The OpenBSD Journal reports that Michael Lucas has written a new piece about OpenBSD on the OnLamp BSD site. This article, Homemade Embedded BSD Systems, covers installing OpenBSD on the Soekris system, but this could apply to any system which uses a CF device to boot. As usual, some great tips to get you started.
it’s good to see more info about this subject!
also look at m0n0wall – an open source BSD based firewall that runs on Soekris hardware. and check out the screenshots of the web gui. It looks like it’s very simple to set up.
I’m thinking of dropping all the hassles and limitations that come with DLink, Netgear, Linksys, etc boxes and setting up a Soekris kit. It costs 3x more but I think it will be worth it. QoS is built in which makes VOIP more reliable. And you’re not locked into a controlled set of features and upgrades. I only wish that m0n0wall could use that 3rd ethernet port on the Soekris board for line-bonding like the dual-wan Nexland boxes used to do.
Mono + soekris is a good combo. Also, it is pretty easy to build your own mods (there is a guide on creating the CF image). Get the latest soekris board (has some more power), and a SSL accelerator if needed. Kick the others to the curb. BTW you can also get some PCI boards to work (but they may not fit in the default soekris box, you may have to ‘repurpose’ your old linksys chassis.
I’ve been considering picking up a mini-itx system and doing something like this. Maybe the VIA c3 with the built in encryption stuff. Might make an interesting VPN server or great for a WAP. Plus, it might be powerful enough to run snort, although using that without a harddrive might be more difficult. It would still beat the pentium 133 I’ve got as a firewall/router/WAP now
Yup I’m using it with my net4501 and I’m happy.
It is really simple to setup,
basically you only need to store the image in a CF…boot the net4501 doing some settings and you are done.
Additionaly it should be said that there is a kernel configuration file ready to be compiled under NetBSD:
Anyone used NetBSD on net4501 ?