As Sun prepares to kick off its first major European conference in Berlin this week, analysts signaled that if the company wants local users to bask in its particular brand of computing, Sun needs to shed light on how its new low-cost turnaround strategy fits in with an increasingly varied product line.
Don’t get me wrong.. I think that topic should not be read [i]Sun Needs to Shed Light on Strategy[i] but rather [i]People (Technicians,Sysadmins and so on…) need to get to know Sun’s Technologies[i]
Got ya?
Very true, everyone and their dog “knows” Linux. I have yet to meet people who know of Solaris, IT or otherwise. I seems most companies with less than 200 people (perhaps) don’t consider anything other than Win2K on Dell, that’s it. There IT departments are usually only staffed with MCSE’s or CCNA’s if their lucky.