MacMinute reports that Apple has released Xcode 1.1, an update to its set of powerful developer tools for Mac OS X. Version 1.1 provides overall stability and performance enhancements to Xcode IDE, as well as improvements to debugging, workflow, the Xcode build system and CodeSense. Apple recommends that all Xcode users install this update. Xcode 1.1 is available via the Software Update preference pane. Apple also released today iTunes 4.2 and QuickTime 6.5.
I gave Xcode a “test” run, (1.0.1,) and thought it seemed a little “rough around the edges.” It trashed its .plist file, and would not load until I deleted it, and it recreated the system default.
Xcode 1.1 is a huge improvement in terms of speed and useful features. There are all kinds of little niceties (like the index/build progress display in the main window). This is good stuff Apple!
However, Software Update can’t find this update. It found QuickTime, and iTunes, but as far as XCode goes, no dice. Installed those two, and now SU indicates no further updates. Hmm…
It’s not available through Software Update, or at the Apple Developer’s web site either. Maybe tomorrow.
It was around for a while in software update this afternoon and then got pulled, not sure why.
I’d like to congratulate Apple on getting iTunes to run halfway decently on my 1.5GHz; this new version is much speedier.
Yup. Was on SU and got pulled for some reason. Showed in mine even though I did not have XCode installed.
Anyone had any disaster stories after updating?
I can’t believe: any time Apple releases an update there are always a lot of posts about increased performance… theorically now OS X should fly (if you consider that Apple release almost an update a mounth…)
Xcode 1.1 did get pulled.
I’ve actually installed it – although still dunno what it changes/improves
OSX does fly, especially on my Dual 2.0 G5!
Its very fast on my 533 G4 as well.
I think the point is there is little to no performance degradation to MacOSX the more updates you apply to it and most of the time the peformance is actually better.
Its akin to ATI driver updates on the Windows side. The software keeps getting more and more optimized with each release with added functionality now and then.
Just the fact that Panther makes old hardware like an iMac G3 run faster than previous versions of MacOSX is testament to Apple’s software engineers. Its hard to bust on a company that extends the life your old hardware.
I’m pretty sure it got pulled yesterday afternoon because the update was showing up for people that didn’t have Xcode installed, like me. I don’t know if it is back though, I installed it without thinking about it.
I could not find either Xcode 1.1 or Quicktimes 6.5 when I tried to update yesterday; today, however, they’re both there and I’m updating as I’m typing this comment up. I’ll post later if anything interesting happens during the update process.
On the same token, updated to 10.3.2 just fine, also the battery update works fine on my iBook G4.