L.A.S. Linux is a ‘live CD’ distribution of Linux (based on Knoppix) with a CD-bootable toolkit for information security professionals and systems administrators. Its small footprint maks it able to fit on a 185MB mini-CD. Despite its small size, L.A.S. contains over 100 security tools including basic desktop applications, an array or forensic, penetration testing, intrusion detection, sniffers, and administrative utilities. Changes in this latest version include the addition of Ettercap-GTK, Clam Anti-Virus, MiniCOM, SpikeProxy, MRTG, and many of the Cisco-centric Open Source Exchange tools.
I must say, this absolutely rocks. Sort of a trinux, but for 2003. Reminds me of an old 2600 article about hacking from a RAM disk.
This is great!!
I use Knoppix to repair fat32 errors on Windows XP (it wont boot now and then) and this las mini-cd will come handy.
Were does one get those mini-cds, at less than painful prices?
Why is a 185 MB mini-cd put forward as this big feature with these distros? The majority of people have no problem handling a regular cd, and you can make the distro more full featured without this so called “feature”.
The type of mini cd they’re referring to here are squared off like a business card and can be kept in your wallet. That’s very handy.
Hey do mini cds work with any cd burner and cd software like k3b and nero???
The type of mini cd they’re referring to here are squared off like a business card and can be kept in your wallet. That’s very handy
AFAIK, the squared ones have a 50 MB capacity, while the 185/200 MB ones are completely rounded Mini-CDs.
Yep they are the completly rounded ones, open up your cd drive and you’ll see a circle inside a circle that is the size of them, still able to fit in a wallet. although I wouldn’t want sit on it.
secondly this ticks me off, I remasterd knoppix just for this reason now there is a product out from someone who knows what they’re doing.. d’oh!
“Hey do mini cds work with any cd burner and cd software like k3b and nero???” — I’ve burned a bunch of them with k3b and from the command line. No problems at all, and the disks have booted up on all the machines I tried them on. The Slackware Live CD is probably my favourite right now, but I’m gonna download this LAS right now.
Knoppix STD? I’ve used it and it’s pretty good. Does LAS have the same goals?
why oh why change to an inferior product, the only reason linux has no security worms/viruses is because no one uses the shit OS. Why would anyone create a virus program whenever only 5 people use it, and they all live in canada. Im telling you dont trust the canadians with their beards and little beady eyes.
Everyone should stick with windows OS, they offer better functionality and security and all the worms are created just out of pure jealousy for the next president of america Bill Gates. He’s sure got my vote.
“Word of advice ditch the zero and go with the hero”
Quote from cool as ice starring vanilla ice
You rule, I bet you tell everyone “word to your mother”.