Linus Torvalds announced the release of the 2.6.2 Linux kernel, calling it the “Fiesty Dunnart”. Read his announcement and view the changelog at KernelTrap. Alternatively, check out the changelog or download from an official mirror.
Linus Torvalds announced the release of the 2.6.2 Linux kernel, calling it the “Fiesty Dunnart”. Read his announcement and view the changelog at KernelTrap. Alternatively, check out the changelog or download from an official mirror.
This should be a good release simply because it’s a palindrome.
Progress! I’ve noticed quite alot of PowerPC changes, cool.
Is this primarily bug fixes? performance tuning? The change-log seems to have some fairly significant patches (bug wise meaning)
Just curious how many people will claim a performance boost after this kernel release, much like the OS X placebo effect…
KDE 3.2 and Linux 2.6.2 in the same day… damn, so much new stuff to play with
/me wonders what a palindrome is?
Something related to it being the same forward and back or whatever is my guess
Anyway, Linus must be almost as happy as me today, his favorate desktop, and his baby got upgraded in the same day
(yes I know he probably isn’t using 2.6 anymore and is probably getting started on 2.7, but still)
No its not
“Feisty Dunnart” <> “Trannud Ytsief”
I was really looking forward to the CFQ scheduler to make it into vanilla Linux by 2.6.2. Does anyone know the status of the CFQ scheduler and when it will make it into the vanilla branch?
Con also has new desktop patches that I hope will make it into the vanilla branch. I must say I’m really impressed with the 2.6 series. If this is the future of Linux, I humbled to be a part of it.
“If this is the future of Linux, I humbled to be a part of it.”
Its not the future of Linux, its the current state of Linux, the future will be even better *crosses fingers*.
Sorry, had to make this comment
@madmax: yes it is 2.6.2 <=> 2.6.2
Seems I just compiled 2.6.2-rc1-mm2 the other day, but oh well
Once again, can’t wait to try out the latest and greatest!
Is it just me, or do there seem to be a lot of mentionings of ACPI in that changelog? Just reading it, I haven’t got the faintest clue how much it actually changes, but I hope it adds up well. ACPI is one of my biggest problem points at random times, which makes me think “bugfix needed.”
I have been running 2.6 for some time, but I keep getting USB problems. MY USB Flash Drive mounts fine, but the moment i remove the device, the complete system crashes. I do also unmount before removing…
I am running suse 9.0. Any ideas on how to solve this problem?
Write a bug report to the usb-devel mailing list. they are very good in addressing issues.
also you could compile usb / mass storage support as module(s) and try to unload them after unmounting / bevor disconnecting. or directly while disconnection..
perhaps this would help..
Grrr.. just compiled 2.6.1-mm2 a few days ago.
A palindrome is something that reads the same in both senses
lepel (a dutch one )
“Rats live on no evil star” … an english one
“ni talar bra latin” – swedish
maybe we should start a wiki with palindromes in all languages
And an Italian one…
avida di vita, desiai ogni amore vero, ma ingoiai sedativi, da diva.
No sir, prefer prison.
Go hang a salami. I’m a lasagna hog!
Ah! Satan sees Natasha!
A man, a plan, a canal: Panama!
Tanto monta monta tanto
Esope rêve, Eve repose ( or Esope reste et se repose )
Elu par cette crapule
Leon, émir cornu, d’un roc rime noël
my 2 eurocents contribution…
‘ein neger mit gazelle zagt im regen nie’
Socorram-me subi no onibus em Marrocos
Just had a look at linus’s bitkeeper repositry talk about wow!
he’s juse merged over 168 patches in the last hour (from MM kernel tree)
Agnes i senga
support still missing, huh?
oh whatever better get rid of this stupid pdc20267..
If you have a lot of bugs go over to and setup a bugzilla account.
Can’t fix problems if noone reports them!
Does anyone know the status of udev in 2.6.2? Is it now recommemded to use it instead of devfs?
“Ungate me, Vic, I’ve met a gnu.”
Linux-i është më i bukuri…
That was Albanian