From Mac news site MacMinute: “Victor Kulesh today announced the release of Veta Universal Palm Edition, which will turn a Bluetooth-enabled Palm PDA into a wireless remote control for your Mac. “Now users can use their Tungsten T Palms to remotely control many applications such as iTunes, Keynote, DVD Player and even the mouse on their computers.” Veta Universal Palm Edition is priced at US$10.”
$10 software? is that for real?
quickfingers … RTFA, hehe
At first, I thought this meant the release of some new VNC-like app, which certianly wouldn’t be a big deal- you can control your Mac (or Windows, Linux, etc) machine from your Newton, WinCE, Linux, Psion, or Palm PDA.
I’ve got something like this for my PDA now, and it’s free. I don’t have Bluetooth, so it’s not as slick as this setup would be, but I have a Squeak ( ) app that sends messages to a little app on my iBook- this app controls iTunes and other apps via AppleScript. It is pretty slick, and I imagine it does a thing or two this Veta app may not… What is especially neat is the PDA client asks the Mac for what it can do, what control it provides, answering an array listing the controlled app, it’s capabilities, and a description for baloon help. If I bought a DVD-ROM for my iBook and could now play DVDs and watned DVD remote, the PDA client wouldn’t need any updating. And it’s free, however un-polished. It runs anywhere Squeak does, which only mean Linux and WinCE PDAs for now. It is confined to the Mac as a server for the time being, but only because it uses AppleScript- adapting it to run on Windows or Linux wouln’t be hard at all, considering Squeak already runs on just about every platform.
I think they are going to have to raise the price quite a bit if they want Apple usesrs to think they are getting a quality product.
Why new VNC-like app? VNC aviable on the Palm, Psion, and J2ME.
> VNC aviable on the Palm, Psion, and J2ME.
And for $0 btw