In the spark of the upcoming MS Office, OO.o, KOffice and the recent release of Gnome Office 1.0, Gobe has released a new demo version to their office suite, Gobe Productive, version 3.0.4. However purchasers of the full version haven’t seen the actual free upgrade to 3.0.4 from 3.0.3, which fixes a number of bugs (this update has apparently stack in testing for more than a year).
This is a great bugfix release for me; Gobe Productive 3.0.3 failed on starting up on my Sharp laptop, which runs Windows XP Japanese version. The new release runs great, so I’m a happy camper.
— gary_c
So when will I see this upgrade. I have 3.0.3 , I don’t really understand how there is a demo version of a patch.
I really hope this fixes the bug of the shortcut in the program menu randomly deciding to start to install Gobe.
Well, we are almost there. The update page has been created
just nothing in it yet.
NOTE: To update, you have to have GOBE productive already installed. Read the release notes! Then under help select check for updates.
well thats good to know, can’t wait for it to be there
Since you say “we are almost there”, does that mean that you are with gobe?
I’m really hard pressed to care about Gobe. They were one of the worst parts about leaving BeOS for OS X GP for BeOS could not produce word files that were correct, adding a number of steps to the file translation process to convert several hundred of my WP files into something Appleworks would read. Further, when I tried to contact them, their voice mailbox was eternally full and my e-mail was completely ignored. I would *never* buy anything from these people again, and I would encourage others not to as well.
What BeOS needs is OpenOffice… Seeing that it already runs on just about every operating system… it’d be the ideal platform….and it would guarantee interoperability with other OS’s office file formats…..
Maybe Zeta can invest some of its returns to the OO.o BeOS port fundraiser…. although, it looks like a few peeps are working on it…
(i.e. )
What’s the story here?
Promoise to go open source and then change your mind? Why didnt the editors here mention that in this article posting?
Wheres the Linux version of gobe?
happy hacker,
Give them a break, they don’t have an OSX version, you choice to switch to an OS they don’t have a version for. Secondly they did go out of business, so it’s not like they simply didn’t care, there was no one there to care.
Han Solo and iWindoze
You remember one article but never saw others where things never happened that way. They never got the money and such. So the new company never went formed. Also, they never promised anything. A company saying they plan to do something is in no way a promise. Also, them not giving out the source in no way hurt you. It left you in the same place you were in before the possiblity of them opensourcing it happened. So get over it! Thankfully they didn’t go opensource. They got the company going again, and are now rolling again. If it had been opensourced there would be no more Gobe. Now I can download the update when it’s ready. Amazing isn’t it, it’s not opensource yet not being opensource doesn’t matter since I pay for it. And there is nothing wrong with paying for it and supporting people who do great work.
I want to see Gobe live. I don’t want opensource apps with no focus and random forking and incompleteness. Also Gobe in time might get some market share, by atracting business and having cash inflow to pay people to get it done.
Also not going opensource has nothing to do with the article, hence it not being mentioned. It’s an aticle about an update, not the ongoings at Gobe, and even then the opensource issue wouldn’t matter since that’s months ago and didn’t happen.
People should know that there were a lot of things that happened at Gobe: the company got bought, reselled back etc. since all these plans were made public (gpl linux version etc).
As you can understand, new management means new decisions.
It’s probably the same place it was 2 years ago or so, not here. I think they may have dumped it. Still I think free version coupons are still valid. A free coupon for a version doesn’t mean they must produce it though. I’d rather they focus efforts on the windows version and even better an OSX version. A linux version would simply be a waste of resources.
“As you can understand, new management means new decisions.”
So did they retract the open source idea? Was there a press release? (I had assumed it wasn’t happening because no one was talking about it anymore, but it’d be nice to read a press release or something).
Ok, this is pointless, MS Office suite rules the desktop office suite market. This will remain in the ‘backwoods’ of ‘free’ software users. When it comes down to functionality MS Office beats all these hands down.
you mean something like this
>So did they retract the open source idea?
