Oliver Fourdan, a French developer who works his day job at embedded Linux company Anfora, explains how XFce got started: “Back in late 1996, I’d started working on HP workstations that used CDE and I really liked that interface. I was very disappointed with Microsoft Windows 95 and its ‘Start Menu,’ so I found the concept of the toolbar in CDE very much more convenient. I had been using Linux since 1994, so it sounded natural to me to try to reproduce a concept I liked, on Linux. And at that time, there were no other projects like this–well at least, none really usable.” Read the review of the XFce desktop environment at NewsForge.
Just downloaded XFce and tried it and I love it!
It’s so fast compared to KDE and GNOME it’s almost scary. Now I can listen to Mp3’s and do other things like moving the mouse without strange noises in the sound. I can even start programs and surf the web without any problems. And all this on my P200, 72 Mb Ram with Mandrake 8.1 installed.
If you got a slow computer like mine then install XFce and
be happy!
Regards David.
I have to agree….for my money, XFCE (and of course WndowMaker!) kick Gnome and KDE’s fat/bloated butts.
Technically it is a fantastic environment, and always was. Light, fast, responsive, stable. Aesthetically ….Not my taste.
Yes, XFCE is a very good window manager, I use it always.
IMHO, is one of the best.
This absolutely transforms Linux for me. Loads in 3 seconds. Apps seem to open faster. Mozilla doesn’t act like a slug anymore. I’m so happy I think I’ll recompile my kernel for fun!!