Secure Programmer: Developing secure programs

This column explains how to write secure applications; it focuses on the Linux operating system, but many of the principles apply to any system. In today’s networked world, software developers must know how to write secure programs, yet this information isn’t widely known or taught. This first installment of the Secure programmer column introduces the basic ideas of how to write secure applications and discusses how to identify the security requirements for your specific application. Future installments will focus on different common vulnerabilities and how to prevent them.


  1. 2003-08-27 4:39 pm
  2. 2003-08-27 4:57 pm
  3. 2003-08-27 5:18 pm
  4. 2003-08-27 5:50 pm
  5. 2003-08-27 6:48 pm
  6. 2003-08-27 7:30 pm
  7. 2003-08-27 7:38 pm
  8. 2003-08-27 8:34 pm
  9. 2003-08-28 12:25 am
  10. 2003-08-28 12:30 am
  11. 2003-08-28 2:59 am
  12. 2003-08-28 5:11 am
  13. 2003-08-28 10:15 am