The 10.3.2 Update delivers enhanced functionality and improved reliability for Mac OS X 10.3 Panther.Key enhancements include: Improved file sharing and directory services for mixed Mac and PC networks, more robust printing to PostScript printers, improved font management, updated Mail and Address Book applications, new ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers, FileVault, FireWire 800, WebDAV and USB Printing improvements.
Also, this update contains support for Java3D and Java Advanced ImagingJava 3D extends the Java platform, providing additional capabilities for running three-dimensional graphics applications and Internet-based 3D applets.
In another update, the Battery Update enhances the performance of the battery to ensure that full capacity is available for your PowerBook or iBook.
These updates kick butt. The battery update added about an hour of battery life to my iBook, and the 10.3.2 update sped things up in Finder and Mail.
A+ update, IMHO.
From the release notes, it looks like the battery update affects something on the battery. What is it that gets updated on a battery?
Thanks for the info!
I’m not sure, but it seems like the battery life on my 12″ pb (rev b) jumped up by an hour!
It is free as are all point updates within a major version (10.2, 10.3) etc.
if I can update my computer, without rebooting, and the updates will still take effects?
1) READ the information provided. If you have one of those affected chipsets, take the advice and update the firmware. The advice is there for a reason, don’t ignore it. Regarding the whole issue, IMHO, Apple should put on ALL their MacOS releases, “ensure that your computer has the latest firmware installed for any third party devices installed”. Had they done this Apple could have said (regarding this Firewire issue), “Hey, its not our fault, we warned you and you failed to take notice”.
2) How can I install and update after update after update without things falling to pieces? it seems that there are people all over the internet who cant even install a update without buggering up their computer.
I have Macromedia MX 2004, Corel Graphics Suite, Office X, Roxio 6.0.3, 4D 2003.2 and yet, I’ve moved from 10.2.4 to 10.2.8 then did a clean install from 10.2.8 to 10.3 and then installed every update from there without a problem jumping up.
I’ve yet to see any of these problems people claim they have. It is like Windows updates, sure, there have been a *couple* of stuff ups, however, every one I installed worked peachy.
In a nutshell, if you read the warnings, make sure your firmware and software is up to date, you shouldn’t have any problems.
3) A rant about Apple; for goodness sake, LET Telstra host your files so that broadband users in Australia can download the updates for free off the service rather than having to use up their free credits downloading off your site. This goes out to Microsoft as well which has an extreme paranoia of this sort.
In fact, why does Apple insist on having on repository for all their downloads, why not have local mirrors? An mirror for Australia/New Zealand, one for Japan and so forth. Work up an agreement with broadband ISPs so that Apple users can download updates without needing to pay/use up their credits.
4) Any notice a bug in Safari? I would surf for a while then suddenly things really slow down. The strange thing is, since moving from Safari to Firebird I have yet to see this bug re-emerge. Has anyone noticed this bug, or is it just me?
“if I can update my computer, without rebooting, and the updates will still take effects?”
Currently updates take a reboot right now. Though Apple is working on a solution to allow updates to take effect without rebooting. Rest assured Apple wants to send out updates that can take effect without the reboot.
Nice updates – right after installing the 10.3.2 update I could hear the
fan on my rev A PB 12″ running for the first time since I got my machine
– and it seems to run much cooler. I also download the battery update
and the reported remaining time went from 3 hours to 4
Az Jim
There’s one really annoying bug that wasn’t fixed:
All my icons of downloaded files (and disks that get mounted like Idisk and some fire wire disks) are geting stacked at the lower right hand corner of my desktop. If I organize my desktop, log out and log in again, the disks that get mounted end up again in the right hand bottom corner.
There are some bugs filed on this, and switching to a smaller font for your icons helps some folks, but not me.
Darn. Really annoying. Happens on my powermac and powerbook.
I saw this in 10.3.1. I haven tried to replicae it in 10.3.2. I thought it was due to me changing the default icon size. Good to know someone else is seeing it.
I got an extra 50 minutes out of the battery update and performance is much improved after the OS update.
Never had any problem either.
I have noticed that Safari bug. Pretty annoying! I stopped using Safari, and moved back to Camino!
Does the battery life actually match what the indicator says? I’m just curious, that’s like a 33% increase of battery life.
Never had any problem either.
I have noticed that Safari bug. Pretty annoying! I stopped using Safari, and moved back to Camino!
I’ve personally given up on Camino. The development has scretched to a halt and worse still, it has major memory leaks. Right now I am using Firebird, however, the situation isn’t going to improve until they worry less about features and more about making sure that the current crop of features actually work.
