Office XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) provides the latest updates to Microsoft Office XP. SP3 contains significant security enhancements, in addition to stability and performance improvements.
Office XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) provides the latest updates to Microsoft Office XP. SP3 contains significant security enhancements, in addition to stability and performance improvements.
Well, I’ve used OO.o exclusively now since the 1.1 release, and I really think its better (with 1.0, I was disappointed). Sure it takes some time to learn using it, and sometimes I’m a little bit pissed of if I don’t find things I need immediately. But then again, its progressing fast, and already very usable also for MS-Import/Export, so I don’t have to care about the defacto-standard any more.
And I was just serious – I like the fact I don’t have to do Service Packs for my Office, which really just pissed me off. There are some service releases like the upcoming 1.1.1, but it’s much more transparent and I also think the code is more stable than that of MS-Office-Service-Packs (Hotfixes for Servicepacks anyone?). See, I just don’t wanna patch my Office over and over again
Why is it that for some people, they think that any damn article posted about any MS product is a medium for them to advertise an open source alternative? I’m not saying that OO.o is any better or worse, but it gets old to see all of the ‘Use OpenOffice’ comments every time an MS Office article shows up.
Give it a rest already!
Well said Darius. OSNews is not slashdot or, all technologies are accepted equally over here and the first half of Christian’s comment is off topic to the actual news item.
I’m sure I’ll end up downloading this. But, for the people who actually fix computers for a living Office 2k on up service packs have been nearly useless. More often then not the *actual* media or folder that Office was installed off of needs to be present during the patching process. Try getting Grandma or a non-technicial business to come up with those.. *sigh* Thanks Microsoft.
In response to the comment about the *actual media*, Microsoft does provide a “full” installer, 58 megs vs. the “client” installer wieghing in at 16 megs. Just my two cents. Go to… to download the SP.
Thanks! It’s interesting how the full installs of most programs and updates are.. almost hidden. Netscape Quicktime and IE 6 come to mind as well as Office.
OSNews is not slashdot or, all technologies are accepted equally over here and the first half of Christian’s comment is off topic to the actual news item.
rant: And yet, news reports here in general are more anti-linux, pro-MS, pro-SCO type reports. The news selection also leaves out key stuff at some points. This site doesn’t remain neutral, so why should the readers? If you need an example, see the Halloween X documents between SCO. Eric Raymond’s analysis is never posted or mentioned, but SCO’s press release saying that its just a misunderstanding is. That is biased reporting to me. You could just put both in the same article.
He is just being an advocate for OOo, because otherwise nobody would know about it. How else would users find out about it? He does make a good point about Service Packs and Hot Fixes, too.
rant: And yet, news reports here in general are more anti-linux, pro-MS, pro-SCO type reports. The news selection also leaves out key stuff at some points. This site doesn’t remain neutral, so why should the readers?
So to compensate, most people use Windows (as in 90%). Should 90% of the news here be Windows related? I hope not and think not.
Are news biased?
Sure they are, you probably missed out on how the site works. This site refers to many newsitems which are put out externally, and I hardly believe Eugenia agrees with all of them, just find it interesting.
So let’s talk about Bias and the news that actually gets produced here.
How many reviews last 6 months of Linux? How many reviews of Windows?
Please don’t give me any crap about Linux so different or anything, I can set up a windows box in many ways, you can do a lot to the UI, you can tweak and do many things with Windows if you really want too.
Besides, there are A LOT of news sites ranting on about Linux and GPL and zealotry as someone already mentioned, stick to them if you don’t like this site.
I for one have already removed Slashdot, and others in favour of OSNews just because I’m not interested in hype!
BTW I’m curious. I wanna see posts from any of the staff on Osnews which is
a) anti-linux
b) pro SCO
Just because someone leaves out someone elses rant about SCO doesn’t mean their Pro. Searching for Groklaw on OSNews will give you plenty of hits… where everyone know to look anyway if interested in the Linux side of things.
Let me stress the OOo point of view on MS. It’s FUD!!! MS Office is a brilliant product (so may OOo also be) but leave that to the OOo news.
omg you’ve removed and ?!?
/me looks
whew, still there.
I don’t know about Christian, but I think being able to patch your software is a good thing, its part of what you pay for when you purchase Office, its called Service and Support. I really don’t see the difference in SP’s for Office and interim updates to Open Office, they are just the same, so your comments are really off base and just pro-open source and there is no problem with that. If you look at Corel WordPerfect Office 11, just 2 weeks after its release they had a Service Pack 1 out for it, so once again Christian your comments were baseless, ignorant and just plain picking on MS.
But keep in mind the last Service Pack for Office XP was released somewhere in 2002, which is actually a long time.
This site doesn’t remain neutral, so why should the readers?
You don’t have to be neutral. But there is a difference between being non-neutral and being off-topic. For example, if there were an article comparing MS Office to OO.o, then it would certainly be appropriate to bring up the merits of one over the other. But this was an announcement of a service pack, which had absolutely *NOTHING* to do with the competing product.
He is just being an advocate for OOo, because otherwise nobody would know about it. How else would users find out about it?
Then why doesn’t he write an article explaining all the reasons why he thinks OO.o is better? If it is well written, I’m sure they woudl publish it here. But simply placing random comments in message threads just helps to solidify the relationship between open source products and zealots!