The Brazilian Linux distribution Kurumin has just released version 3.0 final. I don’t know much more, because my Portuguese isn’t so good. Download locations, ChangeLog, and plenty of other information is available here, along with plenty of other useful information, I’m certain.
Kurumin is a small Linux Distribution, originaly derived fron Knoppix. The main objective is to be a very user friendly Linux distribution to new users.
Here is some screenshots:…
Ruming w2k inside Kurumin-emu.
The Control Panel…
Watching a Quick-Time streaming on Kaffeine…
Sincronizing with a USB Palm using Kpilot…
Flash Plug-in on Firefox.…
Flash 4, Photoshop, Filezilla, Mirc and Office running inside Wine.
– Kurumin-emu -> “Vmware” like application. Described as a “killer app”. It’s free and is installed with the system.
– It’s 194.1 MB
– It has updates in partimage, xmms, discover, kword, etc.
Goals for the next version:
– Hardware detection
– more Wireless drivers
– better usability
– better suport for apt-get upgrade
>> – Kurumin-emu -> “Vmware” like application. Described as a “killer app”. It’s free and is installed with the system. <<
This Kurumin-emu is a interface to Qemu, it’s an x86 emulator like bochs, but much faster (not so fast as vmware, something like 15 to 20% of the original performance).
I searched on google but not found many references to Qemu. It is a fine appllication but aparently not so used, maybe because originally he is command line only.
What is that panel at the bottom (just above the KDE panel) on the shot:…
That looks pretty neat.
Hi Morimoto…
This version 3.0 is really very interesting, congratulations for the excellent job.
It’s a Karamba bar. There is another themes available on
Domo arigatô gosaimasta! hehe
Karamba bar totally functional, cool..:-) Are there no way to disable KDE bar and insert the main functions inside Karamba bar? Maybe a look as Mac OSX bar..:-) Very impressive work ..
The real great feature on Kurumin is that it installs and configures almost all common hardware we have in Brazil. For the non-geek user, it’s just great. After you install it in your harddrive [ok, live cds are good, but I want to use this everyday] you can just upgrade your distro and get a full-featured debian system without any mambo-jambo.
Morimoto’s support and the Kurumin forum are just great. We’re seeing lots and lots of people, governamental agencies and companies [including mine] migrating to it, even remixing to get some extra features.
Morimoto, keep the good work. I’m dieing to get this new release
You can use some other theme, or try superkaramba. Prometeus has alread done something like that.
Whe are talking like the two Germans in London:
– Hi, my English not good, speak slowly, please… I need taxi, you know where is?
– Hello, my English is no good two, i’m fron German
– I’m fron German two!!
– So, why we are talking in English???
This excellent o Kurumin, read book of Kurumin (, Although to be Portuguese I recommend the use.
I tried it about a year ago and was impressed with it, the thing i liked the best, was the option to switch to a lighter environment with a command.
You just type ‘tamuitolerdo’ (it literally means ‘it’s too slow’) and it switches to Fluxbox, IIRC, and lighter apps, obviously it benefits older computers. I thought it was a great option, it showed serious thinking on the part of Mr Morimoto, sensitive to the economic situation in the third world.
No doubt i will download this version, eventhough i’m a spanish speaker, it’s very easy to understand.
keep the good work, Carlos
But 200 MBs is too little. When the users have to install other big packages like development libraries/softwares, OpenOffice, etc, things can get messy for them. The “Magic Icons” integrated with the menu are great, but the reliance on them for everything isn’t very healthy for the system.
Alright that it lets some other distros CD-sized (700 MBs) evolve around it, but they won’t have the same polish and use level of the main distro.
Perhaps it’s just sour grapes that I’m not one the target audience. Go Kurumin!
You can use the “kokar” feature to get all the downloads in a CD, so you can install it on other machines without downloading
Morimoto, what about a better support for i18n?
Gostei dessa paródia dos alemãos falando inglês, Morimoto!
Realmente, parece piada de português.
I found this distro the other day, needless to say it looks cool.
Bom sorte!
(Pô, os Brasileiros imigrantes aqui também deixam muito a desejar)
Lisboa, 28-Mai-2003
The problem is you need to install the system first, and the installer is in Portuguese. If you’ve done a few Linux installs in your time it is actually manageable because just looking for key words is enough to give you some idea what the installer wants – but it is a bit of a challenge. I actually did it with the previous version of Kurumin… I’m not sure I want to go through it again!
One of the most beautiful and polished distros I have ever seen. If that tutorial (how to change the language) works well it will certainly get a permanent partition in my HD.
Congratulations and keep up the good work.
…mas eu sou portugues e aconteceu isso mesmo.. Estava em inglaterra num inter-rail e comecamos a perguntar a uns tipos por informacoes e ate que chegamos (a serio
) ao classico:
– ok, thank you for your information… btw you’re not english are you?
-no, no we’re from portugal!
-really? we’re from portugal too!!
-…. then why are we speaking portuguese
foi muito engracado 
Parabéns pelo kurumim que é uma distribuição que eu considero tão boa, que consigo corre-la sem me incomodar o facto de estar em Português (eu tenho a mania de ter tudo e mais alguma coisa em inglês, gosto de consistência no sistema).
Estou a sakar esta nova 3.0, e se gostar é isto que vou começar a recomendar aos meus amigos, para tentarem linux enquanto não têm pedalada para o que eu uso, gentoo ^^.
Does this install in US-English too or is it a portugese only distro? Cause I’d love to try it but can’t read a word or Portugese
Ok, i say this because distros like Redflag Linux are Chinese Only!
must learn to read all posts before posting ….
That “english_how-to.txt” document is clear, but is even clearer in demonstrating that quite some work is required to have Kurumin run in English, and that several glitches are likely to be left thereafter. I would like to see a script (ícone mágico) to change Kurumins base language, and decent installer for Firefox (KDE icons, file associations etc.) in English. Great distro indeed.
And besides the size of Kurumin is ideal.
It is not a toy OS like most 50 MBs distros. It has evrything you need in the right size.
Please.please, somebody make an English version of it. If only I knew Portuguese…
>> If only I knew Portuguese…
Sounds as if this was the perfect chance to learn it ;P
LOL, I have learned many languages in my life, and I know that it takes years to properly learn a new one…
Meu o Morimoto esta de parabens! o nosso linux Brasileiro esta inda para fora e fazendo bunito!
Bem vendo a tamanha repercusão do kurumin fora do Brasil, acho que ta chegando a hora de colocar um icone magico para instalar o pacote de internacionalização do kde(no caso o kurumin) vou sugerir isto no forum
até aproxima versão
Há alguém trabalhando em um menu para optar por inglês, espanhol ou português no início do boot do LiveCd ou da instalação ? Acho que só falta isso pro Kurumin poder desbravar novas terras.
Anybody has work in a menu to choose English, Spanish or Portuguese in the beginning of the boot of the LiveCd or of the installation? I think only lack that for Kurumin to conquer new lands.