Safari 1.2, or v125, includes several new features, some of which have been anticipated in the past. The new version also boasts performance improvements as well as bug fixes. As expected, Version 1.2 features the ability to navigate between hyperlinks using the keyboard. Elsewhere, OmniWeb 5.0-b1 was released. Highlighted new features in this version include a tab drawer, saved browsing sessions, updated bookmarks, page marking, improved shortcuts, site-specific preferences, and more.
Safari is a breath of fresh air, but the one thing that makes me like Opera just a little more is that I can press the z-key to go back and the x-key to go forward. Holding the shift-key and either of those keys lets me “rewind” or “fast forward” through a site.
Well, in the mean time you can use backspace and shift-backspace to go back and forward
what!!! what you say!!! not all software impliments the same function the same way! OMG.
how everyone seems to have their own little things about browsers (and computers in general) that make or break that product for them. sorry that i’m off topic, but i had to get it out.
oh, and by the way, i’m not knocking it.
I like safari. I use it about 99% of the time. I do have to use explorer because for some reason safari does not like to do online banking. What is the deal with that? It does not know what onlin ebill pay is
So thats when I find myself using explorer about 5 minutes a months. One feature I would love to have in safari is favorites tab windowing opening up my daily webpages automatically. Other than that I like it
As for xz browsing, just get a 5 button mouse and program your buttons to do those tasks, its much easier 
OmniWeb5 crashes after a few minutes of browsing. Sometimes, only 2 minutes or so… I’m disappointed. It’s not as stable as I thought…
Ah, but is it Safari that doesn’t know what online bill pay is, or is it your online bill pay service that doesn’t know what Safari is? There are some banks that will lock out all but a few browsers because they assume they can’t handle the required security level.
It’s kind of like checking for specific car models when someone shows up at a drive-through. If you don’t recognize the new car, you assume they’re walking.
This sort of behavior has been discouraged in browser-detection scripts for years, but people still use it.
Well, they say it’s beta. And on their webpage:
This is beta software, it is not ready for prime time. When we say ‘beta’, we mean it!
safari works fine with bank of america, and the credit cards i used to have, and dominion power, and comcast cable, and at&t wireless, and my work’s pro-microsoft earnings web interface, and my investment companies
what bank are you using that it doesn’t work with?
No problem for the moment, but there is only 10 mn I’m using it.
Safari: did they say you were going to navigate between links with option+tab? The same option+tab I use to navigate between opened apps?
isn’t it Command+Tab to switch between apps? i don’t have my mac handy, but my fingers tell me they want to press command+tab to switch my programs. are you sure fingers? yeah, they seem pretty confident.
I am with Wachovia. I should clarify though, I can logon and transfer funds check balances and all that. Its billpay that does not work. the page will not load. It will just be blank frame…. I have tried 643 other browsers and they seem to work
@ janeiro. You’re right. Damned, I need to sleep! 8-D
submit a bug report outlining what is not working and the name of the bank to Apple. they will fix it.
None of those 2 browsers are as good as Mozilla & co considering CSS rendering.
OmniWeb 5 seems like a really sweet browser. I love the scaled down images of tabbed pages that are open. Very cool. yes, it crashes a lot right now but the omni guys have acknowledged that. It is a beta, after all.
Im trying out omniweb5 as i write this and i really like the new features!! Cant wait to get a stable version!! Good job guys!!