“There are loads of things to consider when buying a PC or a Mac, things like API’s, software and hardware support, networking capabilities, usability and security then you have the major one, the price. You also have to consider that Mac’s are certainly aimed at the consumer market while Windows is aiming for both Consumer and Business users”. Read the comparison at ActiveMac.
“as long as they stick to proprietary hardware I’ll have to pass. I can go to any Marketpro computer show and slap together a rocketship of a Pc for under 1200 USD. I am talking a killer video card, dual 180gb drives, gig of mem and a cpu over 2ghz. If and when Apple decides to price their systems more competitively and do away with proprietary hardware, I’ll consider shelling out the dough.”
Other than Motherboards (pwr supply etc.) and case I really don’t think there’s proprientary hardware.
– IDE CD-Roms &B Burners, DVD etc.
– Memory is standard type
– video system is eith Nvidia or ATI… (I really don’t know why they sell the Mac versions of these video cards for so much)
– all external stuff has been crossplatform since the days of SCSI II (now it’s Firewire -1384- and USB (1 & 2)
– USB mice… I actually use a Microsft mouse
what else?
I’ve updated my dual with 2x 60G HDs & 2x 80G Hds… And WAY EASIER TO SET UP THAN A PC!
“However, with that being said, people aren’t saying IBM is dying even though their PC marketshare is around the same as the Mac marketshare. The one people should worry about is HP/Compaq which has been in a continuous downward spiral even before HP bought out Compaq.”
At any rate comparing Apple to IBM is just silly. For IBM desktop market never was a vital issue as it is for Apple. Apple is using IBM product, not the other way around. So OS X success depends on IBM’s well being.
The argument that something isn’t quite there yet as in case of safari works both ways: one can say that whatever tool for windows isn’t quite there yet but lets wait and see.
For you there is nothing to look for in windows and for majority of windows users there is not enough incentive to switch to os x as for me there is not enough arguments to select either win or os x.
iTunes “Tags” the MP3’s with:
song number-artist-song name.mp3 which is really not cool when trying to get a clean list, which then starts with ALL you songs #1, followed by ALL your songs #2, etc etc… Krap… Isn’t there any option to change this behavior? Anyway… Almost off-topic…
Read the article. Interresting, but many comparison points are not clear enough… Like Speed, what is speed?
because I never investigated the properties of the Recycling bin that makes me a computer neophyte?
sir, if knowing the ins and outs of a particular OS makes you an expert, then I would say almost no one is an expert.
at least I have the balls to ask a question knowing fools like yourself will respond with such ridiculous statements.
the Recycling bin is as permanent as a civ full of water.
That would mean that in your definition of normal, you must have a 180 IQ since you are above average. this is of course given the metric of my IQ, 155, which you claim to be as average.
Either that or you can only latch onto your knowledge of all things windows as your measure of brilliance.
“btw i do recommend macs to little kids, teenage girls, and grandmas for exactly this reason!”
Don’t forget anyone that plans on building a supercomputer.
“proof positive that most of the internets security problems are related to average users that don’t know a damn thing and are a menace to the internet society!”
Not totally true. An OS should be designed with contermeasure, security, deterance and invulnerability in mind. The average user you are also talking about is more likely than not a Windows user.
“That would mean that in your definition of normal, you must have a 180 IQ since you are above average. this is of course given the metric of my IQ, 155, which you claim to be as average.”
your math is incorrect: above average can be anything higher than 155.
your logic is incorrect: the fact that cumputer is used in the majority by average people does not exclude the possibility that some users have IQ above or below average. And average computer user (so the one who does not know intricacies of given OS) may have IQ way beyond average IQ level. Your logic is really strange.
you draw conclusions from non existing statement: he never claimed that hes IQ is beyond average (which (average) would be more or less correct judging from his posts)
I would consider this as a complement:
“btw i do recommend macs to little kids, teenage girls, and grandmas for exactly this reason!”
Simplicity of an OS makes users more productive as one does not have to spend much time on learning and everything is at hand.
I am surprised that OS X users even responded to this
what does IQ have to do with anything???? also, seeing as you could take the same IQ test twice (once after having revised your answers) and get a higher a mark the second time round, they clearly are not a good measure of intellectual ability ( I assume noone is suggesting that the second time round you have suddenly become smarter).
BTW, average IQ is 100. For all your high scores you yall seem a tad insecure.
regarding “btw i do recommend macs to little kids, teenage girls, and grandmas for exactly this reason!”
totally agree this is a plus point, my mother (who is also a grandmather) uses OS X, as does my son, and my female teenage cousins……Precisely cuz of the ease of use……however, My friends in the designer and publishing business use it for the its DTP abilities, and developer mates use it for its Unix underpinnings.
Dont playa hate peope, appreciate.