Sun is giving an early liftoff to an advanced detection technology designed for the next version of Solaris that speedily diagnoses and repairs system problems.
Sun is giving an early liftoff to an advanced detection technology designed for the next version of Solaris that speedily diagnoses and repairs system problems.
Yeah, this is a type of agent or artificial intelligence. It’s a very useful tool and I think that Linux should also pursue this type of tool.
Also the Linux software pool should be general, so that it can be specialized by commercial interests.
The GNU/Linux software pool will be whatever we, the people, make it to be. No single party will dictate the overall direction of the operating system.
We are moved by freedom and technical greatness. Why don’t you stop spouting the same tired line about “the linux software pool should be general”. How many threads are you going to copy and paste the same nonsense into? What are you a robot? Give us a little original thought.
But if you want to continue with the tired topics, go on. Here’s the next line that you can parrot:
Linux will not be ready for the desktop until…(fill in the blanks).
By the way, IBM has been doing similar research into self-recovering systems for the past five years. This should eventually trickle down into home PCs/small departmental servers in about five to seven years.
The story is a bit vague (couldn’t “advanced detection technology” apply to just about anything?); if you’re interested in more concrete details on DTrace, head over here:
I agree with the Anonymous who posted at the top of the article.
It annoys me that Linux developers try to compete with commercial companies. Listen: you are destroying bussiness! Sun will probably be the first casualty. With no commercial companies left, there will be no innovation. I propose the following “constitution” for open source developers:
1) I will freely license my code for use in commercial products (ie, use BSD license not GPL.)
2) If a commercial equivalent exists for what I’m developing, I will not try to market it as a replacement for the commercial product.
3) My software will not be targeted at the average consumer (read: no easy to use UI, no easy installation process).
So basically, you can develop research software, specialized software, etc. But please, if no-one buys MS Office and d/ls openoffice instead, innovation in word processors and spreadsheets will stop. We do not want this.
Oh come ON — that doesn’t sound very free-market James. If your software can’t compete with the software of a bunch of hobbyists, coding in their underwear during their free time, well, then let the market forces do what they do naturally. What are you saying? “I’m a commercial software developer, and my software sucks so badly that the only way I could possibly succeed is that if my unfunded hobbyist competition agrees to handicap themselves artificially!”
I have faith in Sun’s ability to innovate and compete, and offer a product so compelling that people would be willing to pay for it, even if alternatives, including free alternatives, exist. If they cannot, well then, maybe it’s time for the Sun to set and another sun rise in it’s place.
Now, if you tell me that RedHat and IBM make Linux a funded as opposed to unfunded product, I would tend to disagree. The vast majority of the code was written and continues to be written in an unfunded, unsupported way. Only a few features here and there were funded, and even those features could not have been in there unless the original framework had already been carefully constructed.
An example is Doom. Now, when you say “[free software developers] are destroying business!” you are probably referring to the fact that it’s free as in beer not as in speech, as you are probably referring to the lower price-point that open software (tends to) offer. (well of course you are also a troll but what the hell I’m bored and will respond anyway)
But would you argue that ID software’s Doom was “destroying business”??? They offered three levels for free and charged for the rest. This is a tried-and-true marketing format. OpenOffice/Star Office is the same idea. OpenOffice for free, feature-added Star Office costs. Unsupported Linux ISO’s are free, Phone-Supported installations and so on are extra.
Rather than destroying business, open source software “raises the bar”. Now, to compete, you must offer something compelling. I’m a professional software developer, and I can, and I do. Can you?
Thanks for a great post. It’s refreshing to read something mature. And the fact that you are a software developer gives additional credence to your words.
Rather than destroying business, open source software “raises the bar”. Now, to compete, you must offer something compelling. I’m a professional software developer, and I can, and I do. Can you?
I agree with that. People are now saying, “justify that price” and once the SUN Java System and Java Desktop System come on line people will ask Microsoft to justify their pricing when one can pay $100 per-employee, per year for all the software they require.
Next year SUN is working to integrate StarOffice and their application server together so that they have something as an alternative to Sharepoint. Then when that occurs, Microsoft will be again asked to justify its exorbitant pricing. If you (the person reading) doesn’t agree with me, just take a look at their pricing for Exchange or MS SQL.
When will applications be available for 64 bit processors to take advantage of them?
“It annoys me that Linux developers try to compete with commercial companies. Listen: you are destroying bussiness!”
On the contrary, capitalism is all about survival of the fittest. No doubt when the horseless carriage became popular, some horse-shoers found themselves out of work. If they were smart, they learned how to fix those horseless carriages. They adapted or they were out of luck. Software engineers will have to adapt too, or they’ll be left behind.