Mad Penguin has published a review of CrossOver Office 3 as well as an interview with the founder of CodeWeavers Inc., Jeremy White. Review of CrossOver 3 and interview
with Jeremy White.
Mad Penguin has published a review of CrossOver Office 3 as well as an interview with the founder of CodeWeavers Inc., Jeremy White. Review of CrossOver 3 and interview
with Jeremy White.
both links results in a 404:
“Hmmm, I cannot seem to find that item anywhere on this server.
Please check your spelling and try again.”
article number is correct – it seems to be broken on the madpenguin-side – as i cant access it from their main page also…
Like the subject says … it was posted on slashdot and probably got taken down on purpose ….
They probably pulled the article to counter the Slashdotting.
looks like our mad penguin is completly wasted. nothing but the index works for me…
kindest regards,
..Admin was talking about how the backend for the site was not handling a lot of traffic well…with the Slashdotting they probably just took it down.
It’s slashdotted. It should be back up in a couple of days
The servers being used now are pretty much donated ..its not a business sorry to inconvenience you my liege.
Complicated hosting the access did not found…
How is the printer support?
Does it needs true type fonts to run office?
The site is back up. We are getting nailed from all sides this AM (mostly from Slashdot of course). PostNuke is on its way out the door and we are moving to custom code… should be completely migrated within a week or so. This is the last time Slashdot will bring us down.
I tried the evaluation version and it is very good but also very expensive for home users. Maybe it is the reason why we can see many pirated copies of Crossover in P2P networks.
My sugestion is to put a lower price ! US$ 10 would be good.…
Just in case you can’t get it from CodeWeavers main page.
Sounds fantastic: “this public services agency migrate its entire infrastructure to a low-cost Linux platform, and in the process saved themselves C$350,000”
$350,000, even Canadian, is a hell of a money, especially if you consider they talk about 150 computers.
That’s $2,333 per computer, even Canadian. Wow!
But the story goes like this: an agency runs some Windows based software on old Win98 boxes. They are OK, apparently, until some guy says: heck, Win98 is no longer supported- we are doomed, doomed I tell ya- lets move to XP and, yes, I need a big screen LCD TV in my office.
Obviously, you need a better computer to run an XP, and a new good computer with a new good monitor could cost you $2,000 Canadian. That’s all to run old Windows based software- an overkill, of course.
Instead, a brighter guys comes and says: the heck with new computers, and these old monitors may burn your eyes but already paid for so cost us nothing- so lets stay with them but move to Linux and spend a mere $133 per desktop for transition.
Well, that’s improvement, sure.
But if it were me, I would say: for $133 even Canadian per desktop I could buy you a software firewall for desktop and antivirus subscription for it. Some money would even be left- if you’d like, you could pay me for my services.
Really, if all you need is run your old software on old Windows 98/ME boxes- software firewall and antivirus is all you need. No need to worry that Windows 98 patches are no longer produced- heck, that is even better, less pain installing them.
Then, you would have your old environment you used to, and same Windows guys who supported you will continue to do so.
No, really: the product is very interesting, the price is unreasonably high, case study is insulting intelligence of an IT person- but may be targeting C*Os, I don’t know…
Anyway, keep good work, guys: if you get more customers you might some day lower price to less than an OEM copy of Windows XP Home, or even go bold and Open Source/GPL 100% of your product. No, I must be dreaming. Never mind.
I installed a crossover office trial version. I need to access websites which uses java applets. I am forced to
use windows becuase, they have never worked very well
with konqueror or mozilla. I tried crossover with IE,
but I seem to have problems with java applets. I am curious
to know if there is any way to make the java applets
work with crossover office and IE.
Java applets work perfectly in Mozilla with Sun’s JDK installed on system. Maybe you had problems with Javascript because lazzy and ignorant webmasters are writing bad code.
“I am curious
to know if there is any way to make the java applets
work with crossover office and IE. ”
any good java applet should run very well in mozilla as well as konqueror. after all thats what whole point of using java
Has anyone tried Photoshop CS on Crossover yet?
“Has anyone tried Photoshop CS on Crossover yet?”
it works perfectly well. dreamweaver sponsored that work. you dont even need crossover. just run it on WINE
Really, if all you need is run your old software on old Windows 98/ME boxes- software firewall and antivirus is all you need. No need to worry that Windows 98 patches are no longer produced- heck, that is even better, less pain installing them.
Well, what if they want the advantages of a modern OS, much more network-friendly and easier to manage remotely, while still being able to run legacy apps?
Look, I know you’re anti-Linux and all, but really – are you trying to say that Win98 is a better OS than Linux?
What about the stability issue? Windows 98 is notoriously unstable (for the record, I still have a Win98 box at home and I know a couple of people who still use it).
I am disappointed with the small increase in number of silver to gold applications. I hope the Winex like voting system will see more apps going gold or silver.
Does anyone know how well it fares with programs accessing video devices ? I am thinking low-end DV editing and webcam based video conferencing….