Many readers wrote in to tell us that Red Hat’s Fedora Core 2 has been released. The torrents are available here, or it can be downloaded from a mirror.
Many readers wrote in to tell us that Red Hat’s Fedora Core 2 has been released. The torrents are available here, or it can be downloaded from a mirror.
Because it’s fun, my friend! New kernel, new gnome, new kde… it’s good stuff!
Port, Portage, APT system can update to new Kernel, new GNOME, new KDE, whatever. They replace old kernels with new kernels without any problem. Absolutely no reason to trouble downloading huge 4 ISOs, burn it, and install from scratch.
So I cannot understand these excitements.
So I cannot understand these excitements.”
1)new people
2)people switching
3) people considering it
4)people who wanted to download the iso’so to redistribute
5) who have a business around it
and so on
1. Fedora will not ruin your windows partition, unless you tell it to.
2. Dual booting is fine, you may need to add a few lines to grub to make windows think it is on the default partition.
3. Nvidia drivers do work, but not with the 4k stack. This will be a problem FOR ANYBODY if you compile your kernel with the 4k stack option, new in 2.6.6. If its a problem for you, recompile using default 8k stacks, you will be fine.
5. All of this is well documented. So if you have a problem, read about it, it’s going to be fixable.
“thats way google work. pretty much any word can link to any site. it doesnt significant by any means”
That’s true. It’s funny that no other OS showed up as high in the search though.
I just installed it (FC2), everything went fine. I have to add Java and other stuff now however, but it’s not a problem. The nautilus in FC1 was rock solid, we’ll see how this new nautilus does.
Nautilus is messed up as I suspected. I can’t transfer files from cd to any folder, the files dissapear for some mysterious reason. Too much innovation.
Linux is so much slower than windows on my PC
is there a way to update fc2 test 3 –>> to –>> FC2 Final ? would yum help me here?
Just tried it and it still sucks.
Yeah, I knew that was coming, but it does me no good.
For gaim-0.77.7:1 and kdelibs-3.2.2-6:6. Just use Up2date.
Anshu, try this:
1. Go here and get the apt package and install it
2. Open terminal and run “apt-get update && apt-get upgrade” without the quotes.
This will update yum. You then can can do “yum update” to update to FC2. I did this last night and it seems to work OK.
The FC2 Test 3 was updating fine until a few days before the official release. YUM wouldn’t run so I did the dirty trick above to get it running again. Personally I use both apt and yum to keep the system update.
All I can say is that it ROCKS!!!!!!
Thanks to the Fedora Crew
redhat-config-xfree86 is now missing in action… various bugs in the default configuration… firewire is disabled… etc. I’m starting to think that RedHat messes up Fedora Point releases on purpose so that people go with the enterprise solutions.
redhat-config-xfree86 is now missing in action
Well maybe if you’d bothered to read the release notes, which you clearly did not, you have seen this in the section called “Packaged Removed”
redhat-config-xfree86 — Renamed system-config-display
All the redhat-config tools were renamed.
Maybe you should do some research before posting.
If some of you have lost the ability to boot WinXP after trying FC2 test something, then enter BIOS and switch your harddisk type to LBA – Problem solved. That’s what I did to bypass the problem.
Haven’t tested final yet, so I can’t say whether or not this is a issue there.
Click “Reload”.
Ok, whats with all the Fedora haters? Anyway, its running fine here. Much more finished than core 1 back then. Recommended.
Try putting in a CD and copying files from the CD to your HD. It doesn’t work, at least that’s my experience, and that makes FC2 unusable, it’s a total failure, I reinstalled FC1.
Ok, whats with all the Fedora haters?
Basically, it boils down to the fact that Fedora sucks, and shows no sighn of really getting better as each release seems at least as buggy as the last to many people.
Anyway, its running fine here. Much more finished than core 1 back then.
Yeah, it’s good to know that the installer actually works in this one.
Not recommended for anyone that doesn’t like to play with broken things. Whine all you want about me trolling, or being a “Fedora hater,” but there are much better projects out there (even in Linux land) and all of them are far more worthy of people’s attention than this bloated, steaming pile of poo.
Try putting in a CD and copying files from the CD to your HD. It doesn’t work, at least that’s my experience, and that makes FC2 unusable, it’s a total failure, I reinstalled FC1.
That’s because FC2 copies the install files to the HD itself. Duh. Just run it off the CD/DVD and after gathering all the necessary info, it copies all needed files to the HD and installs. Maybe you should try running the installer the way it is meant to be run before complaining.
Ya know, using FC2 Test3 (I’m burning the release CD’s at the moment) I just mounted the CD, and copied files to my heart’s content. Just like every other Linux I’ve ever used. Presumably, the release version did not break the mount and cp commands. Perhaps you ought to try them sometime.
Yeah, I did try the cp command and mount. It doesn’t work. I have been using Linux for two years.
