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FreeBSD 5.2-RC2 Released

The latest of the FreeBSD 5.2-RCx series has been released. FreeBSD 5.2-RC2 fixes a showstopper filesystem bug that could occur when using soft-updates. Get it now from the main ftp server or try one of the mirrors. Promptly report any bugs you find as this is likely to be the last release candidate.


  1. 2003-12-23 9:22 pm
  2. 2003-12-23 9:49 pm
  3. 2003-12-23 10:36 pm
  4. 2003-12-23 10:44 pm
  5. 2003-12-23 11:43 pm
  6. 2003-12-24 12:09 am
  7. 2003-12-24 7:16 am
  8. 2003-12-24 7:18 am
  9. 2003-12-24 9:59 am
  10. 2003-12-24 10:53 am
  11. 2003-12-24 12:04 pm
  12. 2003-12-24 12:09 pm
  13. 2003-12-24 2:29 pm
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  15. 2003-12-24 3:32 pm
  16. 2003-12-24 4:51 pm
  17. 2003-12-24 8:14 pm
  18. 2003-12-24 9:49 pm
  19. 2003-12-24 11:08 pm
  20. 2003-12-24 11:59 pm
  21. 2003-12-25 12:25 am
  22. 2003-12-25 2:16 am
  23. 2003-12-25 2:32 am
  24. 2003-12-25 5:36 am
  25. 2003-12-25 5:38 am
  26. 2003-12-25 6:55 am
  27. 2003-12-26 4:18 am
  • 2003-12-26 4:38 pm
  • 2003-12-29 7:59 am