In the dawn of the news that well known artist Everaldo, of CrystalSVG fame, now works for, a long discussion has started on kde-core-devel because Everaldo hasn’t released the source code of some of the SVG icons that was supposed to be shipped with KDE 3.2. Update:’s Kevin Carmony (President & COO) responds.SuSE (ex-employer for Everaldo) said that an Adobe Illustrator plugin used, gets in the way of releasing the source code because converting 400 icons to pure SVG is a lot of work, plus Everaldo now works for This situation may apparrently put upcoming the release of KDE in limbo if won’t give the go-ahead to Everaldo to spend some extra time to clear up the issue.
It is likely that would be forthcoming to help resolve the situation (they had nothing to do with it in the first place) as they seem to have started supporting KDE in various ways lately, including giving free LindowsOS copies to KDE developers and becoming sponsors of the newly created site.
This might be a good way for to indemnify themselves in the eyes of the open source community following the bad PR they had for the past year or so. SuSE still remains a supporter of KDE and MandrakeSoft too, but their contributions seem to have scaled down lately: the financial troubles of MandrakeSoft (forcing them to not contribute as much code as they used to) and after the SuSE buyout of the now Ximian-running Novell (the two Ximian founders are now executives in Novell) leaves a number of questionmarks. No other distro is actively contributing money or code to KDE and so the effort to support KDE should be perceived as welcomed by many.
If we one day should get the option to download common commercial apps also for Linux – like TurboTax for Linux? – then what will the toolkit be?
Brockhaus (German Encyclopiedia) and Duden (German language specialist, Spellchecking, Grammar, etc) use Qt for their new products.
My “guess” is they want to deliver to the Windows and OSX market as well (software vendors aiming at the consumer market would be fools to either miss Windows or do two separate versions)
> I’ve seen articles on Slashdot on Novell’s acquisition of Suse, including speeches and stuff talking about some kind of plans and benefits from it.
As personal opinion in comments not as articles.
Yoe can use the ill2svg Tool from to convert the icons without a lot of work.
>> SuSE still remains a supporter of KDE and MandrakeSoft <<
>> too, but their contributions seem to have scaled down <<
>> lately: <<
What, exactly, makes Eugenia think that SuSE has scaled down its contributions to KDE lately? Are there any facts to substantiate this claim? Which evidence is there for Mandrake to have done alike?
Kurt, Eugenia hasn’t responded with her reasoning for this statement. A rather large thread happened yesterday because of this comment.
Hopefully soon.
There are some people who want to make the world believe that they have gained influence by being acquired and therefore can rule the world now
I consider this to be misleading, desperate wishful thinking and a little bit of high-class robbery – even if this strategy might appear somewhat successful I don’t expect it the world to change.
Pure KDE paranoia.
KDE users just can’t stand GNOME is becoming better and is gettin more users everyday.…
Both are obviously very capable technologies and a real testimate to the power of open source.
I wish they would make it an SDI app. It is really annoying to have all those “dialogs” up when using GIMP.
While I would agree in prefering plain SDI to the current controlled SDI (C-SDI) model they are using, you wouldn’t get rid of those “dialogs” just by making it an SDI application. It’s not feasable to place all those controls inside every document window, because you often have many of them (document windows) open at the same time with the Gimp and sometimes they are just a few pixels large. Toolboxes work much better as separate windows, especially with a nice window manager that knows how to treat them.
The only window that still irritates me is the main toolbox (the “control” window) because it acts as a normal window instead of an utility window. That’s because of the C-SDI model, I’d rather just have it as an utility window which appears after a Gimp document is opened and disappears after the last one was closed.
>> SuSE still remains a supporter of KDE and MandrakeSoft <<
>> too, but their contributions seem to have scaled down <<
>> lately… <<<
Nothing in the real world is currently backing this claim.
On the contrary.
During the last 12 months neither Mandrake nor SuSE have reduced their contributions to KDE. This is sheer opionion by the writer. And not one which can be proofed by any evidence. All evidence shows the opposite: Mandrake chose to let their MandrakeMove Live-CD default to KDE. SuSE CEO Richard Seibt wrote a personal email to the mailing list re-assuring the continued support (well *after* the SuSE-buyout by Novell). SuSE a few days ago hired someone to hack on OpenOffice integration to KDE. SuSE helps KDE to organize the KDE booth at LWE. SuSE employees keep committing to KDE CVS at the same rate as before….
linux vs. windows…
Ah, but alas, “Windows” is a generic term used for many uses (like those square things in your house). The real test is……
What does this prove? Gnome is a generic term and KDE the (stock market) abbreviation of several companies.
Obviously more people have problems with Linux, and had to write about.
Ah, but alas…
gnome n
1: a legendary creature resembling a tiny old man; lives in the depths of the earth and guards buried treasure [syn: dwarf]
2: a short pithy saying expressing a general truth
The *real* test is……
IMO, I find that the path tool that Sodipodi is trying to implement is much better than the one in GIMP-2.0PRE. What I would like to see is both Bezier curves and the curve editing functionality of Xfig.
Have you tried: “RMB: Dialogs => Document” to change the canvas size in Sodipodi. The current version 0.33 tends to confuse Points and Pixels which causes problems.
Sodipodi lacks a: “Layers” dialog. Tabing through the objects just ins’t sufficent.