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Nested Classes, Part 2

Robert Simmons continues his efforts to clarify confusion over the use of nested classes in Java in this week’s installment, excerpted from Chapter 6 (“Nested Classes”) of Hardcore Java. Robert discusses the somewhat troublesome limited-scope inner classes; one specific type within this category, known as anonymous classes; and the various problems programmers can encounter with limited-scope classes.


  1. 2004-05-31 12:20 pm
  2. 2004-05-31 12:37 pm
  3. 2004-05-31 1:41 pm
  4. 2004-05-31 2:47 pm
  5. 2004-05-31 3:50 pm
  6. 2004-05-31 6:06 pm
  7. 2004-05-31 6:26 pm
  8. 2004-06-01 2:41 am