The SkyOS developers are working on brining lots of new features in the new version 3.6 as you can see here. A new screenshot can be seen here as well. MenuetOS is prepared to release version 0.63 which enables the MTRRs for the Intel LFBs resulting to a much faster GUI. Also, a newer version of FreeVMS was released recently.
After seeing the article on SkyOS on this site I felt the need to try the os. After downloading and writing the image to a floppy and startin up my system it began to boot and everything seemed to go nicely and it then loaded the gui and poped the terminal up on startup…not knowing the commands of the term for this os I just typed ls to see if it would list the files and it did then I hit the(im guessing) minimize button on the term app and then the fatal error exception came up and terminated the term app…well recieveing this error so early in my exploration of this os made me think less of the os already…well I just brushed it off and went about my exploring again and I right clicked and then went to the configuration app but to my surprise another fatal error exception happened terminating the app again i then went to the panel and looked over some of its options and I cant remember which option i clicked but to no surprise i had gotten another error but this time the error locked up the panel and locked up the system. Now in my opinion this os needs some serious work but I’m not tryin to degrade this os but this is just my experience from trying it out and the speed of this os is dramatically slow in my opinion. So if any others care to comment on this I’d be glad to hear it.
James, none of the three OSes are mentioned in the article are finished. They are hobby projects, they are in no shape to compete not even with AtheOS (which is another half-finished OS, but a bit much further down the line). It is true that for the x86, the only OSes that are absolutely suitable for day to day usages are the Unixes, OS/2, QNX RtP, BeOS and Windows. All the rest, are in the domain of the “hobby” one. The version of SkyOS you tried is 3.4, the news and the screenshot is from the version 3.6. I suggest you send a bug report to the developers so they can fix the issues you encountered.
It’s promising, the most exciting of the bunch. IMHO, of course. I thought it was just yet anohter OS project, but after having gotten acquainted with it, I am impressed. Way to go, guys.
It won’t be popular with Linux zealots, though (not that anything except Linux would): how can possibly an OS be good if not written in C?!
define good os first….
BeOS-like ;o)
Anyway, I was just parafrazing the Linux zealots, not my own opinion. I should have put it in quotes, like this: “how can possibly an OS be good if not written in C?!”