Time for Linux Users to Leave the Moral High Ground?

The BBC has a great editorial on the current situation with SCO and Linux. In it, the author suggests that Linux isn’t immune from copyright violations simply because free software is morally superior; that without IP laws there would be nothing stopping anyone from ripping Linux off and therefore its users should show it more respect, and that there is no evidence that SCO’s claims are invalid. He also notes that there is no evidence that their claims are valid either. My take (Sean’s): he’s right. There is no reason to believe that someone couldn’t have snuck some SCO code into Linux. No one can go over the 30 million lines of code in a Linux distribution to check where the code came from – especially if it came from a closed source product in which case they would have no way of knowing. SCO may not be the bad guy, IBM might (wow, what a thought!) Of course, SCO might be blowing smoke, but the Linux community’s attitude has been quite poor. Personally, I think that if SCO code made its way into Linux, it won’t be much, it will be easily removed/replaced and life will go on. Remember, if SCO’s claims are valid and they lose, think of how the FSF would fare against Microsoft?


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