Qt 3.2.2 is a bugfix release and was released a few days ago. It maintains both forward and backward compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 3.2.1.
Qt 3.2.2 is a bugfix release and was released a few days ago. It maintains both forward and backward compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 3.2.1.
Running it in one of my computers with KDE 3.2 alpha 2. They are doing very well for while.
“It maintains both forward and backward compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 3.2.1”
Really sad that maintaining compatibility is so special that it has to be mentioned….
What, are you saying you WANT your apps to break after upgrading to the latest QT?
No, he’s saying that compatibility should always be maintained, so much so that the fact that compatibility isn’t broken when a new version is released isn’t something to be proud/amazed of, but something to be expected.
Whoa… that was a long sentence 🙂
Nobody said it “had to be” mentioned. TrollTech has an official policy of only breaking compatibility on major revisions (e.g. 2.x -> 3.x), and they’ve adhered to that policy faithfully. Please save your sense of moral superiority for occasions when you know what you are talking about.
Buying from trolltech is like mailing a check to Canopy-SCO. Like SCO, trolltech is a canopy company. Yarro sits on trolltech’s BOD. Trolltech also owns a chunk of SCO, and trolltech refuses to divest themselves. I would stay as far away from any toxic canopy companies as I could.
Don’t get me wrong. I am an avid linux user, but it would be nice to include a windows port of a GPL program along with the Mac version.
As far as I can tell, Trolltech is not very likely to release a GPL version of Qt/Windows.
However, there is a project going on to port the GPL-ed X11 version to native win32:
And then there is a project on a native Windows implementation of xlib which would mean ‘foreign’ X11 applications could run in their own windows alongside ‘native’ Win32 applications: http://libw11.sourceforge.net/
Since you’ve decided to repeat the skewed representatiom of the facts about TrollTech and Canopy (despite repeated clarifications here). And the moderator (in his infinite wisdom) has decided not to remove your comment when he reviewed it. I’d like to ask you to please specify your source for the statement ‘Trolltech also owns a chunk of SCO’.
Thanks (not that I really expect you can provide an answer).
WOW! I own one million SCO Shares, run Solaris and own sun equipment, programme using qt so I must be the ultimate anti-christ!
ps. if you haven’t realised it year, I don’t invest into tech stocks so the above should be obvious to anyone who knows me.