The KDE Project announced KDE 3.1.3 today. It’s the third maintenance release of the successful KDE 3.1.x series and ships with many bugfixes and improved translations. KDE 3.1.3 also contains a fix for a possible http authentication leak in the http referrer header. Info, changelog.
KDE 3.1.3 Released
About The Author
Eugenia Loli
Ex-programmer, ex-editor in chief at, now a visual artist/filmmaker.
Follow me on Twitter @EugeniaLoli
I checked the KDE KHTML Changelog today in order to find out if the latest Safari/Apple changes were already merged as I’d like to update my khtml in order to use all these changes since i’ve seen it quite often that my safari on the ibook rendered the pages lotsa better than konqueror on my desktop.
but the changelog or that safari_log file didn’t have much valuable information; does anyone know a page or blog or something which i can read in order to keep track of the implementation of the apple changes into the khtml tree?
yeah it’s very ironic that they posted screenshots in an image format that all modern browsers can display, rather than posting them in svg format that very few can yet display.. yeah. The irony of it all.. dammit…
why would you want to use tools/software designed for the grody, bloated, counter-intuitive system like unix/X11?
Wait a minute, you’re calling unix/X11 bloated? Well Mac users like to brag that OSX is Unix-based so toss that out of your statement, and Quartz faster than X11? At least X11 and its desktop environments don’t need hardware 3D acceleration for decent UI responsiveness.
My main system is an iBook running Jaguar. Yes I agree OSX is nice, but that doesn’t make it better. How is X11 DEs such as KDE counter-intuitive? To you it may be because you’re use to doing things the MacOS way. I know nothing of your background but mine is Windows/Linux and only recently OSX, so to me OSX is counter-intuitive, but it’s all relative to each individual.
And to answer your question as to why we’d want to use other tools and windowing systems instead of OSX’s native stuff:
Because we can. It’s all about choice and having that liberty. In fact I replaced the Aqua theme with a QNX look alike theme, and in my opinion OSX on my iBook feels smoother and more responsive and it looks better
khtml on 3.1.3 just have bugfixes. stuff from safari team (and other developers) will be out with 3.2.X
BTW… there are lots of improvements on khtml cvs that are not on safari yet.
Those changes (some or all?) are intended to be in KDE 3.2. This has been the plan for quite a while in fact. So unfortunately we must be patient for a bit longer.
That’s the price you pay for running a ‘stable’ distro. When NASA updated the computer system on board Hubble just a few years ago – they updated it with a 486 !!! This is because they TEST everything vigirously before they put it into production.
BTW – you can of course get the new update for KDE is you run debian UNSTABLE
My anti-unix comments were ment to be representative of the Mac community’s bromides.
Either way, it was a joke. What, you didn’t by the iSenseOfHumor upgrade from Apple yet?
I guess they’ll happen eventually. Enormous patch dumps are a bitch to do anything with, especially in the way Apple did it. Marketing comes first for them, co-operation with the projects they are taking from comes waaaaay down the list.
Yes, I’m grumpy. I’ve spent the last several weeks merging patches from TransGaming and even CodeWeavers (!) now, so I feel pretty sorry for the KHTML guys who have a years worth of code to merge in. Ow. Wouldn’t want that job.
>When NASA updated the computer system on board Hubble just a few years ago – they updated it with a 486 !!!
I thought that was more to do with heating issues – a pentium chip produced too much heat for their requirements, so they went for the 486. The joke was that “Hubble to get Intel inside”, since the 486 was the first chip to be marketed with this slogan.
But yes of course they test everything before they produce it, but sometimes they mess up the units
As far as I know, everything up to Safari Build 62 has been merged, plus some smaller things and some direct checkins by Apple’s David Hyatt. All this will be released to the public in KDE 3.2 – KDE 3.1.x releases contain relatively small bugfixes only.
That applies to the whole KDE software package, by the way. Judging by the 3.1.x releases, one might assume there’s not a lot happening – the opposite is the case. Development has been at a fast pace for month now; 3.2 will be an awesome improvement. Expect a wealth of new features a better performance on the whole. KDE’s very much alive and kicking.
>I’d love to see Kate running without the need of X11.
Kate can run without X11 (I’ve got it on my Zaurus, running on Qtopia).
Ok this could be a bit unrelated but I would appreciate if someone can please tell me if I am doing something wrong.
Installation of new KDE styles. It NEVER works for me. What I do is, I type ./configure then make and make install and I get no error messages but whenever I launch the KDE Contrlol Center, the style does not appear, it’s not listed. I type all the commands using the root user. Even though I get NO error messages, the styles do NOT appear. Why?
