If you’re a database specialist interested in growing your DB2 Universal Database skills, there’s a good chance that you’ve already developed database skills with another relational database product somewhere along the way. This article shows you how to use your current knowledge of Oracle 9i to quickly gain skills in DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Version 8.
SELECT my_seq.nextval from dual;
doesn’t seem to work in DB2….
From my point of view, I do not see a clever move switching from Oracle to DB2.. I dont run any services based on IBM products, so what’s the point? I heard theres a tool from IBM that is said to migrates the whole db but, why should I care? I’m very happy with Oracle and its performance. Is there another side of this history?. I would be very grateful to hear so.
Perhaps you quit/get fired from your Oracle job and the only new job you can find is DB2 and you can’t convince them to move to Oracle.
Sure DW, thanks for pointing out that!