I don’t know. I just said that “new management means new decisions.” Whatever the outcome.
>Was there a press release?
No the company is particularly quiet.
I love Gobe productive. I find it alot easier to use than MS Office IMO.
Maybe Zeta can invest some of its returns to the OO.o BeOS port fundraiser
That’ll be the day! In case you haven’t noticed yT’s business idea is porting applications but keeping them closed to their own platform. They expect OBOS to make the OS, and themselves to take leading point as they have the apps.
Rather keep pumping mails to GoBe requesting a v3 for BeOS or send cash to to port OOo (I think they’re in the process actually).
yT return to the community Wahahaha, that was a good one..
Actually, Brad, I switched while they were making the development push to windows, making press releases, etc. Had they even e-mailed me to say “sorry, can’t help you” it would have been an improvement. I bought a lot of software from these people in the BeOS years, and was rewarded with indifference.
I have a problem with a company that fails (and continues to fail) to communicate with their customers except when they have something to sell. So I stand by what I said, and would never buy anything from Gobe again.
So the new company never went formed. Also, they never promised anything.
I realize you were talking about open sourcing GoBE Productive, but I liked your comment about promises, so I am hijacking it here to talk about promises made by GoBE to me. Promises they didn’t keep.
I wanted a Linux version of GoBE because I liked it on BeOS. I called them and they told me to buy the Windows version (which I don’t need or want since I only use Windows at work, and only part of the time at that) and they would send me the Linux version when it was done; so I did.
Well, over a year later, I still don’t have what I paid for; a Linux version. I must admit I do have a nice, $30 or $40 coaster that says GoBE for Windows on it though. If anybody wants it, it’s yours for the cost of shipping.
I don’t like getting ripped off, and that’s exactly what this company did to me. I would like them to make it right by either refunding my money or giving me what I paid for. Since they are unwilling to do either, however, I see no reason to support them in anyway.
Nothing good in my opinion. They are brave enough to enter the MS domain directly which in my opinion is a fool decision. I predict that they will end up worse than WordPerfect. Although the pricing maybe a lot cheaper than MS Office, MS product gave more functionality. History have shown that there are little chances for this type of product to compete with MS product.
To me if they want to really make way to success, they should have opt for producing a good productivity application for alternative operating system such as *BSD, Linux, BeOS, *UNIX or OSX. The current situation still shows that these platform still lack of good office application. It doesn’t have to be free if their product is good, I’m confident the user will buy especially companies.
I’ve downloaded the trial, installed it and fiddled a tiny bit.
But what does it have over OpenOffice for me? What should I be looking out for?
When they were on the verge of going out of business and trying to go opensource, they messed up an order I had made. I emailed them and they not only corrected it, but sent be an extra copy free. I will do business with them again.
Anyone who does not know what happened to FreeRadicalSoftware and that GoBe has gone back into business simply hasn’t been paying attention.
I received my copy of GoBe Productive v 3.0.3 about two weeks ago. Once I talked to them the order was processed quickly. I have seen only 1 cell on 1 Excel spreadsheet that was not handled as expected. It appears to be faster than Star Office 6.0.
I just received the 3.0.4 version.
I took a Systems Analysis and Design class this past spring. I needed to make several DFD and ERD diagrams. The book used a program called Visible ANalyst, which apparently is so expensive that they don’t list the price on their website. I used GoBeProductive instead, and easily made custom shapes for both types of diagrams.
I’m happy. I’m glad to hear that gobe is back in action. I loved the BE version, but for one reason or another, did not buy the windows version when it came out.
This time, I’m getting out the wallet. Why? Because it’s the only office suite that is truly integrated: spreadsheet, presentation, drawing, etc.-doesn’t matter. It’s all considered one document,one application.
Now, all I need is ZETA, and I’ll be happy.