I try that out on Mandrake 9.1.
Alex : whan you compile, you need the library rpms :
the devel is important. If you get an error : -lXXX not found
you need the rpm : libXXX-devel.
I don’t know Mandrake. Anyway, I suppose the style plugins end up in the wrong place. The proper place is $KDEDIR/lib/kde3/plugins/styles
By default you should find there,, and
If the style shows up with the qtconfig utility, it has been installed to $QTDIR/plugins/styles. You then need to copy it to the above path.
Maybe you should ask on a Mandrake forum for proper compilation flags to avoid such hassle.
Thanks for your assistance zeb but I don’t know on which library you are reffering to and I am not sure how to specify it. A more specific explanation would be nice if someone has got the time…Thx
Thx Guido this certainly helps and it makes a big sense to me Greatly appreciated, I’ll try it out and if it fails, I will end up at Mandrake forums
Thx again
Guido is right…
For Mandrake you should type: ./configure –prefix=/usr
Because $KDEDIR is /usr in this distro.
I don’t know why they do this…
/usr/kde or /opt/kde would be better I think.
Mandrake has a screwed up menu structure and so when you compile a theme, the symlinks and .so files it makes are put in their correct places, which do not work on Mdk.
there are ways around this. See for fuller explanation of the problem.
>>I’d love to see Kate running without the need of X11.
> Kate can run without X11 (I’ve got it on my Zaurus, running on Qtopia).
Wow, thanks Graig!
I’ll send you my postal address, so you’ll be able to post me your Zaurus, since I only have an iBook with OSX.
My anti-unix comments were ment to be representative of the Mac community’s bromides.
Close, but no banana. Your comments were actually representative of the PC community’s bromides =)
Oh, and congratulations in staying on topic!
As for KDE 3.x, are there any indications that it’s going to start trimming fat anytime soon? It’s one of the few roadblocks along my way to use *nix on the desktop.
Good Grief
>Wow, thanks Graig!
>I’ll send you my postal address, so you’ll be able to
>post me your Zaurus, since I only have an iBook with OSX.
As QT for OSX is available, and TinyKate (the PDA variant for the Zaurus and iPaq) can be compiled to use just QT (I know, I’ve compiled it myself), someone (you?) could easily compile it for OSX. Surely your programming is better than your spelling
If you want themes wthout all the bs and trouble, trickle on over to and get Texstar’s RPMS, No fuss, no muss, and they work.
SVG is a vector format, not really suitable for screenshots (and completely unusable for photos, etc.) It wouldn’t make any sense whatsoever.
Yep, the ./configure –prefix=/usr works! Thx guys! Now I would know how to configure styles on other distros too Finally I can change to something new.
Cool a new version, must tell my distro’s packager to package this….
I’m wondering if it’s possible to enable SVG icons instead of the pre-rendered PNG icons yet? Does anybody know if KDE has any plans to implement on the fly scaling ala OSX?
Do you mean this?
With the release of the QT/OSX under a open source licence, I was hoping to sem lots of KDE software ported. But, it’s not happening.
I’d love to see Kate running without the need of X11.
PS. Sorry my poor english, I’m not a native speaker (or writer for this matter).
Just bug fixes, nothing special. KDE-3.2 are where the eyeballs are on.
> Do you mean this?
Rather he means
> With the release of the QT/OSX under a open source licence, I was hoping to sem lots of KDE software ported. But, it’s not happening.
Says who? It’s happening but not over night. is a good place to watch for progress.
OSX is such a super-dee-duper operating system with such an awsome, cancer-curing, better then sliced bread, sexier then cheese cake interface, why would you want to use tools/software designed for the grody, bloated, counter-intuitive system like unix/X11? What, iTunes doesn’t do everything you want done?
Ah, a new version of my favorite desktop environment. Joy!
that would be sweet for languages not supported by project builder and Xcode, like perl and python and php!!
That would be great. Project Builder sucks so much!
KDE already has SVG icons. It doesn’t have SVG rendering in Konqi or other things as yet, so SVG in webpages and applications is still only half there. It’ll hopefully be done for 3.2.
SVG icons are rendered into PNG on a regular basis (whenever you change font size, create new icons, etc.), so that you have an icon that is high quality, but since it hasn’t changed, you don’t need to take the time to parse and re-render the SVG every time. Then if anything changes for the icon, it gets updated. So while you aren’t actually seeing an SVG icon rendered for you right that second, you see something identical in every instance. It just saves processing cycles, really.
> Do you mean this?
Rather he means