What I would also like to see is a stronger committment to the development and eventual replacement of the Mozilla suite. There are microscopic number of people who like the suite, however, the majority have stuck with Mozilla all-in-one suite under the assumption that because Firebird is only at 0.7.1, it must be majorly unstable, which isn’t the case.
Also, when are Mozilla developers finally going to fix the issue that stops one from compiling Mozilla using GCC 3.3, or better yet, when will they start bundling the required depencies rather than assuming that the compiler can download and install a string of dependencies a mile long.
For me, the battery life has indeed been extended by one hour. I just ran by iBook down so I could recalibrate it after this update and I got almot 5 hours on my fully charged iBook where before the update I got 4 hours.
Downloaded 10.3.2 last night to my tower box (G4/867). I run iPulse (very cool little utility), and it actually showed,that under “normal” load (Mail, iTunes open), that the amount of “free” memory was LESS!!! I normally run with ~ 80% free (I have 896M), now it’s like 83% free! Can’t wait to update my iBook, it only has 384M of RAM! This is GREAT News, when updates actually make the system better, vs. all the Windoz crap that adds more and more bloat to each update!! Way to Go APPLE!
Does anyone know if this update fixes Kerberos?
What about the Java bug where nested modal dialogs (no, not my UI design
disable your menu bar?
– chrish
I think you meant the amount of used memory is less
Just upgraded my iBook G4 933 to 10.3.2 and it does feel a wee bit faster. Had to run disk util and repair permissions afterwards. The only minus points so far is that it takes longer to get to the logon screen at startup. Has anyone else had this ?
Ran Xbench 1.1.3 and the test result was 91.11 and that was up from 87.18. A PB 15″ 1.25Ghz running Xbench was 96.7
: o )>
I found out about this when my Software Update program kicked-in. I was just finishing-up editing a document, when I saw the Software Update icon on the Dock.
I went ahead and installed it and did the reboot, and it worked fine.
I am not seeing the overlapping documents in the finder anyymore – most excellent. Also my Xbench score jumped a few points. My 867 G4 went from high 90s (98 I beleive) to 104. Good job apple. My M-audio drivera arew still incompatible which is a bummer but not Apples fault – this is what caused the crashes for me with mpgs a while ago and someone called me a troll, turns out others were seeing this M-audio drivers and 10.3. All in all Im very happy with 10.3.
Halo runs far better in fullscreen on 12″ Powerbook now. Meaning it’s actually playable. It still doesn’t run as well as it does in a window, but it’s far better than before.
Looks like Safari is behaving better with that upgrade! Just a little better.
Right after my last post, I downloaded Firebird. It has some unimportant glitches: for example says extensions or themes are successfully installed but they (some) never appear in the lists.
They are getting mad at Apple, now they update Quicktime too! 4 major updates in less than a day! I wonder if it is because they don’t want to work during Christmas
They’ve also released iTunes 4.2!!! This is crazy!…
This new version of iTunes also coincides with Apple’s deal with AOL that lets AOL users listen and download songs from the iTunes Music Store and pay for it thru their AOL account. Very nice.
Apple is really, really on a roll.
Lotsa goodies:
– MacOSX 10.3.2 Update
– QuickTime 6.5
– XCode 1.1
– ARD a few days ago
– iTunes 4.2
In a few weeks new hardware and new updates for the iApps and maybe a new app.
Updates went fine on an MDD 1.25 Dual, G4/466, a G5 1.6GHZ and a 1GHz eMac!
It seems like Safari has some kind of memory leak or something. When it runs for long enough, it will take up all my memory, and if I turn it off and on again, it will free up like a quarter of my memory. I have only 382MB of ram, but it is like 80MB already if it takes up a quarter.
Hope they will fix this soon, I kinda like the way Safari looks.
One thing about 10.3.2 which I really don’t like is that it turns on the fan on my PowerBook all-the-time. It is almost constantly on now, even though I don’t really do anything task-intensive (maybe CPU % is around 4-5%).
It didn’t use to be like this before, and the noise is irritating enough to be noticed. Please fix this Apple. I would much rather like a little warmer powerbook (like before) than the noise!
This is the first time my fan has turned on in my powerbook 12 inch (rev A 867mhz). I also find the noise irratating. My left palm rest is definitely cooler now. I also would rather have a warmer powerbook than the noise.
Running 640Mb of RAM and a Rage128 PCI video card, anyone know what kind of performance difference (%, if possible to estimate) Panther offers over Jaguar 10.2.8?