I think if Gobe could manage to port Productive to platforms that have no office suite they might be able to carve a niche for themselves. I am not interested in Productive for any platform that OOo exists for. I would like to have Productive for BeOS, OBOS, B.E.O.S., Cosmoe, Amiga, QNX, etc.. (especially QNX) Maybe I’d even buy a copy for NeXT.
Stu and Emy, you both act like religeous zealots! Any software company willing to got toe-to-toe with Microsoft should be applauded, if for no other reason than for having the balls to do it. You both may be inclinded to lay down and accept what Microsoft has to offer, but there are lots more people who are fed up with that company and there software (I’m one of ’em). I may never try GoBe Productive, but I’ll have to wait to see what the Linux version looks like, and if they decide to charge for it or not. But unless you both support software piracy (and I hope for your sake that you don’t), Microsoft Office represents the most expensive and bloated suite of applications in existence. There are features that most people will never use, and it’s horribly expensive…one of the lowest prices for the full, non-upgrade version that I’ve found is $369 from Even StarOffice, which offers everything that does save for the database, is only $76. and KOffice are free.
Both your attitudes appall me. If you visit this site regularly, you should know that it’s not just about Microsoft anymore. What the computing community needs is fewer people willing to follow Microsoft like sheep.
Well i’m sorry that happened to you. I must say and it looks like others are the same, that Gobe has been very good to it’s customers.
I really can’t say much about the linux thing, but still, companies do fail, and you can’t expect a company to give you something when they aren’t even around. You could have waited till the final version for linux was avalible to, before purchasing. But hey it happens. Maybe the port never getting done simply says something about linux, and or it’s future in attracting apps.
Any problems I had they were quick to respond. When the first betas of GP3 came out I started using it. I was using it for a class project I had. Since I was using the spread sheet part the most and graphing I found a good number of bugs. Reported them and in some times they were back to me in minutes to help with it. Also, when I sugested things in the graphing bit they made the changes. I was simply amazed by how they interacted with me. I hope those same people are still there. I forget who worked on the spreadsheet/graphing component but he was great at working with users.
also GP3 is wonderful for making schematics and such very quickly. I know have a collection of ones I have done for a university project. GP3 makes it very fast to punch out diagrams that are beautiful, also they are easy to expand and re-use in a modular fashion. I would buy GP3 simple for the drawing functions of it. I use it all the time. People are constantly wondering what I do them in. Sadly I have to tell them it’s a company that doesn’t exist anymore, at least that has changed. If Gobe had been around the last year I would have sent some business their way.
I’m on Windows XP Home, and I downloaded the trial and whenver I try to load a .doc, it crashes on me. Even .docs that I just created WITH the damned program! It just CRASHES! Every time! Sorry, but I don’t think that it’s quite ready yet.
From Microsoft :
MS Office XP Standard : $ 399.00
From GoBe :
GoBe Productive 3.0.4 : $ 49.95
From Sun :
Star Office (Small Office/Home Office) : $ 80.00
From Ebay :
17″ Dell Trinitron Monitor : $ 60.00
IBM PC 300 PL (Pentium II 450 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 10.1 GB Hard drive, S3 Trio3D AGP video 4MB, 32X CD-ROM drive, floppy disk drive, keyboard, scrolling wheel mouse) : $ 100.00
Can you tell me why I should buy MS Office XP when with less money I’ll get a computer, a monitor and an office suite from either Sun or GoBe, without taking OpenOffice into consideration ?
Needless to say, many people *can* open .doc files successfully with Gobe Productive. I don’t know what Gobe’s support setup is these days; the last time I used it was back when the company was a more going concern, but you might want to file a bug report with them if they’re ready to receive them. Previously, when I couldn’t get Productive to start up on my system, they were *very* thorough about pursuing the issue. Now, with this upgrade, fortunately it’s a moot point, as it works fine. Apparently there’s either some file corruption or incompatibility of some kind with your system.
— Gary