They did way too much “innovation”. Now the files disappear when I put the mouse cursor over them. Where did they magically go?
You tell me step by step how to copy a file from a cd to my home directory, because I can’t keep up to this “innovation”.
I had the same problem with FC2… couldn’t get to my Windows XP partition after install. Here’s how I solved it: went into BIOS and made sure my HD’s were in LBA mode. System rebooted and was able to access all partitions. Good luck!
I did what you suggested, but the files still magically dissappear. yeah the HD’s were set on auto instead of LBA, but it didn’t fix the “innovation”!
It’s not that I can’t access the partitions, it’s just the CD rom reader, I can see the files but as soon as I put the mouse over them they mysteriously and innovatively dissapear.
What are you ranting about? I’ve not seen Fedora claim to be a bundle of innovation.
Has it occurred to you that if Fedora could not copy files from the CD to the hard drive, someone else might have noticed it during the last several months of testing.
Why don’t you specify your hardware and your setup, and exactly how you’re trying to copy these files?
It works on KDE at least. All I’m trying to do is copy a file from a CD onto my desktop or home folder, but in the new nautilus, the files dissapear when I put my mouse over them. It works on KDE though, and KDE now looks like Gnome, so I’ll use KDE I guess.
Cdrecord-Clone 2.01a27-dvd (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2004 Jörg Schilling
Note: This version is an unofficial (modified) version with DVD support
Note: and therefore may have bugs that are not present in the original.
Note: Please send bug reports or support requests to <[email protected]>.
Note: The author of cdrecord should not be bothered with problems in this version.
Using libscg version ‘schily-0.8’.
1,0,0 100) ‘AOPEN ‘ ‘CD-RW CRW5224 ‘ ‘1.06’ Removable CD-ROM
1,1,0 101) ‘LG ‘ ‘CD-RW CED-8080B ‘ ‘1.06’ Removable CD-ROM
1,2,0 102) *
1,3,0 103) *
1,4,0 104) *
1,5,0 105) *
1,6,0 106) *
1,7,0 107) *
OpenOffice takes 34 seconds to load for the first time and then all subsequent loads take 24 seconds. I know it is OO’s propblem, but it is part of FC2.
KDevelop : Create a Project of simple application framework for KDE, click Build option in Build menu and it asks for running AutoMake and friends. I did that, and tried building it again, still did not work. Ran configure, again no go. Opened a console window, ran ./configure and then make, after a while it complained ‘/usr/bin/ldd: cannot find -lselinux’. I had checked all the boxes except ‘Everything’ during installation.
I did not like all this, but will give it a try again tonight before throwing it out of the window.
Copying files from CD works fine here using Nautilus.
When you say that the file disappears when you move the mouse cursor over the name of the file, what, exactly, do you mean? Is the file actually deleted? If so, where? From the CD? From the destination directory? Is it, perhaps, the case that the name of the file blanks out?
Pappukanghi said:-
“Pappukanghi (IP: 213.105.178.—) – Posted on 2004-05-20 08:51:55
OpenOffice takes 34 seconds to load for the first time and then all subsequent loads take 24 seconds. I know it is OO’s propblem, but it is part of FC2.
KDevelop : Create a Project of simple application framework for KDE, click Build option in Build menu and it asks for running AutoMake and friends. I did that, and tried building it again, still did not work. Ran configure, again no go. Opened a console window, ran ./configure and then make, after a while it complained ‘/usr/bin/ldd: cannot find -lselinux’. I had checked all the boxes except ‘Everything’ during installation.
I did not like all this, but will give it a try again tonight before throwing it out of the window.”
hey, you actually can speed up things by editing one file called /etc/sysconfig/harddisks
instructions to do so are included below
time openoffice before and after making the changes 😉
don’t forget to reboot also,
plus if you look at hdparm you can gain even more speed
please don’t diss Fedora Core Release 2, it’s an absolutly wonderful distro !!
The first thing I looked at was the hdparm results for my hard disk. It uses 32 bit, DMA is on and look ahead is also enabled. I am feeling very bad to see such state of the linux distro(and THE ONLY distro) that I have ever used on my PC for last so many years(ever since 1996).
I am not going to leave it anyway. I am even more determined to work on it now 🙂 thanks to your comments.
Hey suddenly I have another idea!!! Could prelink help? Now since this was a freshly installed version so prelink had not run even once. I was trying to comparing its speed to my Core 1 installation (on a slower PC – 2Ghz Athlon XP), which is running perfectly and has many many runs of prelink( from the cron job).
The file icon disapears, but when I do a refresh they come back so they are not deleted. I had it working but it isn’t working now, I can’t select a file because it disapears.
I just installed Core 2.
Just as I expected, it blows like the exhaust of a Mack truck. I don’t mean that in a bad way, man.
Anyway I still am very impressed with the simplicity and stability of Slackware.