Fiasco 1.1 Microkernel Released

The Fiasco Team is pleased to announce version 1.1 of the Fiasco L4 microkernel developed at the University of Technology, Dresden and released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).This Fiasco release is mostly a bugfix release. Among the new features added in version 1.1 is support for the ARM processor architecture, the integration of the powerful Fiasco kernel debugger (JDB) into the Fiasco-UX usermode kernel and a completely revised “tagged TLB” emulation (also known as small address spaces).

The Fiasco microkernel currently supports the stable version V.2 and the experimental version X.0 of the L4 interface specification and runs on x86 (i486 and above) and ARM SA1110 CPUs. The included Fiasco-UX port runs on any x86-based Linux system as a normal usermode application.


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