Wondering what embedded processor or system-on-chip to use in your next Linux device? This exhaustive reference of Linux friendly CPUs lists more than 150 options across five major architectures, complete with brief descriptions and links for further information.
Jus bought my self a A-Link/Avaks RoadRunner 64 ( http://www.a-link.com/uk/RR64.html ). The core is based on an ARM9 @ 200MHz. The platform and programs have been developed by LSI Logic and the processor is actually the AR901 wich is a SoC. ( http://www.lsilogic.com/products/dsl_network_processors/ar901.html )
If anyone has experience in hacking this thing, I’d me most interested in co-ordinating some efforts.
I’ve been promised to receive the GPL source in a few days and in august (when everyone is back from their summer holidays) they will upload it to their webserver.
It’s quite a nice little box, and I’d prolly recommend anyone looking for and ADSL modem with router capabilities to check it out (if you need wlan they have another model with that too). There not even all that expensive (I got mine without wlan for 80eur).
Any tips or tricks will be appreciated.
…more than 150 options across five major architectures…
And which ones are the cheapest/coolest for an individual geek ?
what can you actually do with these things?
Can I use one to build a small, low power and low noise pc? Or are they just for routers and the like. Why would I want linux running my router?
“I’ve been promised to receive the GPL source in a few days and in august”
Is this port being done by a company?
AMD’s Geode NX could be an interesting option, as it claims to be compatible with socket A motherboards that are plentiful and cheap.
there’s so many interesting chips but the development platforms are always an arm and a leg.
its tempting to try and go out and build your own reference board, but high speed signalling is such a black art i’m rather sure it would pretty much not work. and then you dont get the reference tools either, so once beat the board design game, your back at square one building tools.
i know there’s some chips which you can actually just build a system with: wire up all the connections, use some linux bootstrap system on compact flash (or something, whatever) and go. but who’se going to advertise that when they make $4000 off a reference board?
until then, there’s a nice xilinx package for CPLD development for $50, and some really really nice microcontrollers (not nearly linux capable at all), particularly a ton of 8051 with every feature you’d ever want.
the other future-sight is stuff like ibm’s core connect. standardized on chip busses really has a lot of potential. design your peripherial for a interface, not a processor. with silicon scaling and hardware power consumption being a growing issue, dedicating hardware to individual functions is going to play a very important role in embedded systems. when you can develop your specific acceleration not for a processor, but for an interface, there’s a lot more “value”.
Yes the software is compiled by LSI Logic, the makers of the network chips. But in reality it is pretty much just compiling stuff like busybox for ARM. The only part that prolly needed porting was the kernel and respective modules.
From what I gathered from LSI’s marketing briefs they will give you that stuff when you buy their reference platform to do your own development. It seems that for the AP model A’link added their own (or a gpl version there of) wlan module for the Zydas wlan chip.
I just received the gpl:d source today, and I haven’t had the time to even untar it yet.
Your router will need some form of OS. Lynksys is a fine small router and it runs Linux.
Mostly this is for, if you are going to use an embeded CPU, you can spend >$K for an OS or you can use Linux?
“Your router will need some form of OS. Lynksys is a fine small router and it runs Linux.
Mostly this is for, if you are going to use an embeded CPU, you can spend >$K for an OS or you can use Linux?”
Well, there is no reason to have an OS for a system whose only function is being a router, you can actually run your routing algorithm in the bare hardware. There have been a few projects that do all sorts of crazy things like a webserver on a pic chip and such, no need for an OS. It is however nice if an OS is there to help porting already developed code w/o much pain though…