to say hands up, sorry, I got it wrong…like just about everyone else in this thread
But since it takes a particular kind of assholishness to make an “I told you so” post instead of just waiting for people to reply out of honour… stuff it, Bascule.
But since it takes a particular kind of assholishness to make an “I told you so” post instead of just waiting for people to reply out of honour… stuff it, Bascule.
Drastic circumstances are necessary when dealing with unparalleled idiocy. — oh well they weren’t fake!
not fake. ay, yai, yai